HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1945_0718Livonia High School Packed Ey Minister "The Township school board has set a goal for every Livonian to work toward," declared Rev. V. Carson of the Newburg Method- ist church in an interview follow - Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan, Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. Wednesday, July 18, 1945 ing the July 13 meeting of elec- tors lec- p to Commenting further on the ed- Colonel Is News off Interest Livonian Editor ucational facts brought to light at , this meeting, Rev. Carson stated: ROyitar Speaker . In the. Township Wins Decorations "Here is a worthy project that merits the earnest efforts of every Captain John B. Gaffield of public-spirited citizen."' The New- Colonel Cass S. Hough of Plym- Audrey Houvener, of Honolulu, Howard City and Livonia (Michi- outh was the speaker at the last Hawaii, was the weekend guest g.an) has been awarded the Dis- burg meeting is the first in a meeting of the Livonia Rotary of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and tinguished Flying Cross as well series being held throughout Li- club. The meeting was planned Mrs. G. C. Butt of Arden Rd. Miss as the Army Air Medal with one vonia Township to acquaint the under the capable direction of Houvener, who will be a senior cluster for extraordinary exploits public with pertinent facts con- Cecil Habermehl, chairman of the at Stephens College this fall is over Burma as flight pilot con- cerning school operation and the International Service Committee spending her summer vacation in netted with the' 127th Liason construction of a township high of the club. Detroit with her college room- Squadron of the Second Comman- In presenting the .colonel to the mate. do :group, U. S. Army Air Force. school. Fred C. Weinert, president of the School Board resented a club Mr. Habermehl -called at- This information was received p tention to the fact that the speak- Jacqueline, (Jackie) and Geor- late last week by his parents, Mr. graphic "story in charts" of the er was the man who had set a- giana Hamilton, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Gaffield of present drastic meed and of the new world's record in England and Mrs. George Hamilton of Howard City and Capt. Gaffielws limited seating capacity ... pres- by diving his plane faster than Cranston Rd., will leave on Sun- wife in Detroit. ent and future. The township's the speed of sound. day, July 29 for Camp Sherwood The Air Medal Cluster came as precarious connection with ad- The colonel told of the excellent near Lapeer, where they will camp the first award in his first cam - school facilities was work of the eighth air force of until August 12. paign over Burma several months Joining high- discussed considerable length which he was technical director * * * ago. The Distinguished Flying g and was high in his praise of Among the campers at the Boy Cross citation came as an award and was a subject of intense in- General Jimmy Doolittle who Scout camp near Brighton this for his more recent flights over terest in the "question and ans- commanded the 8th. month are Richard Bucknell, Billy Burma and .adjacent areas in the wer" phase of the program. 'He outlined for the Rotarians Sayre, Jimmy Butt and Eugene second campaign of his squadron. all the detailed work necessary Capt. Gaffield graduated from There will be six more meetings in preparation of a bombing mis McWethy. * * * Howard City high school in 19.97, held at strategic points in the sion which involved some thous- later attended Michigan State Col - township so that all of Livonia's and planes and he said it didn't'A delegation of voung people of lege and at the time of itis ea - citizens may have an opportunity seem possible that so many people junior high age attended a church listment, February 1942, was en - to hear this vital message. Some could be involved in an operation conference at the Presbyterian gaged as Livonian editor here in of the meetings will be conducted that when it reached its schedul- Walden Woods camp last week. Livonia. He won his wings at by Fred C. Weinert, president of ed point everything went off right They rs were Ruth eturned Gn