HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1945_0314Grass Fires Are Fire Problem With the beginning of spring weather the fire department has already begun to respond to calls to extinguish insipient grass fires. Chief Roberts requests that the residents of the township use a reasonable amount of care when burning grass to see that the fire does not get dut of control. Never start a grass fire and go away Livonia Community School News Livonia Health and leave it, in fact there is no good reason for starting a grass fire. 1 Wilcox School. very much. Last - year the Michigan State The Fifth and Sixth grades are We are still working on capital Guild Meeting Collegewas contacted and it was preparing to take part in the Met- letters. We learned how to make the opinion of one of the profes ropolitan Spelling Bee, Practice capital K today. Our pepper plant The, Livonia Township Health sors that no good whatsoever was bees are being held. is covered with small white blos- Guild which was organized at a derived from burning grass off a The Second grade has been soms. They are very pretty.- meeting held Feb. 1 will have its piece of property, particularly a studying about Holland and the Fourth grade: We are having a second meeting March 15 at 2:00 field. In the first place it destroys Dutch people. We are making a defense stamp contest. Binnie p.m. in the Stark school, This the nests of birds, .and secondarily Holland scene on our front bulle- Carrither's side has $68.00 and Guild has as its purpose helping the, fire spreads so rapidly that it tin board. Bob Hall has made Clyde Rice's side has $78.65, mak to improve the health of the com- does not burn the large weeds at some very good Dutch figures. ing• a total of $146:65 in three munity by determining its needs, The Sixth grade is ,studying a weeks' time. and by furthering health educa- a1L found in unit on the Germanic tribes and We are writing English stories tion. The speakers for .the meet - The many cases that tfire ascalls have the paths they followed when, about Beavers after seeing the director of ill be nur nurses at the Hermaiss Blanch n been placed by people other than they spread over`Europe. We are moving picture Baby Beavers, Keifer hospital, who will talk on reading the Story of Siegfried' . Our room is decorated for „ the ones who are doing the burn- the subject of Tuberculosis and ing of grass because from where by James 'Baldwin in connection March with tulips, windmills, and the use of the tuberculin test." they can see the fire, it looks as With this unit. a Dutch scene. Graduate nurses and those who if it were very close to some build- Plans are underway for the Fifth grade: The children of our have completed the Red Cross ing and they think it is their duty Spring Festival, We are working school have enjoyed many movies Nursing course or the Red Cross to call the. fire department. on songs and dances. At this from the University of Michigan. Nurse's aid course are eligible t s week's Assembly George Sommer- Among the topics we have had are Be sure the fire is of a danger- man, Patsy Lockyer, Harry Tubbs, the "Arid 'Southwest,'} `.Beavers," join the Livonia Township Health ous nature before you make a Shirley Ostrander' Fred Tubbs "The Oregon Trail " "The Daniel Guild. Officers of the- Guild in - call that necessitates four or five Ann Williamson, Howard Ross Boone Trail," "Pacific Coast," elude the president, Mrs. R. A. men leaving their regular work to and Susan Bowen danced the "Salmon .Pictures," "Cotton and Snodgrass; vice president, Mrs. A. respond to a fire call that should Nixie Polka, We are also learning Linen Manufacturing" and "Pueb_ Kreger; and secretary -treasurer, not have been turned in in the a southern square dance and the to Indians." We expect to see a Mrs. L. M. Hotchkiss, who will be first place. Good Mixer. film on Bears and a colored film glad to answer any questions con - Over 60 percent of the calls Also at assembly. Wayne Rick on birds. cering membership, made last year were for grass fires ert and Jerald Pariseau described The following children received and only .90 percentof these turn- a trip to the creamery. Glen a perfect score in spelling last Fire Phone Used ed out to be of a serious nature so Sheppard gave a report on fossils, week: Katy O'Hara, Claire Patton, please be very careful this year Livonia School Gerald Yatzeck and Rodney Wal - and help the department -in this Dick Thomas has been absent; lis. respect, from school because of a broken Sixth grade: We had charge of For Wrong Galls * wrist. the Assembly last Friday. Last Friday Mr. Brake gave Newburg School Many phone calls in the past have the Eighth graders an interesting The second basketball game be- come over the fire phone. o tai ) Ask Support talk on his recent trip to Wash- tween NewburgJt. High and when the person wanted e talk g to Chief Roberts about some mat - T ington, D. C. Plymouth 8th grade teams was ter other than relative to a fire On Mill Llm�t urAll sections in 8th grade Arith- played Monday, March 5. The call . . , this is very disturbing etic are studying Algebra, and Newburg players were Bruce to other members of the depart - find it very interesting, MacGregar, Larry Bentley, Doug- ment who are connected to -the The regular monthly meeting of The three room champion spell- las Phillips, Jim McDowell, Jim fire phone who have to answer the Rosedale Garden's Civic As- .er for the Eighth grade were: Bet- Butt; and Dick Wylie. During the the phone when it rings and it is sociation was held Friday evening tv Ross, Shirley Long, and Wanda first half the Plymouth Eighth requested that -when anyone at the Community Club House. Nielsen. The grade champion is grade played and the score was wishes to call Chief Roberts -on This was to have been a `"gripe" Naomi Hogan. 6-17 in favor of Plymouth. At the any personal matter or business session but apparently most of the ` Beverly Woolgast is the seventh end of the second half, the Ply- other than •a fire call that the residents are well satisfied with grade spelling champion. The mouth Seventh grade played and chief's own telephone be used , . . the status -quo for there were few room champions are Joyce Carson the score ended 31-19 in favor of the number is similar (2-55,6) and peeves aired. The usual question and Sylvia Bell. , Newburg. An extra quarter was care should be used in dialing this of the rules and regulations re- —Lorraine Vincent: played and the score ended 11-8 number so as not to get it con- garding dogs was asked and Ray Pierson School in favor of Plymouth.