HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1946_0102Health Dept. Says Diphtheria Deaths, Avoidable Livonia Township, according 'o the Wayne County Department of Health, has had eight cases of diphtheria with one death 'since' the beginning of the school year last September. Seven of these v7ere school children one was an The death was a schoolRosedale Rink Garden Club Sets Youth Loses childt Dr. David Littlejohn, director of the dee ca es that all Plenty Busy Plenty M n r „ Meeting Annual Meeting 4 Fingers In were un of these: cases were unnecessary iL �i and should not have occurred if Rosedale Gardens Ice Skating they had been properly protected The Rosedale Gardens branch Farm beat r Grinder G and Hockey Club is announcing of the Women's National a ainst the disease by the use of plenty of ice skating at the com- and Garden Association will ;hold ` ag iphtheria toxoid. munity rink at Hubbard and its annual meeting and election Jerry Krull, of, 11307 Merriman To properly protect against Orangelawn. of officers at 2 p.m. next Tuesday, Road, an eighth grade student at diphtheria every child should The club reports that Ed Zopff Jan. 8, at the Rosedale Commun- Newburg Junior High school, met be given two doses of the toxoid, Bert French should be given toxoid, one month apart, be- ity House. with a painful and most tragic ac, cident recentl Mrs. Stafford Francis, chairman y while allegedly ginning when the child is a pat on the back for the excel- lent job they have done in flood- of the nominating committee, will working in the meat department nine months of age. A third, ing the rink. To date the club's of the Rosedale Su be assisted by Mrs. Leslie Daniels P per Market. or -booster" dose should be junior team has won one; tide and Mrs. Robert Bruce. The new The family reports that while given when child is five years one and.. lost one in the Detroit officers will appear in The Li'- the youth was Pp Y putting meat old, or before entering school. Night HockeyLeague. . vonian issue of Jan. 16. through a grinder his right hand Ii this procedure is followed Rosedale Gardens is anxious to _ became entangled in the machine by all Livonia Township parents, organize a boys' hockey Teague ■ ■—*' and as a result four fingers were Livonia Has Dr. Littlejohn advises, there need anti f Willi the e recon oam di cut off. He was treated by Dr. O: be no repetition of this year's ex- perience. Every child, he believes, Lloyd. Players should call Mr. L. Brooker. p Upon being contacted by tele - Fewer Fires is entitled to this protection and Lloyd at Livonia 2015. phone by The Livonian the pro - the entire community is responsi- -- The Livonia Fire Department prietor of the market where the ble, to see that every child is so responded to 109 alarms in 1944 youth. was allegedly employed, rr p protected. Purchase west and to date, as this goes to print declined to give any information Dr. Littlejohn says, "Your fam-we ily physician is ready and eager Point have responded to only 64 about the accident. He did not alarms. deny such an accident had oc- to provide this protection for the brill Throughout 1945 the depart- curred but refused to talk about children in the community. Par- The West Point Lunch, a popu- ment has given increasing atten- it on the telephone. ents should see that they do their lar Livonia Township restaurant, tion to fire prevention work as a Officials at the Newburg school 'duty to their children." located at 33300 West Seven Mile regular part of fire department reported that to their knowledge ----*—T Road near Farmington Road, has activities. the Krull boy was being employ- JL__ r will Treat been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. In spite of increasing popula- ed without a working permit hav- i ei Harry Pankow, of Plymouth; tion and considerable new busi- ing been obtained for him. The A bang-up New Year's Eve ness and residential construction owner of the market when advis- water with Calgon grand opening party got the new the department feels that they are ed of this by The Livonian du'r- owners off to a good