Sunday. The Douglas Field, Arizona, in Feb - the School Board, others by Earl to the second it was planned. ca Pers ,Joan Ruth Ba Sally Hol- ruary 1943 and for a time was His talk and. the program proved flight instructor at Tullahoma, Bedell, board trustee and Harry one of the most interesting yet comb, Bruce McGregor, Dick Wy- Tenn., Statesboro, Georgia, and Johnson, superintendent Of held by the local club. lie, Wendell Culbertson and Jim- Carrabelle, Florida. He left for schools. The schedule of future * my Butt. During the same week,India Nov. 9, 1944. His son, born meetings follows: Beverly Balsley attended a confer- March 26, 1945 Capt, Gaffield has Only Twenty Cast for high school students at not seen. You Wilcox school, Middlebelt and Youth Island. The group who left These are exceptional honors Six Mile, July 16. this week for Walden Woods are that have been won by this youn Rosedale Civic Club House, School Ballots Lois Blankenhagen, Ila Culbert- son, une Rohrman, Judith Mc- Army Air Force officer and his J Rosedale Gardens, July 18. son, and Lois Phillips. many friends here join in hearty WetPierson school, 7 Mile near According to George Bentley, * * * congratulations for his splendid Farmington, July 20. treasurer of the Livonia Township Flight Engineer Charles R. Me- worTownship. Stark School, Stark and Pine School District, the balloting in Kinney, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tree, July 23. the school election was unusually -Leslie McKinney of 32103 Plym- Livonia Township Hall, 5 Mile light with only twenty ballots outh road, who has been home on Township Has near Farmington, July 25.. cast. The candidates, L. J. Gage leave since July 2, will return to Elm School, Middlebelt need and Fred C. Weinert were elect- Camp Smokey Hill, Salina, Kan- ■ P.M.R.R., Jul 27. ed to serve as trustees for a pe- sas on Friday. His wife, the for- New Electrolite Y riod of three years. Mr. Bentley mer Ann Atkin of Detroit, has It will be to the advantage of said that the vote set a record spent the leave with her husband Livonia Township is now the every Livonian to attend at least low because there was no contest at his parents home. On Thursday proud possessor - an Electrolite one of these meetings. Your town- for the offices and he believed evening the .young couple were or Wood's Lamp. This was made ship needs your .help in its post- that voters thought it was unnec- honored at a family dinner. Lt. possible through the combined ef- war planning . . . now! essary to cast a ballot when the and Mrs. McKinney and Mr. and forts of the P. T. associations of * candidates were assured their Mrs. Leslie McKinney attended an the 'various schools in the town - offices. Atkin family reunion at Utica on ship, including St. Michael's. The Woman's Club Sunday.. balance of the money necessary ■ * * * to complete the purchase was Urge Destruction Mr. and Mrs. A. c. Burton en- provided through the township Plans Party tertained on Thursday evening board. at a backyard fish-fr-v Mr. and This lamp is used. in the citeck- O- Ragweed ere Mrs. David Demers. ing of children's heads for the There's nothing so friendly as a * * * presence of ringworm of the scalp. good old-fashioned Bingo party, P.F.C. Nicolas Cicirelli, son of Its use is virtually the only way it suits every age so well. Once again it is ragweed and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cicrelli, of by which the presence of this Let's all meet on July 21, Sat- hayfever season. The Rosedale 33605 Plymouth Road, will report type of infection can be detected, urday evening at 8:30 in the Li- Gardens branch of the National to Miami for reassignment on July and the progress of the disease Gonia Township Town Hall. The Farm and Garden association are. 29. PFC Cicirelli, who was a Ger- and its cure can be checked. proceeds go to help finance the resuming their campaign against man prisoner of war for eight On Friday morning, July 20 at Livonia Township Harvest Show. this weed which is a menace to and a half months was released 9:0'0 o'clock, Miss Losure of the What could be a nicer way to hayfever sufferers. on April 15, 1945, has been an Wayne County Department of assist Mrs. Mabel Eddy