HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1945_0627Will Build New Fire Hall Here Livonia Township will construct a new fire hall on the corner of Merriman and Plymouth roads. The truck is at present housed in the Rabiola Gulf service but post post war expansion plannedby Mr. Rabiola necessitated the move. The new building will be 22 by 44 and will be built at a cost of about $6,000 and will include all of the newest features found in any fire hall. Sleeping quarters will .be provided on the second floor. The building is only large enough to house one truck due to th f t th h fi THE LIVONIAN MAered at the Plymou tb, Micl agan, Postofftee as Second Class Mail Matter. Phone Plymouth 16 Vol. 6, No. 19 Wednesday, June 27, 1945 Plan Fourth Celebration School Board Recreation Gets Tuition Rate Starts This Week e ac at t e re commission The Rosedale Gardens Civic as-' Members of the Livonia Town- The Rosedale Gardens summer decided that if another truck was sociation will sponsor their An- ship Board of Education met with recreation program will begin to be secured it would be housed p g g� in another building in the north nual Fourth of July celebration the Plymouth Board of Euducation July 9 under the direction of end of the township. for the 13th successive year, next last week to discuss the tuition Mrs. Lloyd Nelson. Construction will be started di- Wednesday. rate which Plymouth would Mrs. Arleta Conochi will in- rectly behind the Rabiola sen- Festivities will begin at 10:30 charge for students next year. struct in handicraft; and Harry L. vice station within the next few a.m. when the famous East Side The legal limit of $13.62 was ac- .Smith, manual training. Mr. days. vs. West 'Side softball game will cepted by ,both boards as the rate Smith has had 20 ,years experi- * be played for the Brooker trophy. for the coming year. A discus- ence as teacher and scout leader. The costume parade for children sion was also held at the ioint Other leaders and their courses Nankin Mills Inn 10 years of age and under will meeting in regard to Plymouth are: Mrs. Lyman Hedden 1Vfrs. start from St. Michael's church at accepting more Livonia high Otto Hansen, cooking; Mrs. C. D. 11:00 a.m. and parade to the com- school students until such time as Moncrief, sewing; Mrs. Kinner, munity house where prizes will a high school can be built in Livo- 'Mrs. Henrion, archery; Mrs. Opens for Business be awarded for the most patriotic, nia. The Plymouth board assured Watterworth, tennis; Mrs. Charles the most original, and the most the local group that every effort piper, Mrs. Pickles, Mrs. Whitting - The newly .built Nankin Mills comical costumes. would be made to care for all ton, handicraft; Mrs. Burns, stor- Inn opened last week for business. The afternoon events are sched- Livonia students. ies; Mrs. Wiegand, supervised Destroyed last December by fire uled to begin at 2:00 o'clock with * games; and Mrs. Stutch, clay the Inn has one of the most beau- the traditional penny scramble formodeling. Countyrs in this section of Wayne children four years -of age and Woman under. Races and games have en by Mrs. 'Carl Holth on Hub - Two private rooms are now been planned for all ages with two Adjourns Till Fall bard "avenue. j available for private party use in prizes for each event. the new Inn and the equipment' The evening program, beginning and furnishings offer the patrons at 8:00 o'clodk will feature home the utmost in comfort. p Woman's The Livonia Townshi ' Father and Son talent entertainment, including Club met at the Hope Chapel * group singing and Barber Shop church on. Six Mile road near Your Garden numbers by the state champion Middlebelt on Wednesday, June Meet on Oki nawa "Gardenaires." 