start. Their making progress. ing the telephone conversation In an effort to do something to initial party was marked by the Our fire prevention policy rec- did not deny nor confirm the al - reduce the number of complaints complete lack of beer, wines or ognizes that distant buildings are legation. received at the city hall about liquor. They will serve all types difficult to save and the least we —* the city water supply city mana- of food but no spirits. can do is to suggest how to reduce ger Clarence Elliott this week The establishment has been chances -of having a fire. So, in Rotary Yule the future, if any member of the Fete - ordered several chemical agents thoroughly renovated and refur- which will be used after.the first bished;. It presents a pleasing ap- department should make a sug- ■ the Is Gay Occasion of the year. pearance and Mr, and Mrs. Pan- gestion to any resident of township relative to fire hazard The main complaint people kow declare -they will offer food e it is hoped that the suggestion More than 50 Livonia ons have about the water today is the to match the surroundings. spaterotar will e taken in the spirit it is and their children participated in - high amount of rust which it con- occupy g The new owners will occu the given. the club's annual Christmas g tains. Some complain about the living quarters above the restaur- color the stains which it * luncheon the day before Christ - and ant and rent their Plymouthn causes on porcelain and others, home. They will remain open p mas at the Pen Mar. Santa Claus Bank Deposits distributed to the complain about the taste. Both of each week gifts all chit- dren night until midnight these troubles it is hoped will be and until 2 a.m. on week -ends. present. the luncheon the atmosphere eliminated by the addition of Calgon and HTH. � Hit All Time rung to gay Yule The treating agents will solidi-New Mexico State Livestock If bank deposits are any indica- tunes provided by Inez and Bar - fy the iron content in the water in Inspector Alfred Hunter reported tion Plymouth has reached a new bara Daniels, accordionists, and about two weeks after it has been that cattle 25 to 30 miles away high in dollar value. Ten years Henry Herrmann, pianist . added so sometime in January changed color after the atomicago this week the city's banks re- Special carol music was pro= city officials are hopeful that they bomb test. Rancher Will Wrye corded a paltry million and three vided by Jackie Bothwell, Doro- may correct the present condition. claimed the explosion streaked his hundred thousand on hand as to- thy Jean Richwine, Mabel Vick - beard with white.strom Phyllis LaVerne, Ma tai deposits. Five years ago things � Y r3' Twenty editions of the Chris- 7k were looking better for the local Ann Cylk, and Ruth Campbell. tian Bible published between Rastus L. Davis, Winona, Tex,, folks when the banks reported Their accompanist was Mary Ral- 1.535 and 1823, are named after a got a $lOfi payment authorized by two million and nine hundred son. typographical error found in Congress for watermelons stolen thousand dollars on hand. them. Of these misprints, the most from his farm. Davis' farm, said a The last five years have made It is certainly a very important inexcusable was made in the Congressional report, is near an appreciable change in local lesson, to learn how to enjoy ordi- Printers' Bible where, in Psalms Camp Fannin and "evidence as financial conditions and at the nary things, and to be able to 119;161,the word Printers instead to who 'took them is eircumstan- close of business yesterday the relish your being, without the of Princes was used in the sent- tial but nevertheless <rather con- two banks had as their total de- transport of some passion, or the ence "Princes have persecuted me elusive that they were taken by posits nine million two hundred gratification of some appetite.