Petersen, If each individual, would pull or furlough with his family for a Health will be at the Rosedale of Livonia Township Woman's cut every ragweed he sees before month and a half. Gardens school, at which time par - club to make Livonia's Harvest it goes to seed, it would be a good * * * ents may bring their children for show a success. start toward its complete eradica- Township Clerk Harr.; S. Wolfe examination by means of this Don't forget the date, nor be late tion. this week warned Livonia resi- lamp to determine the presence You'll win a gift, that's fate Acquaint yourself with the rag- dents whom to call in case of fire. or absence of this infection or the We want .you, one and all, weed, destroy it and be of service Mr. Wolfe stated that some Livo- progress of cure in those under To come and hear the Bingo call. to .your community. (Continued on Page 2) treatment. Pape Two T= L Wednesday, July 18, 1945 News of Interest (Continued from Page 1) nia residents do not know which department to call and suggested that a list of the fire departments be printed in the Livonian so that every resident could keep the list near the telephone. Phone Li- vonia 2555 in case of fire in Li- vonia township from Joy road to 6 Mile. Residents on 7 and 8 Mile roads call Redford 7680 for Red- ford Twp. Fire Department. PFC William Moran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Moran, is home from the ETO with an 127 point discharge. PFC Moran, who has been overseas for four years re- turned to Livonia last Tuesday. 744 Win St. Plymouth SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP J. W. Selle and ;ion Expert Collision Work PHONE 177 Ross, Alexander and Rehner's .....:...: :: "The quarrels of lovers are the renewals of love"—Terence JULY 4�18—First U. S. battleships pass through the Pana- ma Canal, 1915. 17—Spanish Gen. Toral sur- """ renders Santiago (Cuba), —"-`� — 1898. —18—Washington nominates Alexander Hamilton to t` be Major General, 1798. 19—First Woman's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, N. Y., 1848. faa�z, _ 20—Drawing for first draft ' d held, 1917. .� 21—john T. Scopes convicted for teaching evolution theory, 1925. ' ��dp 22—Preparedness Day pa. rade bombed in San Francisco, 1916. wx,u &rw�. GOOD EYESIGHT Makes History for You Compliments of John A. Ross L. E. Rehner Doctors of Optometry 809 Peninman Ave. Plymouth, Michigan Phone 433 New Office Hours OPEN DAILY FROM 7 to 9 p.m. Two years ago Mr. Moran married Jimmy Thornton, son of Mrs. an English girl, who will come to William Wood ,left Monday for this country as soon as she can get Western Michigan College for a ransportation. 4 month V-12 training course as an Apprentice Seaman. Jimmy's * * * sister, Nancy, accompanied nim to Ralph Eugene Van Tassel, of 'Kalamazoo where she is enrolled Stark, who has been vacationing as a Pre -Med student in the sutn- at Morand and Mackinac Island, mer school. returned on Sunday. * * * The Livonia MOMS club held Monsignor A. J. Sawkins, of the an installation of new officers at Immaculate Conception parish To= their July meeting last Wednes- day. Mrs. Hattie Taylor was in- ledo, O., and his mother Mrs. stalled as the new president; the George W. Sawkins were the other officers are: Mrs. Pearl Tea- houseguests last weekend of Mr. hen, first vice president, Mrs. Eve - and Mrs. Henry M. Bock. (Continued on Page 3) You Can Send Your Car With Confidence To Ralph Ells Authorized Ford & Mercury Dealer PARTS AND ACCESSORIES PHONES: Wayne 1070 Dearborn 2310 Your Nearest Complete Service Garage Official AAA Headquarters Located in the Heart of Garden City FUEL OIL �We Ahn to Please" Phone Your Order to 191 Northville Aiah# Calls Phone 88 C. R. ELY & SONS YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW USE THE BEST .. . CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. PLUMBING AND HEATING C. J. _LE GGFRT Parts and Flxltww Repairs and Service 20547 Fenkell Ave., Cor. Patton REdford 2167 Conkeys Y -O Egg Mash Makes Eggs at Low Goat Production Get it from TOWERS FEED STORE 28850 Plymouth Rd. Phone Livonia 3181 Make This lour Jewelry Heaaquartem W yr W VON BURGS Redfords Oldest Established Jewelers—just west on urana River Ave., at Lasher