—Richard fused with the fire phone. Owens and Jess Ziegler explained Fourth grade: We have finished Wylie. Please do not use the fire phone the rules to the group on the li- our study of Holland and have Movies were shown on Thurs- except to report a fire. censing of dogs. some interesting pictures and day, March 8, at Newburg Jr. H. O. Johnson township school stories made by the pupils, .on High. The admission was ten cents superintendent urged all to get the bulletin board. We are making or more—the money to be given Radio Speaker out and vote for the amendment plans for an indoor garden, to the Red 'Cross fund which is regarding the 15 mill limitation . Fifth grade: We are beginning a just another way in which New - and explained the necessity of unit on pioneer life. George Wells burg is going "all out" for the Red Tells Of P1aSt1CS building the new school as soon as and George Spicer have already Cross. Slides of California were times and circumstances would made covered wagons. This week shown by Jim McDowell and two The Rosedale Gardens Women's permit. we studied the picture "Behirid films were furnished by Carl Van club held an interesting meeting It was decided to designate the Plow" by Lucy Kemp Welch. Covering. There was also an East Thursday evening when Betty Ro- Thursday evening, March 15th, as The Junior Red Cross is spon- Lansing. college film shown which berts of WJBK gave a talk on eeneral clean-up day for the club- soring a bake sale at the Pierson Mr. Rossman ordered. Its title was "Plastics in Rehabilitation." She house. Members are urged to get school on Saturday, Manch 17, be -"College Fights War for Peace." brought a plaster cast, and a pias on their oldest clothes and come ginning at 11:00 a,m, The pro- —Joan Kay tic hand, and explained how they t d ill b ds we donated o the armed with scrub brush and pail ceeStark School. are now made so closely resemb- American Red Cross. The Sixth rade is studying the lin the human hand or limb and and give the club -house a goad g Y g g , spring face-lifting, Rosedale School painting "Dance of the Nymphs" so manipulated thatit can scarce - Second grade: Christine brought by Corot. The artist first called ly be detected from the sound her little cousin to visit school this picture "Morning." This was member. These -hands are made A First Aid class will meet Mar. Friday, We are learning to play a because he wanted to paint the 1by Beaver Edwards, of whom so 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the Livonia Red Spring Rain song on the rhythm hazy light of morning which cov- much has been written in recent Cross center. Arnold Rutila, is the band. ers the landscape just as the dawn articles. Miss Roberts told the instrutor. There is still. time to We saw a film on cleanliness is breaking. or before the sun group that,ithe fund that the club join this interesting class. and Baby Beavers. We enjoyed it (Continued on Page Two) (Continued From Page One) Fd at the Plymou th, Michigan, Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. ymouth 16 Vol 6, No. 4 Wednesday, March 14, 1.945 does not get dut of control. Never start a grass fire and go away Livonia Community School News Livonia Health and leave it, in fact there is no good reason for starting a grass fire. 1 Wilcox School. very much. Last - year the Michigan State The Fifth and Sixth grades are We are still working on capital Guild Meeting Collegewas contacted and it was preparing to take part in the Met- letters. We learned how to make the opinion of one of the profes ropolitan Spelling Bee, Practice capital K today. Our pepper plant The, Livonia Township Health sors that no good whatsoever was bees are being held. is covered with small white blos- Guild which was organized at a derived from burning grass off a The Second grade has been soms. They are very pretty.- meeting held Feb. 1 will have its piece of property, particularly a studying about Holland and the Fourth grade: We are having a second meeting March 15 at 2:00 field. In the first place it destroys Dutch people. We are making a defense stamp contest. Binnie p.m. in the Stark school, This the nests of birds, .and secondarily Holland scene on our front bulle- Carrither's side has $68.00 and Guild has as its purpose helping the, fire spreads so rapidly that it tin board. Bob Hall has made Clyde Rice's side has $78.65, mak to improve the health of the com- does not burn the large weeds at some very good Dutch figures. ing• a total of $146:65 in three munity by determining its needs, The Sixth grade is ,studying a weeks' time. and by furthering health educa- a1L found in unit on the Germanic tribes and We are writing English stories tion. The speakers for .the meet - The many cases that tfire ascalls have the paths they followed when, about Beavers after seeing the director of ill be nur nurses at the Hermaiss Blanch n been placed by people other than they spread over`Europe. We are moving picture Baby Beavers, Keifer hospital, who will talk on reading the Story of Siegfried' . Our room is decorated for „ the ones who are doing the burn- the subject of Tuberculosis and ing of grass because from where by James 'Baldwin in connection March with tulips, windmills, and the use of the tuberculin test." they can see the fire, it looks as With this unit. a Dutch scene. Graduate nurses and those who if it were very close to some build- Plans are underway for the Fifth grade: The children of our have completed the Red Cross ing and they think it is their duty Spring Festival, We are working school have enjoyed many movies Nursing course or the Red Cross to call the. fire department. on songs and dances. At this from the University of Michigan. Nurse's aid course are eligible t s week's Assembly George Sommer- Among the topics we have had are Be sure the fire is of a danger- man, Patsy Lockyer, Harry Tubbs, the "Arid 'Southwest,'} `.Beavers," join the Livonia Township Health ous nature before you make a Shirley Ostrander' Fred Tubbs "The Oregon Trail " "The Daniel Guild. Officers of the- Guild in - call that necessitates four or five Ann Williamson, Howard Ross Boone Trail," "Pacific Coast," elude the president, Mrs. R. A. men leaving their regular work to and Susan Bowen danced the "Salmon .Pictures," "Cotton and Snodgrass; vice president, Mrs. A. respond to a fire call that should Nixie Polka, We are also learning Linen Manufacturing" and "Pueb_ Kreger; and secretary -treasurer, not have been turned in in the a southern square dance and the to Indians." We expect to see a Mrs. L. M. Hotchkiss, who will be first place. Good Mixer. film on Bears and a colored film glad to answer any questions con - Over 60 percent of the calls Also at assembly. Wayne Rick on birds. cering membership, made last year were for grass fires ert and Jerald Pariseau described The following children received and only .90 percentof these turn- a trip to the creamery. Glen a perfect score in spelling last Fire Phone Used ed out to be of a serious nature so Sheppard gave