20 at 12:35 p.m. The luncheon was In ';the past, a house to house served by the ladies of Hope Cha- A Plymouth father and son met This Week canvass has been made for Bona- pel after which Mrs. A. T. M Pe- on Okinawa recently after having tions from the residents of the tersen, victory , garden chairman been separated for nearly two community. This year, however, for Livonia township, gave a talk years—but the meeting was for a The last cutting of, asparagus volunteers are not available in on the "Green Thumb contest" few brief hours. should be made about this week sufficient numbers to do this and and also told about the harvest Mrs. Harry .Deyo this week re- ared a good mulch of manure as -it is requested that donations be show that will be held in Livonia ceived from her husband, Lieut. well as about three pounds to the given to Edward Price, program township about September 8. Colonel Harry Deyo, a letter in hundred square feet of a com- treasurer, or any member of the Mrs. Ada Watson, 4=H repro- which he told joyfully of a meet- plete fertilizer should be applied. committee listed below: sentative of Wayne Couniy asked ing with their son, Robert, who This is necessary to build up Baseball game: Palmer Fry, G. the club to help her in secunn.g is with the U. S. Pacific fleet. strong plants for next year's crop. O. Mier. leaders for the 4-H work in Livo- Both are seeing plenty of real . Children's parade: The Wom-service in the Pacific campaign. nia township. Mr. Rose of Lansing n. p g Keep checking your garden and ens Club. and Mr. E. Bailey of Detroit Before going into the armed thinning those crops that need it. Donations: H. J. Olson, R. Burns spoke on the needs of a victor,) forces Lieut. Colonel Deyo was and P. McNeil. Plymouth's city attorney. Inspect the undersides of bean Prizes: J. F. Morris, R. Randall garden this year. Mx. Rose stated leaves for Mexican bean beetles. and L. Nelson: it is not too late to plant a garden. The adult beetle is a ladybird Games: Irving Benson, W. Kay, Education editorials were read Sends Package of about one-fourth inch long, oval and L. Burk. by Mrs. Coder and Mrs. Donnelley in form and having yellowish or Staging: John G. Perkins. and an open discussion followed. ■ orange brown wing covers on Horseshoe throwing: J. B. Fol- Supt. Harry O. Johnson took part NAZI Trophies which there is a total of 16 irregu- som. in the discussion and talked about lar black spots arranged in threr- Evening program: M: G. Watter- the Livonia township schools. From Koblenz, Germany rec- ,ows across the back. The larva or worth. There will be an executive meet- ently came a •big package of war "mmature feeding form is about Group singing: W. Earl Rubert. ing at the home of Dr. Marie trophies collected :by Pic. Stanley me -third inch long, ,yellow in Flag ceremonies: RG -1 Boy Timpona in July but the club Denski and sent to his parents, :olor ,with blackish spines on its Scouts. meetings will not continue through Mr. and Mrs. John Denski of 5775 )ack. They work mostly on the Soft drinks: Girl Scouts. the summer months. The next Lilly road. Included in the prize ower side -of the leaves. Spray (,r * meeting will be held the third collection were two Nazi flags, a lust, particular) under the leaves Mrs. A. T. M. Petersen the OCD Wednesday in September. German portable Y p typewriter, a set with rotenone dust or spray. Victory Garden chairman for Li- * of binoculars, a German gun, Nazi vonia township and Mrs. Peter e' Icap. bayonets and numerous oth- Pole beans should be staked" or Hermann, victory garden chair- Badly Hurt n er articles. They are on display ;upported. Your 6 60 8 -foot stakes man for " the . Livonia Township in one of the windows of The ;et in the form of a tepee can be Woman's club, announce an ice i ■ ■CC�Plymouth Mail office. xsed when the beans were planted cream social to be held at Stark Rding �dent A few days ago from their son o permit it—i.e.—four feet apart school, on Friday June 29 at 8:00 7 Cass, .who is now somewhere in each way. If they were planted in .p.m. Victory garden moving Pic-. the Pacific, came another package -ows, set six-foot posts every 12 tures will be shown. The proceeds Harry Lee, former resident of of trophies he had taken from the o 15 feet in the row and drive are to be used toward financing Plymouth who is now associated Japs. These Jap flags have also takes about 12 feet from either the Victory Garden Harvest Show with the Taylor -Winfield com- been on display in one of the win- �nd of the rows. "Stretch wire be- for Livonia township, to be held pany of Detroit, was seriously in- duws of The Mail office. ween the posts at top and bottom, on Sept. 8. This social is being jured last Sunday when he at- * extending the top wire beyond sponsored by the Livonia town- tempted to mount a horse at a The Livonia Center Community he end poles and fastening it to ship Woman's Club. Dr. Marr driving club near Pontiac.. church held their :Sunday school he stakes to serve as guy wires. Timpona is the club president. He is in the 'St. Joseph hospital picnic at the Cass Benton park on ]Veave string between the top Remember the date Friday, June in Pontiac with a fractured pelvic Friday, June 22nd beginning at and bottom wire to support the 29. The place Stark school, Stark bone and a serious gash in his 6 p.m. A potluck supper was serv- )lants.