— without a cause, etc." Army personnel." thousand dollars, Steele. page Two THE _ILIVONIAN 'Wednesday; January 2_1946 ��o e `i * j Washington newspaper dis- master general .has agreed to 'rec- ( gram urging civilians not to buy patches which have interested re- ommend that the war department garments they don't really need p turning Plymouth veterans, say permit discharged men to take and retailers to set aside part of Bethat the senate small business home all clothing in their pos their stocks for sale to former Will e Passed committee is (galloping to the session. servicemen only. rescue of discharged veterans The committee said the civilian Returning Plymouth service who: production administration will When passing through the nar- men are hoping that congress will 1. Can't buy civilian garb af- tackle the civilian suit shortage row 100 -mile Suez Canal, a ship's not take long to pass that bill ter they get home, because of the with regulations requiring produe- rudder that is too small to alter which has just been introduced shortage. tion of more suit -weight cloth by the course of the vessel. instantly which will permit them to wear 2. Can't wear their army uni- woolen and worsted mills. at slow speed must be enlarged by their uniforms until more wear- forms after they get home, be- In the meanwhile the rescuers !having an extra section clamped ing apparel for men can be man- cause of military law. suggested a broad publicity pro- I onto it. ufactured. Lest large-scale nudity result, While Wendell Lent has done as the committee agreed recently to good a job as any clothier could launch legislation which will per-, to get clothing for men, he has mit the former GI's to go about ' been up against the, same condi- in olive drab or khaki as long as Je tion as have clothiers in bigger they please. cities. It also announced the quarter -NEW .. ^ 7 MONEY SAVING w'nt u� t DRY GLEANING AsaND _� IA �jppCI ' EWEEK +7�' JANrN2 GIVEN n for Q TIES 4 Original 19c BEAUTY TROUSERS CL and ED 34c PRESSED SANI-TEXED Ip To c SKIRTS, 29up LOVELINESS BATHROBES CL EA 69c, HEALTH CLEANED SSA�a.7 AND aW SHAPED It's quality that counts— y SUITS (PRESSING We anticipate your food demands— Just the matter of selling you meats' MEN'S Felt Hats and groceries is not enough for us........ CHILDREN'S GIVEN We make it our business to plan on NEW CLOTHES your needs several weeks ahead. J.JRAPFS RESTORED TO That's the reason, almost invariably, BEAUTY you can get the things you want at CURTAINS WASE LIDGARD BROTHERS SNOW Red and White Store BLANKETS Stark at Plymouth Roads loss Nail LADLE , DRESSES (Plain) LADIES' COATS 79c .. ^ 7 MONEY SAVING w'nt u� t DRY GLEANING AsaND _� IA �jppCI ' EWEEK +7�' JANrN2 GIVEN n for Q TIES 4 Original 19c BEAUTY TROUSERS CL and ED 34c PRESSED SANI-TEXED Ip To c SKIRTS, 29up LOVELINESS BATHROBES CL EA 69c, HEALTH CLEANED SSA�a.7 AND aW SHAPED It's quality that counts— y SUITS (PRESSING AND. It's quality we have - MEN'S Felt Hats If you are not already familiar with CHILDREN'S GIVEN our choice meats and fine and fancy NEW CLOTHES groceries, we suggest you try them J.JRAPFS RESTORED TO the next time you go shopping. BEAUTY GIVING YOU GOOD FOOD PRODUCTS CURTAINS WASE IS OUR BUSINESS SNOW M1 TI BLANKETS ualit ark t FRESHENED FRESHENED Phone Livonia 2531 32105 Plymouth Road .. ^ 7 MONEY SAVING w'nt u� t DRY GLEANING AsaND _� IA �jppCI ' EWEEK +7�' JANrN2 GIVEN n for Q TIES 4 Original 19c BEAUTY TROUSERS CL and ED 34c PRESSED SANI-TEXED Ip To c SKIRTS, 29up LOVELINESS BATHROBES CL EA 69c, HEALTH CLEANED SSA�a.7 AND aW SHAPED y SUITS (PRESSING 39c MEN'S Felt Hats 39c:, CHILDREN'S GIVEN c NEW CLOTHES 39up J.JRAPFS RESTORED TO c 69u BEAUTY p CURTAINS WASE 69c SNOW BLANKETS (� 69c FRESHENED FRESHENED LADLE , DRESSES (Plain) LADIES' COATS 79c MEWS SUITS MEN'S OVERCOATS Plymouth: 774 Penniman Wayne: 2925 N. Waahinston 4 Ypsilanti: 20 N. Waahin4ton Ypsilanti: 92 Huron Street Wednesday, January 2, 1946 THE UVONIAN Page Three BUY WAR BONDS * Joan Thompson Marrieda finger-tip veil and a corsage of and Mrs. Lydia Drews for 50 white baby mums and carnations. guests from Detroit, Ann Arbor, To Sgt. Rahrl Drews Plymouth and Northville. The maid of honor, Clemens Joan Thompson, daughter of The bride's going away dress' Thompson sister of the bride Uonl[eys Y-0 Egg Mash !Nukes at