a report on fossils, week: Katy O'Hara, Claire Patton, please be very careful this year Livonia School Gerald Yatzeck and Rodney Wal - and help the department -in this Dick Thomas has been absent; lis. respect, from school because of a broken Sixth grade: We had charge of For Wrong Galls * wrist. the Assembly last Friday. Last Friday Mr. Brake gave Newburg School Many phone calls in the past have the Eighth graders an interesting The second basketball game be- come over the fire phone. o tai ) Ask Support talk on his recent trip to Wash- tween NewburgJt. High and when the person wanted e talk g to Chief Roberts about some mat - T ington, D. C. Plymouth 8th grade teams was ter other than relative to a fire On Mill Llm�t urAll sections in 8th grade Arith- played Monday, March 5. The call . . , this is very disturbing etic are studying Algebra, and Newburg players were Bruce to other members of the depart - find it very interesting, MacGregar, Larry Bentley, Doug- ment who are connected to -the The regular monthly meeting of The three room champion spell- las Phillips, Jim McDowell, Jim fire phone who have to answer the Rosedale Garden's Civic As- .er for the Eighth grade were: Bet- Butt; and Dick Wylie. During the the phone when it rings and it is sociation was held Friday evening tv Ross, Shirley Long, and Wanda first half the Plymouth Eighth requested that -when anyone at the Community Club House. Nielsen. The grade champion is grade played and the score was wishes to call Chief Roberts -on This was to have been a `"gripe" Naomi Hogan. 6-17 in favor of Plymouth. At the any personal matter or business session but apparently most of the ` Beverly Woolgast is the seventh end of the second half, the Ply- other than •a fire call that the residents are well satisfied with grade spelling champion. The mouth Seventh grade played and chief's own telephone be used , . . the status -quo for there were few room champions are Joyce Carson the score ended 31-19 in favor of the number is similar (2-55,6) and peeves aired. The usual question and Sylvia Bell. , Newburg. An extra quarter was care should be used in dialing this of the rules and regulations re- —Lorraine Vincent: played and the score ended 11-8 number so as not to get it con- garding dogs was asked and Ray Pierson School in favor of Plymouth.—Richard fused with the fire phone. Owens and Jess Ziegler explained Fourth grade: We have finished Wylie. Please do not use the fire phone the rules to the group on the li- our study of Holland and have Movies were shown on Thurs- except to report a fire. censing of dogs. some interesting pictures and day, March 8, at Newburg Jr. H. O. Johnson township school stories made by the pupils, .on High. The admission was ten cents superintendent urged all to get the bulletin board. We are making or more—the money to be given Radio Speaker out and vote for the amendment plans for an indoor garden, to the Red 'Cross fund which is regarding the 15 mill limitation . Fifth grade: We are beginning a just another way in which New - and explained the necessity of unit on pioneer life. George Wells burg is going "all out" for the Red Tells Of P1aSt1CS building the new school as soon as and George Spicer have already Cross. Slides of California were times and circumstances would made covered wagons. This week shown by Jim McDowell and two The Rosedale Gardens Women's permit. we studied the picture "Behirid films were furnished by Carl Van club held an interesting meeting It was decided to designate the Plow" by Lucy Kemp Welch. Covering. There was also an East Thursday evening when Betty Ro- Thursday evening, March 15th, as The Junior Red Cross is spon- Lansing. college film shown which berts of WJBK gave a talk on eeneral clean-up day for the club- soring a bake sale at the Pierson Mr. Rossman ordered. Its title was "Plastics in Rehabilitation." She house. Members are urged to get school on Saturday, Manch 17, be -"College Fights War for Peace." brought a plaster cast, and a pias on their oldest clothes and come ginning at 11:00 a,m, The pro- —Joan Kay tic hand, and explained how they t d ill b ds we donated o the armed with scrub brush and pail ceeStark School. are now made so closely resemb- American Red Cross. The Sixth rade is studying the lin the human hand or limb and and give the club -house a goad g Y g g , spring face-lifting, Rosedale School painting "Dance of the Nymphs" so manipulated thatit can scarce - Second grade: Christine brought by Corot. The artist first called ly be detected from the sound her little cousin to visit school this picture "Morning." This was member. These -hands are made A First Aid class will meet Mar. Friday, We are learning to play a because he wanted to paint the 1by Beaver Edwards, of whom so 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the Livonia Red Spring Rain song on the rhythm hazy light of morning which cov- much has been written in recent Cross center. Arnold Rutila, is the band. ers the landscape just as the dawn articles. Miss Roberts told the instrutor. There is still. time to We saw a film on cleanliness is breaking. or before the sun group that,ithe fund that the club join this interesting class. and Baby Beavers. We enjoyed it (Continued on Page Two) (Continued From Page One) Page Two 7= LITONIAN - Wednesday, March 14, 1945 School News (Continued from Page One) conies up. This is why a silvery gaze covers the entire picture. Co- rot uses beautiful silvery greens Ln all his pictures. The "Dance of the Nymphs" shows happiness which makes it attractive as well as beautiful to us. The picture hangs in the Louvre Art gallery in Paris. It was painted in 1850 and is the best known of Corot's paintings. It was purchased for 15,000 francs, or about $3;000 in American money. Fourth grade: In science we are studying the life and :habits of beavers. We have just begun to read about the Congo River in geogra- phy clas. The First grade pupils are read- inc stories about the "Zoo." We are drawing pictures of some of the animals and modeling others out of clay. Highway Plan To Help All Farmer, city dweller, the tourist and through traveler will share in the benefits of postwar construc- tion on Michigan highways, High- way Commissioner Charles M. Ziegler told the Michigan State, Association of Supervisors at their Camelot BEAUTY CLINIC Phone Livonia 2224 MARY CAMILOT ANN STEPHAN Work Thais Different and Diedne ive . • . 