—By Mrs. A. T. M. Peter- road and Pinetree road. The time side, inflicted by the horn of the ed and games and a baseball game en, V. G. Chairman. 8 P.M. saddle. followed. Pare Two T= LInR>9l X&M Wednesday, June 27, 1945 Township Briefs Mrs. Merle Wagner underwent surgery at the Harper hospital Monday, June 18. She is reported to be doing very well. Miss Inez Daniels and Miss June Venus left Tuesday for a four day stay in Lansing. These girls from Coventry Gardens were on the honor roll for the 4-H club. Mrs. Ed McCaffrey and family of Cadillac, Michigan were the guests of Mrs. Harold Emmett on Edington Road Coventry Gardens, Thursday, June 21. # 4 • The Livonia Center book club will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Shelton on Surrey road, Coventry Gardens on Thursday, June 28 at 1 p.m. Miss Loretta Petrosky left Sai- urday for Northwestern Univers- ity to enroll in the liberal arts' school. She will also take a course in "Music in Christian Worship" at Garrett Bibical Institute. ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- TION SERVICE Kelvinator, Leonard, Frigid- aire, Universal Copeland License and bonded Livonia 2605 The Livonia Township Woman's Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thomp- club held their last meeting (,n son of Grayling, Michigan are the Wednesday, June 20, they will re- proud parents of a seven pound'. sume their meetings on the third son, John David, born Monday-, Wednesday of September. June 11. Mr. and Mrs. Thomrs-)i * are former residents of Coventry Mrs. Mary McDowell of Rose- Gardens. dale Gardens returned Wednes- day from a two -weeks trip to Chi- cago, while there she visited with her sister and her son. Mrs. C. Liggett of Inkster road left Friday for Columbus, Ohio to visit relatives for ten days. She was accompanied on her trip by her daughter, Jane Ann. Mrs. Bessie Brown of Inkster road returned home Thursday, June 21, from Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Brown spent two weeks visiting friends and relatives in Dayton, Ohio and Buffalo, N. Y. Save with Safety at your REXALL DRUG STORE CECIL H. HABERMEHL Corner of Blackburn 32101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens formerly Ray Thorpe Hwd 28302 Joy Road MONAD PAINTS— GARDEN TOOLS— GENERAL HARDWARE — ROOFING— Phone Livonia 3120 FRED: "Is it true, Judge, that a war can't be won without the use of war -alcohol... the kind the beverage distillers have been producing for the government for over two years?" OLD JUDGE: "That's right, Fred. It is a basic ingredient in the smokeless powder used in virtually every firearm from a pistol to a 16 -inch gun. And, in addition, it plays a more human role. The medical supplies which our military doctors use to alleviate pain, combat infection, save lives are pre- pared with war -alcohol." FRED: "No wonder, then, more and more people are recognizing the great contribu- tion our beverage distillers have made to the winning of the war with their double - duty product." I`U EL OIL 'We Ahn to Pleare" Phone Your Order to 191 Northville Night Calls Phone 88 C. R. ELY & SONS YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW USE THE BEST... CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. PLUMBING AND HEATING C. J. L.EGGEIRT Parts and Fixtures Repairs and Service 20547 Fenkell Ave., Cor. Patton REdford 2167 Conkeys Y -O Egg Mush Makes Eggs at Low Cost Production Get it from TOWERS FEED STORE 28850 Plymouth Rd. Phone Livonia 3181 Make Ttus Four Jewelry Headquaners W W W Redfords Oldest Established Jewelers --Just west on urana River Ave., at Lasher Get better results with better feeds LARRO HEADQUARTERS Poultry Remedies SAXT0"N Farm Supply Store 587 W. Ann Arbur Trail Phone 174 This rdueTtissmod sponwod by C"foran" of Akobolk $wrap ladvalriw, I- ! �I Wednesday, June 27, 1945 _ THE LIVONIAN Fav Throe Brake Program Is A Success The Nationwide Brake Empha- sis