Get better results with better feeds LARRO HEADQUARTERS Poultry Remedies SAXTON Form Supply Store 887 W. Ann Arbor Trail Phone 174 Wednesday, July 18, 1945 THE LIVONIAN Page Three News of Interest Continued (from Page 2) lyn Labbe, second vice president, Mrs. Edith Chapman, secretary and Mrs. Lean Cicirelli, treasurer Pars. Taylor :has announced that there will be no August meeting of the club and the next regular meeting will be held September 12,. Mrs. Clarence Smith, of Brook- field Rd., who has been vacation- ing at the summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ziegler on Hough- ton Lake, returned to her home this week. Mrs. Josephine English, of Itha- ca,. N. Y., is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carey this week. In preparation for the special election of July 30 on the question of building a high school and to discuss other educational needs, (Continued on Page 4) August 1st to August 15th So that our employees may enjoy a much deserved vacation we will be closed for 2 weeks. �. 11. 1 �I 34115 Plymouth Road Owned by Carl Haray Southern Style FRIED CHICKEN Once again we are featuring our famous chicken. Try a treat you'll never forget. We Serve Breakfast — Lunch — Dinner For pre-war menus --where quality foods are prepared and sold at reasonable prices —eat regularly at Berry's. FEEDS - FERTILIZERS MATERIALS -GRAIN BUILDING .SUPPLIES All Kinds of Coal The Eckles Coal & Supply(ompany Phone 107 882 Holbrook Plymouth THERE'S SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT THE PICTURES WE MAKE. People Find a Clearer Likeness In Our Photos — Let Us Show You! SAN REMO' STUDIO 17190 Lasher oad, Redford Phone Redford 7798 Want A Better Car? 20740 Fenkell Phone You'll Find Detroit's Finest Red. 0900 Selection On Our Lot Our Service Department Is The Most Efficient See Us When You BILL BROWNant a Belter Car Needs Repairbg In The Northwest Section. LIVONIA'S OLDEST REAL ESTATE FIRM e 0 , REAL ESTATE - FARMS - MURAMM Phone Livonia 2888 32s98 rive MU* Road--Jvsd Fres3 o1 Famninpim dead List your property with us for prompt sale Pam Four � IONIAN Wednesday, July 18, 1945 News of Interest (Continued from Page 3) two district meetings will be held this week. Tonight at 8 o'clock there will be a meeting at the Rosedale Club House and Friday at the Pierson School at the same time. Charles and John Bock, sons of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bock, return- ed Sunday from Alma where they have been visiting their grand- mother Mrs. C. A. Sawkins. Their sister Bernie will remain at grandmother's home for another week. .k M Honoring the new executive board and the committee chair- men of the Livonia Township Woman's club, the president, Dr. Marie Hyland Timpona will en- tertain at a luncheon today (Wed- nesday, July 18). The discussion period begins at 11 a.m. Beginning with this issue The Livonian has a new correspond - SHOE REPAIRING Expert Woak Frank's Shoe Repair 11151 Stark Rd., V2 Blk. South of Plymouth Rd. Save with Safety at your REXALL DRUG STORE CECIL H. HABERMEHL Corner of Blackburn 32101 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens ent. Mrs. Edmund Yerkes (Mar- garet Buzzard) will be calling Li- vonia residents several days a week for news. If you have per- sonal items or news stories and please call 16 (the Livonian office). PALACE INN Beer - Liquor - Wine ED. PALISZEWSKI, Prop. (formerly Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriiman Road Headquarters for Lumber Roofing and all Building Materials Coal for all type heating plants Plymouth Lumber & Coal Companv 308 N. Main St., at P. M. Tracks Phone 102, Plymouth, Mich. ROBERT SIMMONS "IL/ YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN THE CITY OF PLYMOUTH We carry an extensive line of fine jewelry, crystal and wooden ware in addition to precious stones and jewelry. LOCATED ACROSS FROM THE FORD GARAGE IN THE CONSUMERS POWER BUILDING ON MAIN STREET Thorough Examination by Skilled Optometrists COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICE 21648 GRAND RIVER a 22085 NIC816AN N WFOW W W. 09AMO M1 Dr. M. F. McGuirk, O. D. in charge "Style Right" Glasses on Liberal Credit Terms IDANCII N6 Seven Nights of the Week 1 DAIS' S TkVERN e 34401 Plymouth Road FUST n - GOOD MUSIC - FOOD An Ideal Place to Spend an Evening BEER - WINE - LIQUOR Music by Speedy and Pat Amateur Night every Thursday It's Easy To Shop In Our Modern Serve -Self Market With marketing as difficult as it is today you will appreciate the convenience of our modernized store. 