9098 Middlebefl between Chico & JOT Stormwindows cmd Insulation Will Cut Your Heating Costs to a Minimum We will gladly give you ai, estimate on the costs of in- sulating or on the costs of installing storm sack. The costs are exceedingly low and finance is available. Plymouth Lumber & Coal Coffipany 308 S. Main St., at P. M. Tracks Phone 102, Plymouth, Mich. annual meeting here last week. Michigan will receive $16,683,- 000 a year in federal aid funds for three consecutive years immedi- ately following the end of the wartime emergency, Commission- er Ziegler explained to the super- visors, with $4,135,000 to be ex- pended on farm -to -market roads, $5,713,000 in urban areas and $6,- 835,000 on federal aid trunklines. This money will be matched 50-50' by Michigan, thus doubling these amounts. Commissioner Ziegler said the State Highway Department has been working in close cooperation with the counties and cities of the state on wartime maintenance Problems and in plans for post- war construction and will con- tinue to do so because he firmly believes Michigan's 85,000 miles of county roads, 11,000 miles of FUEL OIL "We Ahn to Please" Phone Your Order to 191 Northville Night Calls Phone 88 Q R. ELY & SONS Eyes Right! city streets, and 9,400 miles of state trunklines are not separate road systems but a complete transportation system with mu- tual problems that should be met in a mutual and cooperative. spirit. In line with this policy, the commissioner said, the State Highway Department has been conferring with county and city units of government before de- termining exact locations for ma- jor postwar road projects in order that state and local traffic prob- lems may be solved in the most satisfactory manner to all con- cerned. *.. BUY WAR BONDS * Conkeys C Y-0 _ Egg Mash Makes Eggs at Low cost Production Get it from TOWERS FEED STORE 28850 Plymouth Rd. Phone Livonia 3161 FOR ACCURACY WAR INDUSTRY.! One error can cost lives and =1 Planes ... that are depending on �--9701y your accurate eyesight for safety! Don't take chances, let our Regis- tered Optometrist examine and prescribe the proper glasses for your improved, safe, sure vision. Dr. John A. Ross - Dr. L. E. Rehner DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY 809 Pennican Ave. Plymouth, Mich Phone 433 Our office hours are: Monday through Friday 1 to 9 o'clock Saturdays 10 to 2 o'clock. s 34115 Plymouth Road Owned by Carl Haray Southern Style FRIED CHICKEN Once again We are featuring our famous chicken. Try a treat you'll never forget. We Serve Breakfast — Lunch — Dinner For pre-war menus—where quality foods are prepared and sold at reasonable prices —eat regularly at Berry's. YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW USE THE BEST .. . CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phope 9 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. PLUMBING AND HEATING C. J. LEGGERT Parts and Fixtures Repairs and Service 20547 Fenkell Ave.. Cor. Patton REdford 2167 Make This Your Jewelry Headquarters VON BURGS Redfords Oldest Established Jewelers—Just west on Grand River Ave., at Lasher Get better results with better feeds LARRO HEADQUARTERS Poultry Remedies SAXTON Farm Supply Store 587 W. Ann Arbc,r Trail Phone 174 DO YOU KNOW! There is one sure way to know whether or not 17ou have enough Life Insurance to do the job you would like it to do. It is this— Jot down a figure that represents the minimum monthly income your family would require if you should die suddenly. Then compare that figure your family would receive from your present Life Insurance. Your Ordinary Life policies show different ways called "Options" for obtaining monthly income from the proceeds of policies you now own. You may be somewhat shocked to find that your life Insurance um- brella is not nearly as big as you thought it was. Talk it over with Bakewell, he represents the lowest net cost Eastern Company in America. The National Life Insurance Co., Of Vermont G. A. Bakewell Phone: 616W 38105 Plymouth Road Wednesday, March 14, 1945 Township Briefs Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Valrance were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Prouty of Palmer Woods. Charles Bock, who is attending the Hall of the Divinie Child at Monroe, Michigan, spent the week end with his family, and accom- panied them to the dance given for the Junior High at Newburg Hall, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trapp of Westmore Road have received word of their son Lawrence's pro- motion to corporal. Corp. Trapp has been in the South Pacific for some time. The Livonia Township Taxpay- ers Association will hold their regular meeting at the Livonia Township hall Wednesday March 14 at 8:15 p.m. If you are a tax- payer in Livonia township and would like to know what the tax- payers are doing, come out to the meeting on Wednesday. Tug LAVA Page Three i i K The Auxiliary of the Presbyter- Mrs. E. J. Burt, cub mother for ian church will have its election Den No. 4 of LVl, is very proud and, installation of officers Wed- of her Den of Cubs. This week nesday evening. Rev. John For - they ventured out into the Coop- syth will install the new officeds er district and came home with at this time. the bacon. The boys collected 100 M + pounds of waste kitchen fat. Mrs. Esther Anderson, Mrs. Ev- elynMaitland and daughter Elea- and Mrs. J. Benson contest for students of the New- allMr. all of Detroit were Sunday dinner burg Jr. High held at the school guests March 4 of Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, March 20, at 8 o'clock. Irving Benson. This will be followed by the reg - ular business meeting and elec- tion of officers. Parents of 8th Jane Ann Griffiths, Joan Polhe- grade children are asked to meet mus, Kay 'Calhoun, Bob Bruce, at 7:00 in room 8-R to discuss gra- Tom Craig, Ty Cook, Karen Ann duation problems. Mr. Rossman Benson and Virginia Nelson, ac- has announced that he will be at comDanied by Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. the school by 6:00 p.m. so that if Bruce, Mrs. Calhoun and Mrs. any of the parents wish to discuss Polhemus attended the concert at ndividuai student problems with the Masonic Temple on Saturday. him he will be glad to do so at * 'his time. Prizes for the declama- tion contest are being awarded The Livonia Township Voman's by the PTA. club will hold their regular meet- -- *— ing and luncheon at Hope 'Chapel The Bible is the only source of on Six Mile road near Middlebelt all Christian truth;—the 'only rule on Wednesday, March 21 at 12:30 `or the Christian life;—the only p.m. Mrs. Bess Garner will be the book that unfolds to us the reali- speaker and her topic will be ties of eternity.—Sir Matthew women in the postwar world. Tale. n Sure, rll it to inutes Busy as Long Distance lines are, most calls go through a� right. But there's still a rush on some circuits. When you're on a crowded line, Long Distance will WE you to help by saying, "Please limit your call to 5 minutes." MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY KEEP THE RED CROSS BY HU SIM "The Friendliest Atmosphere in Northwest Detroit" OLD TIMER TAVERN Lahser oad at Grand River REDFORD LIQUOR - BEER - WINE Modern & Old Time Dancing Fri., Sat., Sun, nights MUSIC BY WESTERN ACES JIMMY THRAPP, Prop. Phone REdford 9702 MEN 5 WEAR MHM CustoMade SUITS $30,00 - $32.50 - $35.00 Nationally Known Tailored, Suits made to Your Measure Topcoats and Overcoats ARROW SHIRTS INTERWOVEN SOCKS Knox - Portis Hats Jackets - Sportswear Slacks - Dress Pants Undergarments Full Line of WORK CLOTHES Davis & Leaf "Where Your Money's Well Spent" 811 Penniman Avenue PLYMOUTH Page Four T!