Program, from Anril 15 to June 1, showed good results, both in Plymouth and the State, Po- lice Chief Lee R. Sackett an- nounced. All local garages and service stations reported a big increase in brake work as a result of the program, some of theni listing a 75' per cent jump in service of that category. A total of 392 car -owner ; ha,l their brakes re -aligned, adjusted or new brakes installed, according to figures compiled by Sackett. Of 110 autos stopped by the Plym- outh police, 40 were given warn- ing tickets. Only 11 minor accidents were reported during the pe- riod and, of the 22 cars in- volved, only two had faulty brakes. Thirteen drivers paid fines to OPEN FOR BUSINESS Nankin Mills Inn 33594 Ann Arbor Trail —Visit Our Beautiful Bar— Private Parties Given Special Attention Private Rooms Available taling $72 during the same period for various traffic violations. Only four failed to appear in court and warrants will be issued for these, Sackett said. State figures for April showed that only 67 persons were killed in traffic as compar-d with 82 for the same month in 1944. There were only 5,204 ac- cidents of all kinds reported in the State during April as compared to 5,605 April, 1944. Food A roblverkm Don't let it worry you—shop with ease in our big, modern 'super -market We make it our business to have the things you want IT -19, 4 WUT 3 44 1 31507 Plymouth Road Report Broken Street. Lights IN COOPERATION WITH the national conserve0m program to sane as much electricity as possible, we have discontinued for the present the testing of street lights in daytime. This means that lamps burned out or broken will not be discovered, perhaps, until ag street lights go on of dusk. but the manpower shortage and other necessary wartime restrictions have decreased the frequency of our patrols. We must therefore call upon all civic. minded, patriotic citizens to phone us when their notice a street liaht out of order. Adequate street lighting protects you, your children, your auto, the place where you live; it helps prevent crime, expedites the movement of workers, troops, war mabrk& REPORT BROKEN STREET LIGHTS to any Edison office or to the pot'ice. Your cooperation wig help preveAt motor accidents and robberies. THE DETROIT EDISON CO., Serving am" "Am hem "M People of Mmigar p%o Flow THE LIVONIA* Wednesday, June 27, 1945 Every Night Except Sunday Northville, Michigan — Races Start at 8:30 Colorful Exci'ti'ng Entertaining ParinMutuels-1.8 Races Nightly See the beautiful grounds and stands made to compare favorably with any race track in America. Have fun every night at the races -You'll find everything for your comfort. Wednesday, June 27, 1945 T= yR03MAN Pao j,I" With the Livonia Churches LIVONIA COMMUNITY CHURCH, Farmington Road anc Five Mile road. Rev. Albert J. Luibrand, pastor. Morning wor- ship 11:30 a.m. Sunday School; classes for all ages, 10.34 am Choir practice Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible study Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Friendship Circle first and third Wednesday of each month. Evening worship and song service the last Sunday of each month at 7:30 pm. Young People's meeting at the church last Sunday of each month at 7 p.m. Teachers meeting the first Monday of each month at 7:34 p.m. This is an undenom,ina- tional church and everyone in the community is cordially invit- ed to attend. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Farmington hi& school auditor - '=a. Sunday, 1L-00 a. m., Sunday school, same hour. Wednesday evening services at 33336 Grand River Avenue at 6:00 p. m. • • • GAYLORD ROAD B A P T 15 T CHAPEL, 19188 Gaylord Rd. three blocks south of Grand River. Rev. Edwin C. Gordon. Pastor. 19248 Dalby, Phone EVergreen 0124. 10 a.m. Church School with Bible' classes for all ages. 