0 LIDGARD BROS, RED & WHITE STORE Stark at Plymouth Road Wednesday, July 18, 1945 1;.osedale Park Girl Weds Flight Officer Harry F. Wooster Flight Officer Barry F. Woos- ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest N. Wooster, of Rosedale Gardens and Barbara Paxton LaBine, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Alfred C. LaBine, of Rosedale Park, were united in marriage at an infor- mal wedding Saturday afternoon, July 7, in the Bushnell Congre- gational church in Detroit. The bride wore an aqua blue crepe dress with white accessor- ies and a corsage of orchids and roses. She was attended by her sister, Shirley Ann LaBine, as maid -of -honor, and Marguerite Eckhout as bridesmaid. Norma Chambers was the soloist. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, William E. Woos- ter, as best man and- the ushers were Flight Officer S^ !ncer Peck of Birmingham and Hal Neal of Detroit. Following the ceremony a wed- ding dinner was served at Dear- born Inn for members of the bri- dal party with covers laid for twenty-two. The young couple are spending their hone --moon in northern Michigan after which they will go to his base at Lincoln, Nebraska. The rehearsal supper was held on the evening of July 6, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wooster in Rosedale Gardens with twelve present. * BUY WAR BONDS camilot BEAUTY CLINIC phMIP T ivonla EE34 MARY CAMMOT ANN STEPHAN Closed July 71h Open August 71h • • $035 Middlebelt between Chicago & Joy Udolsferino Old Furniture Made to Look Like NOW FREE ESTIMATES Phone Redford 3199 GUILBEAULT UPHOLSTERING Red. 3100 Coraw WeAbrook T!!'!< L Page 75" life !„ "I've been a dealer in electric appliances for fifteen years, with a close view of the amazing progress made toward providing the `electric life: I don't believe many people fully realize yet that the `electric life' is practical right now! They aren't familiar with the variety of labor-saving devices that appliance manufacturers have developed ... haeme proved in use ... and will again make available at reasonable .prices. Quite a while ago only those with better incomes could afford to use electric appliances. Today there are few people who can afford not to use electric appliances, because of the savings in time, labor and drudgery that they provide. I'm now telling my customs about all the modern appliances for modern living—automatfa washers, ironers, garbage disposal units, ranges, dishwashers, water heaters, television, home freezers, automatic blankets, alt conditioners and so on. I'm asking my customers to review their ways of doing things ... to recognize the old-fashioned ways they cling to ... to find out the cost of doing things the modern way. I believe that in almost every case they'll decide that the old-fashioned way is the wasteful way. They'll all be -ruing on the electric life when appliances are again aveiiebW ................... for helpful informatiou. ire will be g6d to ,W ,ro' help you select models that will fit your tom. Page Six TRS L>;'VOKI" Wednesday, July 18, 1945 kith the Livonia Churches I LIVONIA COMMUNITY CHURCH, Farmington Road and Five Mile road. Rev. Albert J. Luibrand, pastor. Morning Wor- ship 11:30 a.m. Sunday School, classes for all ages, 10:30 am. Choir practice Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Prayer meeting and Bible study Thursday evening at 7 p.m. Friendship Circle first and third Wednesday of each month. Evening worship and song service the last Sunday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Young People's meeting at the ohurch last Sunday of each month at 7 p.m. Teachers meeting the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. This is an undenomina- tional church and everyone iu the community is cordially invit- ed to attend. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Farmington high school auditor- ium, Sunday, 11:00 a. m,., Sunday school, same hour. Wednesday evening services at 3333$ Grand River Avenue at 8:00 p. m. s s • GAYLORD ROAD B A P T I S 1 CHAPEL, 19188 Gaylord Rd. three blocks south of Grand River. Rev. Edwin C. Gordon, Pastor. 19248', Dalby, Phone EVergreen U124. 10' a.m. Church School with Bible classes for all ages. 11:15 am. Morning Worship. 6:3U pmL B.Y.F. iVirs. Edwin Gordon, lead- er. 7:30 p.m. Evening service.) Wednesday, 7:45 pm. Bible study and Prayer service. We cordial- ly invite you to come and worship with us. • • • ST. MICHAEL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH—Father Contway. pas- , tion; Rosedale Gardens. Mamma at GASB aw- 6 a L, 10 &.m. and lis no= HOPE CHAPEL, CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRETHREN. Six Mile, west of Middlebelt. Morn- ing worship and Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. Young Peoples Chris- tian Endeavor at. 6:30 pm., with Youth Fellowship following. The mid -week prayer service is held on Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. The Ladies' Aid meets on the first Wednesday evening of each month. The Women's Mission- ary Society meets on the sec- ond Wednesday of each month at noon, beginning with a potluck luncheon at 12.30, which is fol- lowed by the business and devo- tional meeting at 1:30 pm. We in- vite everyone in our community to take part in our Christian fel- lowship. BETHEL MISSIONARY CHA- PEL, 8890 'Middle Belt Road. Sunday school, 1:45 pm., Sunday Evening service, 7:45 p.m. Mid- week Service, Thursday, 7:45 p.m. ST. PAUL'S EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH, corner Farmington and Five Mile roads. Theodore Sauer, pastor. Worship service, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. You are cordially invited to at- tend. R • • ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Maple and S. Harvey Sts. Rev. Francis Tetu, rector i Sunday morning services: Church School, 9:45 am. Morning prayer with sermon, 11:00 am. * BUY WAIS BONDS * 4-H Club mews of Local Interest (By Ada Watson.) The twenty-seventh annual Michigan 4-H Club Week at Michigan State College was at- tended by 31 delegates from Wayne county, representing the different county honor members from the several projects. They were: Clothing—Carol Schatz, Garden City school; Alice Meyers, Walk- er; Grace Sweet, Wayne; Patricia Spence, Brainard; Iola Fritz, Ro- mulus (service club); Yvonne Johnson, Romulus; Shirley Fritz, I Romulus; Sally Spence, Brainard (style); Barbara Bretz, Fisher; , rances Gordon. Walker; Barbara Arnold, Denton; Barbara DeLeon, cellence in her clothing projects Hand. which she had carried for eight Gardening — Dolores Wolin, years. Iola was chosen as alternate Atonement Lutheran; Inez Dan- I for the American Youth Founda- iels, Livonia Center. I tion scholarship for which the Canning—June Venus, Livonia I award is a two -weeks stay at Center; Virginia Falatine, Mose! Camp Miniwanea. Iola was also bar. i admitted to membership in the Handicraft—Leo Kales, New State Service club which is an Boston. i honorary organization, made up of Victory—Jack Gage, Newburg; outstanding 4-H club members Arthur Kreger, Newburg. and local leaders in the state. Dairy—Daniel Wiseley, county-! Iola took part in a 4-H radio wide; Gerald Salow, county -wide; i program which was transcribed Donald Ve.tal, county -wide; Don- and presented over WJR on Sat- ald Korte, county -wide. ! urday morning, June 30. Beef—Kenneth Pankow, coun- i Sally Spence of Dearborn took ty-wide. I part in the dress revue which was Rabbits — Richard Walbreq, presented on Thursday evening, Dearborn. June 28, and was fortunate in be- Poultry—Willard McCuaig, New ing placed in the honor group, Boston. which was invited to return for The 4-H delegates had an en- the State 4-H show in September. joyable time, including a train trip Sally had prepared an Achieve - from Plymouth to Lansing and ment booth which showed a sum - return. This was a new experience many of her 4-H achievements for most of them. during her eight years rf 4-H Among the delegates winning club work. They included 27 proj- special awards were Iola Fritz of ects. Romulus who won e Scholarship Sally was chosen as second al- to