¢ LtTCNZAR Wednesday, March 14, 1945 Radio S ewer 3 committee for the selection of the � n new officers. a The next meeting will be a pot - (Continued on Page 4) luck supper to be held March 22. has been building can either be' Be sure to come for a social eve - turned over to the Ida Hibbard; ning. It has also been decided to fund as collected, or that the club 1 hold a "Plastic Fund Benefit," at can wait until they have collected ! the club house, Saturday, April one hundred and fifty dollars 21. This will be open to the public which will enable them to "Do- and it is hoped that the entire nate a hand and adopt a boy." township will respond. Mrs. Ern - Lt. Helen Peterson and Lt. ; est Bentley is chairman and prom - Georgia Insley of the Romulusises an evening that will be tops Air Base were guests of Mrs. Ern- ? in entertainment. The Garden - est Bentley. Lt. Insley has just; aires, our state champion quar- returned from fifteen months ser- 4 tette will sing several numbers, vice in Burma and gave a short so mark the date on your calendar, talk on her experiences there, and and plan to come. Lt. Peterson who is keenly inter- ested in the work done with plas- Students of the Newburg Jr. tics also gave a short talk. High School and their friends at - Mrs. Florence Wood, Bonnie tended a dance Friday evening at Steele, and Pat Kinahan have 1'the Newburg Hall. This party was agreed to act as a nominating # sponsored by the PTA and 126 DAINKC11ING Seven Nights of the Week 34401 Plymouth Road FUN - GOOD MUSIC - FOOD An Ideal Place to Spend an Evening BEER - WINE - LIQUOR Bob Murtha and his band furnish the music Amateur Night every Thursday Our Music and entertainment start at 7:15 Every Night �/T_ JJ II • r We specialize in Ignition, Starter and Generator repairing Specialized Lubrication, Simonizing, Washing and Glitter Glazing We call for and deliver your car Phone Livonia 9202 — Gulf & Firestone Products EXIDE, NATIONAL and AUTOLITE BATTERIES RABIOLA'S GULF SERVICE 31390 Plymouth Road corner Merriman boys and girls were present. Shamrock badges were pinned on the dancers refreshments of punch and cookies were served from the table which was also •decorated with St. Patrick's day tablecloth and napkins. The chair- man, Mrs. Anthony Kreger, was assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sallow, Mrs. Henry Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Balsley, Miss Grace Briningstall, James Ross - man and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bock. There will be another par- ty to be held sometime in April. Plans will be announced later. SHOE REPAIRING Expert Work Frank's Shoe Repair 11151 Stark Rd., 1/z Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. MILT'S QUAL'-FV MARkif If Next to The Rexall Drug Store In Rosedale Gardens There's a friendly feeling in this store that makes shopping fun. Make this your food headquarters, that's what your neighbor is do- ing. Service With We Carry Only A Smile Quality Foods — YOU CAN GET IT HERE — Its Just What Every One Had Hoped for— Now or -- Now operated under the sole direction of Ray Thorpe Re -arranged — Beautified in fact its just like home Spotlessly clean and serving the finest of healthy foods Located on the Corner of Middlebelt at Joy NIA COMMUNITYI ,H, Farmington Road and Lile road. Rev. Albert J. id, pastor. Morning Wor- .:30 a.m. Sunday School, for all ages, 10:30 a.m. wactice Thursday evening r:m. Prayer meeting and study Thursday evening m. Friendship Circle first and Wednesday of each Evening worship .and ;rvice the last Sunday of lonth at 7:30 p.m. Young s meeting at the ohurch mday of each month at Teachers meeting the first t of each month at 7:30 chis is an undenomina- church and everyone in nmunity is cordially invit- 1tend. • s s OHN'S EPISCOPAL :H, Maple & S. Harvey Sts. morning service: Churen at 0:45 a.m. Morning pray - sermon at 11 a.m. Lenten Thursday evening at 7:30 ae Rev. Edgar Lucas, Pro - Chaplain at the Wayne Juvenile Court, will be Rev. Francis Tetu, Rec- s ►ALE GARDENS PRES- ! LIAN CHURCH, "The Fam- lurch." John B. Forsyth, r. Sunday, March 18, is the Sunday in Lent. Church 1, fo'r grades 1 to 12 is at 9:30', ,orning Worship is at 11 ith Nursery and Beginners nent, for children 2 to 5 f age, in our church. Chris- )uth League meets at 6 p.m. Youth League Chapel to "A Scientist's View of the Our mid -week Lenten service is this evening �sday) from 7:30 to 8 in the L League chapel. The Wom- ,uxiliary has its annual this evening (Wednes- the church basement at 8 fficers will be elected and •d and committee chairmen port on their work of the !ar. All women are invited. urch membership class for people will have its sev- ession in the church audi this evening at 8. The school staff has its annual g Monday evening, March the church basement. A at 7 o'clock will precede eting. TIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY igton high school auditor- unday, 11:00 a. m., Sunday same hour. Wednesday g services at 33336 Grand Avenue at 8:00 p. m. ORD ROAD BAPTIST EL, 19188 Gaylord Rd. three south of Grand River. Rev. C. Gordon, Pastor. 19248 Phone EVergreen 0124. 10 ;hunch School with Bible for all ages. 11:15 a.m. 12 Worship. 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Edwin Gordon, lead - 30 p.m. Evening service. -sday. 7:45 p.m. Bible study' rayer service. We cordial- te you to ^ome and worship 'ICHAEL'S C A T H O L I C CH—Father Contway, pas- asedale Gardens. Masses at ,.m., 8 a.m.. 10 a m and )n HOPE CHAPEL, CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRETHREN. Six Mile, West of Middlebelt. Morning worship and Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. Lenten sermon themes are based on "The Kingdom of God." Young People's Christian Endeav- or at 6:30 p.m. Evening worship at 8:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship meet- ing following the evening service. The Mid -week prayer service is held on Thursday evening at 8:0'0 p.m. The Ladies' aid meets on the first Wednesday evenong of each month. The Women's Missionary society meets on the second Wed- nesday of each month at noon, be- ginning with a potluck luncheon at 12:30, which is followed by the business and devotional meeting at 1:30 -p.m. We invite everyone in our community to take part in our Christian fellowship. BETHEL MISSIONARY CHA- PEL, 8890 Middle Belt Road. Sunday school, 1:45 p.m., Sunday Evening service, 7:45 p.m. Mid- week Service, Thursday, 7:45 p.m. ST. PAUL'S EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Corner of Farmington and Five Mile roads. Theodore Sauer, pastor. Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m. Mid -week Lenten service is Wednesday evening, 8:00 o'clock.l! You are cordially invited to at- tend. Michigan's most famous bear hunter, Art Jackson, who claims to have killed 109 bears, is aban- doning the pursuit. Selling his property on the north side of the Dead Stream Swamp, west of Roscommon, he is building a new home at Higgins Lake. * BUY WAR BONDS PATRONIZE YOUR OWN Lumber --and— Building Suppy Headquarters Coal - Lumber Building Materials Leadbetter COAL & LUMBER COMPANY 12434 Middlebelt Road 1/2 Mile N. of Plymouth Rd. Phone Redford 0938 Timely items of interest and value .. , helpful suggestions about cooking, lighting and appliance use. FROZEN METALS Heat has been used since ancient times in the hardening of metals; the cold treatment is new. Cold -treating at 120° below zero F. has a marked effect on the structure of metals which results in added durability and strength, It lengthens the life of grinding and cutting tools sometimes as much as 300 per cent. There are many other industrial applications of this new cold treatment for metals. Wasting electricity is wasting badly needed coal 4 �(( FOR ST. PATP!CK'S DAY . . A timely recipe from our Home Service Department: Hamburger Shamrocks 1 lb. hamburger 3/4 tsp. salt 1 egg 1/4 tsp. poultry. seasoning 1/4 cup soft bread crumbs 1/4 tsp, pepper 3 green peppers Beat the egg, add crumbs, poultry seasoning, salt and rep - per. Add beef. Cut eight rings, 1/2 -inch thick: from the reen peppers, Pat hamburger mixture into rings Rroil seven minutes on one side and six minutes on the other. owe \�MLr QUIET, PLEASE ; . The Farmer Street Office of The Detroit Edison Company is located in an Edison_ substation.. crammed with three stories of massive machinery directly over the office. But despite the con- stant, deafening roar from the machinery overhead, not a sound or quiver can be detected in the office. For the office is actually a "building within a building," completely isolated from the noise and vibration by a novel insulation of cork and sand, setting it off from the rest of the building. Don't waste electricity during the coal shortage KITCH NI CRAFT When washing greasy dishes or roasting cans, add a few drops of ammonia to the water for faster, easier cleaning. If ammonia is not available, washing soda or borax is a satisfactory substitute. --owt 7 adroit e4iam Gia. Serving anore than halt the people of Michigan Page Six Headgvae- Wn for aanpa a" Bands 01FAINNOTON THEATRE Free Dish Night Wednesday Fri. -Sat. March 2'-3 "Merry Monahans" Jack Oakie—Peggy Ryan Donald O'Conner "Henry Aldrich's Little Secret" Jimmy Lydon Charlie Smith Sun.Mon.-Tues. March 4-5-6 "Tender Comrads" Ginger Rogers Robert Ryan "Carolina Blues Kay Kyser—Ann Miller Wed.-Thurs. _ March 7-8 "My Gal Sal" Victor Mature Rita Hayworth and "Enem' ys of Women" Donald Woods Claudia Drake Fri. -Sat. March 9-10 "Tiger Shark" Richard Arlen Edward G. Robinson "My Gal Loves Music Bob Crosby Grace McDonald Sunday -Monday -Tuesday March 11-12-13 "Kismet" Ronald Colman Marlene Dietrich "Conspirators Hedy Lamarr Paul Heinreid THE LIVON Township Briefs The Beginners Contract club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Matt Meerman, Mrs. James Ricard is spending a few weeks at St. Thomas, On- tario. Richard and Jack Bucknell who are attending Howe Military school spent the week end at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pellot an- nounce the birth of a five and one half pound daughter born Thurs- day, March 8, at New Grace hos- pital. She has been named Ann Lockwood. The cast of the senior play were entertained at the home of Connie Moncrieff on Melrose, following the last performance of the play Friday evening. SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selle and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 744 Wing St. Plymouth L. BLAIKE JEWELER Opposite Post Office Northville, Mich. The Best Place to Buy PALACE INH Beer - Liquor - Wine ED. PALISZEWSKI, Prop. (formerly Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriiman Road It's Easy To Shop In Our Modern Serve -Self Market With marketing as difficult as it is today you will appreciate the convenience of our modernized store. 0 LIDGARD BROS. RED & WHITE STORE Stark at Plymouth Road Wednesday, March 14 THERE'S SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT T: PICTURES WE MAKE. People Find a Clearer Likeness In Our Photos — Let Us Show You! SAN REMO STUDIO 17190 Lasher oad, Redford Phone Redford 7798 Want A Better Car? 20740 Fenk, Phone You'll Find Detroit's Finest Red. 0900 Selection On Our Lot ' Our Service Department Is The Most Efficie BILL BROWN h When Yo, Want a Better Ca or When Your Ca Needs Repairing In The Northwest Section. LIVONIA'S OLDEST REAL ESTATE FIRM HARRY S. WOLFE REAL ESTATE - FARMS - INSURANC Phone Livonia 2888 32696 Five Mile Road—Just East of Farmington Road List your property with us for prompt sale FEEDS - FERTILIZERS FARM SUPPLIES - SPRAY MATERIALS - GRAIN BUILDING SUPPLIES All Kinds of Coal The Eckles Coal 8 SupplyCompany Phone 107 882 Holbrook Plymoutl Wednesday, March 14, 1945 THZ UVONL N Page Seven NOTICE, OF TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF LIVONIA, WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN ■ Please That any qualified elector of the Township of Livonia, Wayne County, Michigan, or any person who will be a qualified elector of said Township on the day of the%Biennial Spring Election to be held Monday, April 2, 1945, may make application for regisfration to the Township Clerk at his office at 32398 Five Mile Road any day, except Sundays and holidays, between the hours of 9:00 o'clock a.m. and 5:00 o'clock. p.m. up to and including Tuesday, March 13, 1945. I will be at the Township Hall on Tuesday, March 13, 1945 between the hours of 8:00 o'clock a.m. and 9:00 o'clock p.m. War Time, for the purpose of taking registrations. Electors who are not registered in this Township under the permanent registration system must register in person. NOTICE OF SUSPENSION OF REGISTRATION TO THE QUALIFIED REGISTERED VOTERS You are hereby notified that your registration as a qualified voter will be cancelled according to state law if you have failed to vote within the past two (2) years, unless you apply for a continuation on or prior to March 13, 1945. You may continue your registration by signing a statement as shown below and returning it to my office or by applying in person. I hereby certify that I reside at the address given below