Lour Production Get it from TOWDSrFM STORE 28880 Plymouth Rd. Phone Livonia 3161 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thompson I' wore a pink taffeta gown with a was of winter white with cap of Sutherland avenue spoke her sweetheart neckline. Her corsage sleeves. She wore a corsage of marriage .vows. to Sgt. Kahrl was of pink roses and baby mums. white mums and carnations. Drews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ly- Donald Drews was the bride- dia Drews of North Main street, grooms only attendant. '- Moderate desires constitute a` at a double ring, candle light Gere: charms to crystal and wooden ware character fitted to acquire all the I many at 8:00 p.m. in the First A reception was held after, the good which the world can yield. Presbyterian church with Rev. ceremony in the nome of Mr. —Timothy Dwight. l Henry Walch officiating. Robert Simmons Company The bride who was given in E EL,ER J S i marriage by her uncle, Vern To - Plymouth bey, wore a gown of white satin with net skirt, V neck line and bracelet len th sleeves Sh wore g e I people f roan Livonia NHT1rm1F have had- many photographs taken by the skilled photographers at the YOUR DOG SAN REMO STUDIO Hours: 9:30 to 6 daily 9:30 to 9 Saturday MUST BE LICENSED ISunday by appointment u 17190 Lahser Road Phone Redford 7798 LIONIA'S Licenses now available OLDEST REAL at Township Hall STATE FIRM ' 33110 Five Mile Road HARRY S. WOLFE The costs of dog licenses are; REAL ESTATE — FARMS — INSURANCE Phone Livonia 2668 Male or unsexed dog ___11.10 32698 Five Mile Road—Just East of Farmington Road Female. dogs ------------ 2.10 List your property with us for prompt sale if purchased before MARCH 1st 1946 On or after March 1 st, a PENALTY of $1.00 for each male or unsexed dog, or a PENALTY of $2.00 for each female dog will be charged Harry S. Wolfe Township Clerk There's a reason for shopping at Simmon's You can find the finest selection of choice jewelry and gift items - from charms to crystal and wooden ware and precious stones and jewels daily on display r Robert Simmons Company E EL,ER J S Across from the First National Bank_ Plymouth MARCH 1st 1946 On or after March 1 st, a PENALTY of $1.00 for each male or unsexed dog, or a PENALTY of $2.00 for each female dog will be charged Harry S. Wolfe Township Clerk rage xour i r. i,Ixvx�iruv .. �. �.�, Qy, v,uiiuuiy n, kozv In Nora Springs, Iowa, town of- ficial , forked over $25 for running a truck with no headlights, no tail lights, no sidelights, no stoplights, no clearance lights, no identifica- tion lights, no flares, no red flags, no windshield griper, no rear-view mirror, , no license plates.Owl Aft, Ross and Rehner Ego A #4 l -W Ol' "Leaping Lena" ain't what she used nscEx to be. One more bobby-soxer and Lena' 24—Eugene V.Debs (Social• ist leaderr) Pardoned by wouldg p give U with a well-earned wheeze as. Harding, 1921. hristmas Day.and a sigh. Likewise, homes wired for r :. U. S. takes over railroads yesterday's electrical needs are inade- for duration (world war quate for today's electrical living. Yet I), 1917. 2y -d s seizes real, 19 . many home owners have become accus= der strike threat, 1943. 28—U.S.S. "Relief" (first am• tomed to inadequate wiring—to frequent nnn Wit. bulance ship built) de• blown fuses because of an overloaded Thisisone of a series livered to Navy, 1920. 29—Last major conflict be circuit. Making sure that your home of advertisements pre- tween U. S. troops and pared in cooperation Indians, 1890. wiring is up to date .is your assurance of t 30-586 die as fire sweeps with the electrical con- gvIroquois Theatre in chi• being able to use the electrical appliances tractors in your area ycago, 1903. you want in our home when you want - 31—Br tfsh repulse American y in the interest of insur- attack on Quebec, 17'5. W1,rAMk, to use them—where you want to use ing adequate wiring GOOD EYESIGHT them. It means having your home fur- for every home. when nishings arranged to suit your taste, with you build or remodel, Makes MstLzy for You outlets always convenient. It also means be sure your home is