Michigan State College for ex - (Continued from Page 7) THEY'RE all big days for Long Distance these days. Our job is to take them in stride and get your calls through without waiting. Most of the time it works out that way, but sometimes there's an extra big crowd on some circuits. Then Long Distance will say — "Please limit your call to 5 minutes" MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY *INVEST IN VICTORY—BUY MORE WAR BONDS Wednesday, July 18, 1945 T= LITONIM Pao ftvw 4 H Cl b N , county on June 21 at which time I The winners will take part in (Continued from Page 6) ternate for presenting her Booth at the State Elimination contest at the State 4-H club show in Sep- tember, at which time the show winner is chosen. Sally and Grace Sweet of Wayne helped with a right-handed' dishwashing demonstration given under the direction of Miss Laura Davis extension home manage- ment specialist, Michigan State College. The boys took part in soft ball', games each afternoon at the rec- reation period. Dan Wisely of Plymouth was chosen captain of the air corps team which won all three games over the other teams. A 4-11 clothing and livestock judging day was held in Wayne eight boys went on a dairy tour and judged Holsteins and Guern- seys at the Willow Brook farm and the Guernsey farm on the Ten Mile road. Louie Webb, assistatn state club leader, Michigan State College, E. I. Besemer, Wayne County ag- ricultural agent, and Charles Sa- low, local 4-H club leader, ac- companied the boys. The girls met at the Wayne park recreation center and wen, given instruction in clothing judg- ing in the morning and did actual judging in the afternoon. Grace Sweet, a graduate of Wayne high school, was the win- ner; Virginia Falatine of Waltz, and Jean Curry of Dearborn tied for second place. * BUY WAR BONDS Food A troblem Don't let it worry you—shop with ease in our big, modern super -market We make it our business to have the things you want 31507 Plymouth Road MILT'S QUAIII-11V MARI(II Next to The Rexall Drug Store In Rosedale Gardens There's a friendly feeling in this store that makes shopping fun. Make this your food headquarters, that's what your neighbor is do- ing. Service With We Carry Only A Smile Quality Foods — YOU CAN GET IT HERE — an elimination contest at Michi- gan State College in August. ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- TION SERVICE Kelvinator, Leonard, Frigid- aire, Universal, Copeland License and banded Livonia 2605 � W r1E Kaercher Feed Store Feeds—Seeds—Fertilises 29444 Joy Road at Middlebeit PATRONIZE YOUR OWN Lumber --and— Building Suppy Headquarters Coal - Lumber Building Materials * Leadbetter COAL & LUMBER COMPANY 12434 Middlebelt Road 1/2 Mile N. of Plymouth Rd. Phone Redford 0338 MEN'S WEAR MHM SUITS $30.00 - $32.50 - $35.00 Nationally Known Tailored Suits made to Your Measure Topcoats and Overcoats ARROW SHIRTS INTERWOVEN SOCKS Knox - Portis Hats jackets - Sportswear Slacks - Dress Pants Undergarments Full Line of WORK CLOTHES Davis & Leat "Where Your, Money's Well Spent" 811 Penniman Avenue PLYMOUTH OPEN FOR BUSINESS Nankin Mills' Inn 33594 Ann Arbor Trail —Visit Our Beautiful Bar— Private Parties Given Special Attention Private Rooms Available Page Eight T= LITCO " Wednesday, July 18, 1945 -�!TV �5 FOR SALE—We smoke our own ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry. Taylor's Super Market, 29150 Joy Road one block east of Middle Belt hoad. 9 tf-e 3 PAIR green rayon damask drapes, $18.00; also vanity bench. 9618 Melrose, Rosedale Gardens, phone Livonia 3170. It -.pd WAN= POULTRY WANTED — We pay the highest prices for poultry. Taylor Super Market, 29150 Joy Rd. Phone Livonia 9207. 