and apply for continuation of my registration as a voter. My mother's maiden name was.............................................................................. Signatureof elector...................................................................................................... Present residence address.......................................................................................... If, since registering, there has been a change of address, such electors who have changed their address must transfer their names to the proper address on the registration records. Tuesday, March 13, 1945, will be the last day to register for the Biennial Spring Election to be held Monday, April 2, 1945. LIVONIA TOWNSHIP CLERK Page Eight Painless Childbirth A new method of providing pain- less childbirth by anesthetizing the nerves carrying pain fibers as they emerge from the spinal cord has been reported by scientists at the University of California. Successful- ly used in 100 cases it is said to be superior to caudal anesthesia. Com- plete safety for mother and baby Is maintained at all times, the re- port states, and the patient is free to move about in bed. Remove Scale Scale of almost any kind can be removed from a kettle with diluted cider vinegar. Using a cup of vine- gar to a quart of water, fill kettle with the liquid, bring it to a boil and let it stand in the kettle over- night. To pravent scale from form- ing again, keep an oyster shell in kettle. Axe Handle Wrap your axe handle with fine wire for about three inches from the point where it enters the axe head. This will protect the handle. You can use wire of discarded house brooms fastening the ends with small staples such as are used for putting screens on doors and win- dows. Deferred Maintenance A recent survey by the National Association of Real Estate Boards estimates a total deferred mainte- nance market approximating $30 billion. Of this, it is estimated that $6 billion will go to the painting con- tractor, and $1.8 billion for paint. Fat Afire If fat in a fry pan, broiler, or ket- tle bursts into flame, never pour on water. Cover the pan with a wet cloth to shut off air or sprinkle with baking soda. Dousing with water causes fat to spatter and may spread the fire. Cranberry Stain To remove cranberry stain from table linen, stretch the stained por- tion across a bowl, then hold a kettle of boiling water abouta foot above the bowl and pour water through linen until stain vanishes. NOTICE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE We accept payment for Consumers Power Gas Co. Deiroit Edison Company Michigan Bell Telephone Co. Livonia Township Water Board Exchange Detroit Edison Light bulbs Agency for Detroit News want ads. Special Designated Dsitrib- utor Michigan Liquor Con- trol Comm. HABERMEHL'S Rexall Drug Store 32101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Telephone Livonia 3156 Plymouth, Mich. THE LIVONIAN Alcohol Source The sweet potato is a promising source of industrial alcohol, yield- ing 15 to 20 per cent more alco- hol per bushel than high-grade corn, research reported to the American Chemical society shows. Land -Locked With no sea coast of her own, Paraguay sends her commerce (hides, tobacco, timber, vegetable oils) down broad rivers. Much of the yet -to -be -explored Gran Chaco lies within her borders. Reduce Colds The incidence of colds in the army Is reduced by the administration of small daily doses of sulfadiazine. Also reduced is the incidence of lobar pneumonia and streptococcic', diseases. Moths Enjoy Warmth Moths and beetles enjoy warmth. But if you must choose between a hot dry attic and a cool damp base- ment, store wool in the dry attic. Avoid dampness. Removing Stains Stains can be removed from alu- minum utensils by adding two table- spoons of vinegar to a quart of wa- ter and boiling vigorously for a few minutes. Weird Scene Inside Volcano Hawaii's active volcano Kilauea has a pit whose fiery depth, 800 feet below, forms one of the wierdest night scenes in the world. Wild turkeys were hunted in Barry county as late as 1868. Dress Print Bags 3k% Im ON iavortts. Wayne :'ECIC EkOw 4 avdlable In dress ON bags—mart bea Wd do. d m GO an extra value by using VfgM this Tear—get excellent iaMNd for dresses, children's doddag. oartalns and other gor- tlsob. Dress Up With IWAYNE CHICK STARTE1 Koercher Feed Store 29444 Joy Road at Middlebelt Feeds—Seeds—Fertilizers Few rings have been connected with more misfortune than the famous signet ring of Karl Naun- dorff, the French pretender, whose legal battle for the throne in 1833 ended in exile. Before departing_ he gave the ring to his lawyer, � Jules Favre, who, as French For- eign Minister in 1871. employed it to seal the disastrous armistice of the Franco-Prussian War. Favre' later presented the ring to Clem- enceau and he used it to seal the ill-fated Treaty of Versailles. You only get rid of your ene- mies by making them your friends; and you can only do that by loving your enemies; that is one of the great "laws of life."— Sir Wilfred Grenfell. Rosedale Beauty Shop over Rexall Drug Store Rosedale Gardens Now Open Under new management. _Appointments made in per- son, or by mail No phone due to wartime restrictions Wednesday, March 14, 1945 91 The average U. S. farmer has 27 acres of woodland, enough to ;row a new six -room house an- nually. Let the Redford Cleaners do your Dry Cleaning Visit our Lending Li- brary for latest books Headquarters for MAISONETTE FROCKS PICKITIVICK GIFT STOP Five Mile at Farmington Road WILCOX PARENT TEACHERS ASSOC. will give a St, Patrick's Dance at Wilcox School Six Mile and Middlebelt Roads Saturday, March 17 — 8 to 12 P. M. 6 Piece Orchestra Refreshments Door prizes Admission 75c Tickets on Sale at Door I &M mintt`& tah + bw U IL Rpt p. KEjR99 FBRES1 R. 003 w Nlb � Olt BW ot A&MM ileo aho 9WJ of BBE Non di$an, WAottuSweet tent NERMAN BENNFds Bic SYPue %omit State Administration. Elect these experienced, honest and capa- ble men who are thoroughly qualified to serve the best inter- ests of the people of Michigan.; Be sure to vote Monday, - . April 2. Continue Good Gov- ernment in Michigan. To vole for Supreme Court Justices, look for Nonpartisan Ballot Wednesday, March 14, 1945 THE LIVONIAN Page Nine ON THE JOB — — THOSE LITTLE WANT ADS11 Only 25 Cents Phone Plymouth le .FOR SALE FOR SALE—We smoke our own ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry. Taylor's Super Market, 29150 Joy Road, one block east of Middle Belt Road. 9 tf-C FIVE CORDS 20 inch fireplace hard wood, $8.25 cord. Your own cartage. 15850 Auburndale Drive. Phone Livonia 2793. SCOTTIE puppies A.K.C. regis- tered. 