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m.' B.Y.F. Mrs. Edwin Gordon, lead- er. 7:30 p.m. Evening service. Wednesday, 7.45 p.m. Bible study ana Prayer service. We cordial- ly invite you to come and worship with us. ' M • ST. MICIiA LEi CATHOLIC CH URCH—Father Contway, pas- tor, Rosedale Gardens. Masses at 5:45 a.m.. 8 a.m., li0 a.m. and 12 noon • • • HOPE CHAPEL, CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRETHREN. Six Mile, west of Middlebelt. Morn- ing worship and Sunday school, 10::30 am. Young Peoples Chris- tian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m., with Youth Fellowship following. The mid -week prayer service is held on Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. The Ladies' Aid meets on the first Wednesday evening of each month. The Women's Mission- ary Society meets on the sec- ond Wednesday of each month at'. noon, beginning with a ' potluck' luncheon at 12:30, which is fol- lowed by the business and devo- tional meeting at 1:30 pm. We in- vite everyone in our community to take part in our Christian fel- lowship. BETHEL MISSIONARY CHA- ?EL, 8890 (Middle Belt Road. iunday school, 1:45 pm., Sunday Dveniug service, 7:45 p.m. Mid- veek Servioe, Thursday, 7:45 p.m. ;T. PAUL'S • EV. • LUTHERAN 'HURCH, corner Farmington and Pive Mile roads. Theodore Sauer, )astor. Worship service, 10:30 t.m. Sunday School, 9:45 am. lou are cordially invited to at - end. 3T. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL "HURCH, Maple and S. Harvey Sts. Rev. Francis Tetu, rector. iunday morning services: Church ichool, 9:45 am. Morning prayer vith sermon, 11:00 am. Sends fur Lined Uniforms Home Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Jones, 1424 West Ann Arbor Trail, have just received from their son, Grayson, Jr., who was with Pat ton's army that helped to crack' the Nazi military machine, a rare collection of fur clothing and other war materials that had been sent home from Germany by their son. Some of the fur lined clothing, used for severe winter weather military service, is regarded as most elaborate. The expensive uniforms were taken from a salt mine. It is stat- ed that the material was original. ly taken from the Russians by the Germans and then mada into clothing for military uses. It is be- lieved that the collection is one of the most valuable that has been ent to Plymouth. Town inn Briefs The Livonia Township Taxpay- ers association held their regular' meeting at the Livonia township hall on Five Mile road on Wed-, l,l aercber lFeed Store Feeds—Seeds—Fertilisers 29444 Joy Road at Middlebelt nesgay, June 13. Plans were made for the taxpayers picnic to be held on Sunday, August 5. Games, races, ball games, ice cream and pop. will be on hand. Prizes for the children and fun for all. De- tails will be given at a later date. The Livonia Recreational club will sponsor a meeting at the Li- vonia Township hall on Wearies- day, June 27 (to -night) at 8 p.m. This meeting is for boys and gir's of the Pierson, Livonia Center and Elm districts between the ages of 12 and 16, to form a base- ball league. At this meeting, teams will be organized and +lie league I chedule arranged. All prospec- tive players should attend, accom- panied by their parents. The par- ents will be organized to form the necessary committees. PATRONIZE YOUR OWN Lumber --and Building SuPPY HeadQOQrfs� Coal - Lumber Building Materials * 12434 Middlebelt Road 1/2 Mile N. of Plymouth Rd. Phone Redford 0338 You Can Send Your Car With Confidence To Ralph Ellsworth,'Inc. Authorized Ford & Mercury Dealer PARTS AND ACCESSORIES PHONES: Wayne 1070 Dearborn 2310 Your Nearest Complete Service Garage Official AAA Headquarters Located in the Heart of Garden City k BUY WAR BONDS * 16 11 "The Friendliest Atmosphere in Northwest Detroit" OLD TIMER TAVERN Lahser oad at Grand River REDFORD LIQUOR - BEER - WINE Modern & Old Time Dancing Fri., Sat., Sun. nights MUSIC BY WESTERN ACES JIMMY THRAPP, Prop. Phone REdford 9702 MEN'S WEAR MHM SUITS $30.00 - $32.50 - $35.00 Nationally Known Tailored Suits made to Your Measure Topcoats and Overcoats ARROW SHIRTS INTERWOVEN SOCKS Knox - Portis Hats Jackets - Sportswear Slacks - Dress Pants Undergarments Full Line of WORK CLOTHES Davis & Lent "Where Your Money's Well Spent" 811 Penniman Avenue PLYMOUTH Page Six THZ 1"ONX&M Postwar Heating on New System Mother -in -lawn won't be able to complain of chilling drafts "that keep my ankles so cold" when the family moves into one of the hundreds of thousands of newly - designed homes to be built after the war. According to Practical Builder Magazine, heating engineers have developed panel heating for homes to the point where rooms will be spacious, low-temperature radiators in themselves, eliminat- ing entirely the discomfort caus- ed by drafts, cold walls and win- dows. In panel heating systems, water pipes are