1 tf Complete Decorating Service Spray or Brush Painting and paper hanging Prompt Service BOB BOULWARE Evergreen 5968 and TED DUNCAN Farmington 0886-R The present moment is all we can call our own for works of mercy, of righteous dealing, and of family tenderness. — George Eliot. Your Garden This Week A mulch of straw, grass clip- pings or leaves placed on the soil under the tomato vines at this time will help to keep the soil cooler and more uniformly moist. It will also help somewhat, to re- duce blossom end rot, and by keeping the fruits off the ground will reduce the amount of rot on the lower clusters. When cauliflower heads are two to three inches across, the leaves should be tied or pinned up around them to keep out the sun and prevent them from turning brown. Tie them up when the leaves are dry and do not tie them too tightly. The figures 4-12-4 on fertilizer bag, mean that it contains four parts of nitrogen, 12 parts of phosphorus and four parts of she does not call you, will you potash. Let Us Put Your DON'T DELAY. The heating system is the comfort of your home—that's why important that you put it in A-1 sha SAVE FUEL. It is patriotic to conser fuel. Regular inspection, cleaning an repairs to your heating system can r greater heating comfort and substant savings. AVOID BREAKDOWNS. A thorough To keep aphids off cauliflower and broccoli, spray or dust them with nicotine. Cabbage worms can be kept under control by dusting frequently with rotenone. To build up the plants for next spring's production, fertilize rhu- barb and asparagus at this time. A 4-12-4 fertilizer can be used at the rate of three pounds per 100 square feet. Early peas such as Thomas Lax- ton and World's Record can be sown in Southern Michigan this week for a fall crop. Such a crop is less successful than peas sown in the early spring, but if weather conditions are favorable a fairly good harvest can be expected. Superintendent's Brother Dies Funeral services were held last Monday at Champion, Michigan, for Gideon Johnson aged 40 who passed away after ailing for the last year. A brother of saperinten- dent Harry Johnson of Livonia he was an employee of the State Highway department and had re- cently been transfererd to a new position in northern Michigan. Father, we thank Thee that Thy light and Thy love reach earth, open the prison to them that are bound, console to innocent, and thro wwide the gates of heaven.— Mary Baker Eddy. Heating System In Shap vital to tion of your heating system now will assure it's so efficient, trouble-free service. A major break- pv e now. down can mean inconvenience, discomfort and scarce expense. e d minor NEW BOILER. Let us install a new Crane boiler esult in if your present one is beyond repair. Act now ial fuel — the supply is limited. ASK US about the convenient FHA Finance inspec- Plan. Small monthly payments up to 18 months. CALL US FOR HEATING SERVICE HEATING SYSTEMS NOW IS THE TIME TO SHOULD BE o MAKE REPAIRS CLEANED Every part of your heating sys- A thorough, cleaning will in- r tem, including valves, operat- crease the efficiency of your heating system. Flue surfaces ing parts and controls, should and moving parts should be be inspected and repaired to oiled to protect them from rust. insure efficient heating. INSULATION INSTALL DUST -STOP WILL SAVE FUEL FILTERS ON WARM Insulation on the boiler and y AIR SYSTEM pi -pe lines is good economy. ® These efficient filters improve L your heating system, help save The fuel savings which result fuel. Now is a good time to will soon pay for the cost of the remove old filters and install insulation. nein, ones. Inspection, Adjustments and Conditioning of Oil Burners and Stokers are a Specialty with Us. PHONE 1505 Nights, Sunday, Holidays—Livonia 2073 JOHN CAMm"PBELL Licnesed Master Plumber 38630 Plymouth Road Member Detroit & National Association of Master Plumbers With each returning year, high- er joys, holier aims, a purer peace and diviner energy, should fresh- en the fragrance of being.—Mary Baker Eddy. A coin used in China today carries a thumbnail impression accidentally made in the wax model of its design by an em- press in the seventh century. Experience is victor, never the vanquished; and out of defeat comes the secret of victory. That to -morrow starts from today and is one day beyond it, robes the future with hope's rainbow hues. —Mary Baker Eddy. L. BLAKE JEWELER Opposite Post Office Northville, Mich. The Besf Place to Buy Safety First! Have good brakes on your car Why Take Chances Brake Relining We use only the fin- est materials—Amer- ican Blok, Raybestos and Gray Rock. MOTOR SLUGGISH? Don't blame the gas! Why not have a MOTOR TUNE-UP Skilled mechanics do our work Rabiola Gulf Service 31390 Plymouth Road Phone Livonia 9202