18883 Maplewood, 1 block east of Seven Mile and Mi•ddlebelt. Farmington 0886-R. It -pd WANTED POULTRY WANTED — We pay the highest prices for poultry. Taylor Super Market, 29150 Joy Rd. Phone Livonia 9207. tf WE PAY the highest prices for beef hides. Taylor Super Mar- ket. Phone Livonia 9207 or tali at 29150 Joy road. 2 -6t -pd TYPEWRITER by the Livonia Center Red Cross. Will rent, buy or will appreciate anyone offering a typewriter free. ELECTRIC refrigerator in A-1 condition. Phone Livonia 2110. It -pd CHILDREN cared for any night in the week, in Rosedale Gardens only. Girls are 13 years old, 25c hour. Call Livonia 2195. It -pd MEN'S shirts rlaundered, 15 cents each. Family washing ironed. Cash and carry. Mrs. Mifdred Lol- ling, 15415 Auburndale near Five Mile road. Phone Livonia 2892 or Livonia 2944. It -pd � �us MEN'S shirts laundered, 15 cents each. Family washing ironed, cash and carry. Mrs. Mildred Col - ling, 15415 Auburndale near Five Mile Road. Phone Livonia 2892 or Livonia 2944. 53 -2t -pd Upholstering 11 Old Furniture Made to Look Like New FREE ESTIMATES Phone Redford 3199 GUILBEAULT UPHOLSTERING Red. 3100 Corner Westbrook ELECTRIC Ranges, apartment size for those who need thein Kimbroughs, 968 W. Anal Arbor Trail, Plymouth. KLADEZE clothing for children,', exclusively styled. Excellent nater a'. For appointment phone', Redford .7706. It -c LOST I?D, parrakeet, green with yel- low trim. Very tame. Name Bing. $5 reward. 9820 Ingram Rosedale Gardens, Livonia 31.91 or Livonia 3121. It -c Freddon Great Dane Kennels Reg. A.K.C. Training, breeding of Great Danes. We offer at Stud -the best, Ch. Dusky's Blackout (Black) Ch. Tor- rence of Vakeck (Fawn) Fred - don's Captain Keck (Harlequin) five points towards his Champion- ship. 30521 Schoolcraft Hazel B. Liptak 1/2 mile west of Middlebelt erns About Use of Lumber Here With the lumber supply situa- tion daily becoming more critical, rural residents of Wayne county have been warned by Fred C. Ernest chairman of the Wayne county U. S. Department of Agri- culture war board to limit con- struction to limits imposed by the war production board. "If lumber is used for unauthor- I ized purposes, more stringent con- trols will have to be imposed," Ernest said. "Civilian users of lumber will be cramped more than now if construction for un- authorized uses continues." Russell Roe, of the Roe Lumber Co., said to his knowledge there is no unauthorized building going on in Plymouth. "Of course we have no Way of policing construction and knowing how much material is being obtained elsewhere," Roe added. "But we are co- operating as best we can." Roe said that his concern is out of finishing lumber and white pine, and "we can't get any more without high priorities." Flooring, ceiling and siding lumber also is very scarce, he asserted. Under WPB regulations, no per- son can spend more than $200 in one year for any type of residen- tial building or commercial struc- ture, including roadside stands, Ernest explained. There has been a tendency toward some construc- tion for non-essential uses such as summer cottages, cabins, and ad- ditions to farm homes, he said. Easter.... April First only a Few Weeks Away I t�l Men's SUITS -TOPCOATS 79C Ladies' Plain DRESSES - COATS SPECIAL Ending March 17 BATH- / / ROBES ........ e Plymouth: 774 Penniman Ypsilanti: 14 N. Washington Wayne: 2925 N. Washington MEN WANTED Who are interested in steady post-war jobs in cold drawn steel mill. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY You will be trained for your after -war position. At present we are engaged in 100% defense work. ONLY MEN ELIGIBLE UNDER W.M.P.C. PLAN NEED APPLY Pilgrim Drawn Steel Corporation PHONES 1130 and 1131 Plymouth, Michigan Page Ten T!= Lim Wednesday, March 14, 1945 Towzwh2p Bziefs numbers are sang several mberss atta a dinner given at the Mayflower Lutheran church in Detroit Friday evening. Mrs. Francis King of Farming- ton road was hostess to a group Mrs. B. E. French returned of neighbors and friends on Fri- Wednesday from a visit with her day, husband who is employed in Hus- ton, Texas. Enroute home she vis - Mrs. Lena Ahrens of Detroit ited her sister, Mrs. S. K. Pope spent the week -end of March 3rd' of Desplaines, Illinois, a suburb and 4th with her son and family, ; of Chicago, and also visited her Mr. and Mrs. John Ahrens. uncle in Alton, Illinois. Beverly Balsley, Marilyn Brook- The Livonia Sunshine club, er, Sally Holcomb, Ruth Balkema i composed of Mrs. Victor Wardell, and Mrs. Rollin Balsley attended, Mrs. James Cartwright, Mrs. ba- the symphony concert Saturday ; vid Gillow, Mrs. Roy Hysell, Mrs. morning at the Masonic Temple. i Donald Allore, Mrs, Sherwood These concerts are arranged by 1 Lane meet on Thursdays in the Karl Krueger and conducted by 1 different home from 10 to 3 Valter Poole. o'clock for Red Cross work. You'll find a larger stock! You'll find the things you want! For Quality Groceries, Vegetables and Meats trade with The Rosedal Grocery Phone 2190 Wm. J. Shekell Joseph T. Stadnik We solicit your patronage and good will E THE Ae ROBERTSIMMONS ' JILwIF«Y YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH We carry an extensive line of fine jewelry, crystal and wooden ware in addition to precious stones and jewelry. LOCATED ACROSS FROM THE FORD GARAGE IN THE CONSUMERS POWER BUILDING ON MAIN STREET Fresh bear signs were seen rec- Complete equinment for 5,000 ently by Alfred McLain and Max civilian hospital patients in ten Shaw while hunting bobcats in a hospitals in the U.S.S.R. soon will small swamp southeast of Ros- be provided by the American Rel common. There was a foot of Cross for priority shipment aboard snow on the ground. It is unsuaul Soviet government ships to Rus - for bear signs to be found at this s._a. -.� here hcspit_ls are badly time of ,year. needed. Thorough Examination by Skilled Optometrists Dr. M. F. McGuirk, O. D. Fn charge "Style Dight" Glasses on Liberal Credit Terms Yessir! We Use GENUINE FORD PARTS in servicing :,your car! ,i _71" They Fit Right— LostMuchLonger It's our wartime responsibility to keep your Ford car rolling. The best way we know to do this is to give your car genuine Ford service regularly and to use Genuine Ford Parts whenever it's necessary to re- place any part. To Be Sure—See Us! You can bring your car to us with per- fect confidence—because we'll give you Genuine Ford Protective Service and use Genuine Ford Parts. Automobile parts may look alike but they are not alike. Ford manufactures parts only for Ford -built cars—every part is precision -built exactly like the original part which came with your car —it's made of the same identical mate- rial under strict laboratory control—and will perform right. Don't take chances —see us for Genuine Ford Parts. RALPH ELLSWORTH, Inc. Authorized Ford and Mercury Dealer PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Phones: Dearborn 2310 Wayne 1070 Garden City Official AAA Garage