located either in the floors, walls or ceil- ings, and hot water is circu- lated through them to provide even, comfortable tempera- ture. Another system of heating in new homes will see the elimina- tion of the "on and off" type of heating now in us. This system maintains a constant temperature in the rooms at all times. The furnace is controlled auto- matically, but it is constantly in operation with a system of valves, automatically controlled regulat- ing the heat that is allowed to come up into the house. Still another system is zone control heating, in which one section of the house may be kept at one temperature while another section is kept at a higher or lower tempera- ture, as desired. For example, the living room area might be kept at 70 degrees SLOE REPAIRING Expert Work Frank's Shoe Repair 11151 Stark Rd- V2 Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. with the bedroom wings at 8& or . 68 degrees, depending upon the occupant's desires. Improvements in forced warm air and hot water heating will ) further insure greater comfort in post-war homes. The shifting systems of false religion are continually changing their places; but the gospal of Christ is the same forever. * BUY WAR BONDS L. BLAKE JEWELER Opposite Post Office Northville, Mich. The Best Place to Buy PALACE EKN Beer - Liquor - Wine ED. PALISZEWSKI, Prop. (formerly Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trac Near Merriiman Road Rosedale Beauty Shop Call Evenings Plymouth 885412 S t a n d i n g appointments. Finger Waves and Permanents 32103 Plymouth road over Rexall Drug Store 34115 Plymouth Road Owned by Carl Haray Southern Style FRIED CHICKEN Once again we are featuring our famous chicken. Try a treat you'll never forget, We Serve Breakfast — Lunch — Dinner For pre-war menue•--where g=My foods are prepared and sold at reasonable prices —eat regularly at Berry's. Wednesday, June 27, 1945 FEEDS - FERTILIZERS FARM SUPPLIES - SPLAY BUILDING SUPPLIES All Kinds of Coal supplyll(ompany Phone 107 882 Holbrook Plymouth THERE'S SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THE PICTURES WE MAKE. People Find a Clearer Likeness In Our Photos — Let Us Show You! SAN RVI" STUDIO 17190 Lacher oad, Redford Phone Redford 7798 Want A Better Car? 20740 Fenkell Phone You'll Find Detroit's Finest Red. 0800 Selection On Our Lot Our Service Department Is The Most Efficient See Us When You BILL BROWN Want Better Car or When n Your Car Needs Repairing In The Northwest Section. LIVONIA'S OLDEST REAL ESTATE FIRM HARRY S. WOLFS REAL ESTATE - FARMS - INSURANCE Phone Livonia 2888 34898 Five Mile Roed—Jail East of Plextnington Road List your property with us for prompt sale Wednesday, June 29, 1945 ,i*_ FOR SALE—We smoke our own ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry. Taylor's Super Market, 29150 Joy Road one block east of Middle Belt Road. 9 tf-c MING oak breakfast set, 9x15 rug with pad, chairs, maple bed- room suite with springs and mat- tress, maple desk and chair. 4 - burner gas stove with over, love Seat with slip cover, maple din- ing. room suite with corner cup- board and buffet. 11006 Melrose, Rosedale Gardens. It -c 2 -WHEEL TRAILER, good condi- tion, 16910 Merriman read. Phone Livonia 2045. It -pd WAN= POULTRY WANTED — We pay the highest prices for poultry. Taylor Super Market, 29150 Joy Rd. Phone Livonia 9207. tf LOST 3IX-MONTH-OLD German Shep- herd puppy, Thursday, June 14, Mack with brown chest. Reward or return to 31447 W. Six D%Ii.-e ,oad or phone Livonia 2429. It -c MISCELLAIRKM DO YOU KNOW Right from Wrong? in parlimentary usage Wilcox Recreational C'lub The divinity of St. John's Gos- )el brings to view overwhelmin ;ides of revelation, and its spirit .s baptismal; he chronicles this teaching. A new commandment 1 ,ive unto you, That ye love one mother." SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selle and Son Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 ?44 Wing St. Plymouth Old. Furniture Made to Lowk Ldke Now FREE ESTIMATES Phone Redford 3199 GUILBEAULT UPHOLSTERING Red. 3100 Corner Westbrook Many Victory gardens Planted While not an accurate check has been made, it is believed that Plymouth has as many if not more victory gardens this year than last. Nearly every vacant lot in the city available for planting pur- poses is now growing mucin need- ed food for this fall and winter. E. I. Besemer, Wayne county farm agent, has issued a few hints for late planters. They follow: If ,you haven't planted those late potatoes, this is the time to do it. Cut chunky rather than wedge shaped seed pieces and to reduce MARY CAMILOT ANN STEPHAN Closed July 7th Open August 7th • s s 9085 Middlebeit between Chicago & Jqy Headquarters for Lumber Roofing and all Building ME materials Coal for all type heating plants Plymouth Lumber & Coal Companv 308 N. Main St., at P. M. Tracks Phone 102, Plymouth, Mich. seed -borne diseases treat them be- fore planting in Semesan Bel. It is time to make that second sowing of sweet corn and green beans. Plant 20 feet of row of beans and 40 feet of sweet corn for each member of your family. To keep cutworms from gird- ling tomato plants place a paper collar around the stearn of each plant. A 3 by 5 inch filing card will do. Roll it around the stem with the bottom of the roll ex- tendingtwo inches below ground and 1 inch extending above. Lima beans, soy beans and pole beans can be planted now. If planted before the soil warms up, many of the seeds wilt rot. Plant about 50 feet of row of limas, and Summer Lubrication Service Don't gamble with your car—put its fu- ture in the hands of experts—. Phone Liv. 9202 25 feet of soy beans for each member of your family. The amount of pole beans to be plant- ed will depend on how many green beans you plant. If you sowed seeds of squash, melons and cucumbers in straw- berry boxes or .plant bands inside they can be planted out now. Just knock the bottom out of the box and set it down in the soil instead of disturbing the roots. These plants will produce earlier fruit for you. Seeds of these crops can aso be sown now. The .prayer that begins with trustfulness, and passes on into waiting, will always end in thankfulness, triumph, and praise. —A. Maclaren. Transmission and Dif- ferential checked with- out charge— Motors flushed and oil Changed— Battery and Muffler checked— Lights and Sparkplugs checked— These Things Should Be Done Today RABIOLA'S GULF SERVICE 31390 Plymouth Road corner Merriman rirs AMm S o Valuation to $50.00. Additional Insurance at 2% of your valua- tion. Controlled temperature. Ending June 30 IIS i°1) ANED, GLAZEI RED, INSURE S 95 Ypsilanti: 20 N. Washington Ypsilanti: 32 Huron Street Plymouth: 774 Penniman Wayne: 2925 N. Washington i Page Eight LI Wednesday, June 27, 1945 Says River Trip Is Country's Best "It is one of the greatest trins'I a man can take in any part of the country" stated Robert Jolliffe the other day after Mr. and Mrs. Jolliffe returned from a river trip to New Orleans. They left from Cincinnati, went down the Ohio to the Mississippi, and down the Mississippi to New Orleans, returning the same way. "If any one desires a quiet, peaceful way to take a vacation, I know of no better way to secure it than by taking this trip. But don't get too excited about it. It is necessary to make your bookings a year ahead of time, as the boat is all booked up for this year" he said. The steamer makes several stops along the way, enab'ing the passengers to visit interesting and historic places in the various cities along the river banks. * BUY WAR BONDS * ROBERT SIMMONS FWHAV YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH We carry an extensive line of fine jewelry, crystal and wooden ware in addition to precious stones and jewelry. LOCATED ACROSS FROM THE FORD GARAGE IN THE CONSUMERS POWER BUILDING ON MAIN STREET MILT'S QUAtl]FV MARkt I Next to The Rexall Drug Store In Rosedale Gardens There's a friendly feeling in this store that makes shopping fun. Make this your food headquarters, that's what your neighbor is do- ing. �r Service With We Carry Only A Smile "V Quality Foods — YOU CAN GET IT HERE — Thorough Examination by ,Skilled Optometrists COMPLETE OPTICAL SERViCE1111i Dr. M. F. McGuirk, Oe D. in charge "Style Right" Glasses on Liberal Credit Terms Seven Nights of the Week DANN'S TA 34401 Plymouth Road FUN - GOOD MUSIC - FOO An Ideal Place to Spend an Evening BEER - WINE - LIQUOR Music by Speedy and Pat Amateur Night every Thursday It's Easy To Shop In Our Modern Serve -Self Market With marketing as difficult as it is today you will appreciate the convenience or our modernized store. LIDGARD BROS, RED & WHITE STORE Stark at Plymouth Road