properly wired. For Compliments of ` that it should accommodate'a new frozen- wiring recommenda- food cabinet, electric range, automatic tions, call your local John A. Ro" laundry, electric dishwasher and many Detroit Edison office. L. E. Rehner other electrical appliances. And, of Doctors of Optometry course, if your plans for tomorrow in sos Penniman Ave. elude a brand-new home, adequate wir- Plymouth, Midhigan ing is an "A-1" item to check in plans pison. as and specifications. Monday -1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday -1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday. — - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. TPE V O ■ Thursday— V 1:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Friday -1,0,0 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. DIE T R',O Saturday — 1D:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Weunesuay, ✓allucwyc, loto T11h' IAVON1AN P€tgE Five - ivonia Teachers, Club with the fishing fleet out of Glou- ans, the French of -Louisiana, the cester, flying over the barren Dutch of Pennsylvania,. Canadian Nn r} y� wastes of the Yukon, penetrating guides, Gloucester fishermen .and Features Noted Lecturer ey, by foot trail to mountain shacks other rare culinary artist's en-, ei i in Tennessee and prowling countered :in his travels. More than 1,500;000 miles ofS,-- through Death Valley. So rare is Note. Guests of all club mem- his gift of speech and sound bers are welcome to attend the travel—miles .polka-dotted with is translated "Chief Who Drives Americanism that his radio pro- lecture, 7 o'clock at the, Wilcox the stories of Indians, cowboys, Wagon without .Horse." He ,is still grams and lectures are highlights school. fishermen, pirates, 'padres and pio a frequent visitor to Indian Gere - neer women—will be paraded be- monials for thousands of of these tribes. His hobby s lista and con - fore the Livonia Teachers' club on ne t-spaperman, Welsh has suming fine foods has produced PLUMBING AND don. 7 when James P. Welsh, ritten for the nation's leading the Old AAA Traveler of Automo- newspapers, on all of which travel considerable writing on cookery, HEATING bile Club of Michigan, relates the was his major interest. For years the most recent of which is "Grill dories of "This Amazing Ameri- he was travelog editor and path- and Skillet." His recipes include C. J. LEG GER � ' C' ca. finder for The New.Orleans Timet favorites learned from the Indi- LLrI� 1 These explorations into the "un- Picayune. He also was attached to Parts and Fixtures usual cover .a period of 35 years the late Huey P. Long's publicity Repairs and Service duringwhich Welsh has prowled staff, and during World War I 20547 F. Patt Ave., Save with Safety Cor. Patton the byways of America' for little was a correspondent with the 37th -' known oddities, places and per- (Ohio) Division. at your REdford 2167 sonalities. His notebooks are Welsh's experiences have been crammed with bizarre facts and iriah old and versatile—sailing RERALL DRUG vignettes that form the very roots — ---- — - STORE cf American history. _ Welsh, veteran newspaperman, magazine writer, radio commenta- L� BLAKE r CECIL H. HABERMEHL M E N Corner Blackburn for and traveler -extraordinary, JEWELER of forualit was born in a southwestern fron- 32101 Plymouth Road .quality tier army post, Fort Huachuca. Reared in the traditions of Cus- Opposite Post Office Rosedale Gardens CLOTHING ter's famous Seventh Cavalry, his Northville, Mich. childhood was spent in numerous The Best Place to Bu transfers among these outsposts. Y make Cochise and Geronimo were still better results with better better feeds Davisbent fresh in memory as he grew up among Indians and punched cat- tle in the Pecos country made where your money's famous by Judge Roy Bean.Well _ Rosedale Beauty spent" Welsh has been adopted by the HEADQUARTERS Ojibwa of Canada and the Nava- jo of New Mexico. His Ojibwa _ Shop _ b l= -Y your clothing poultry Remedies name, Odo-Ba-Nik-Kay-Ogemaw, 32103 Plymouth Road HEADQUARTERS Rosedale Gardens 811 Penniman Ave. S A X T O N Plymouth Phone Liv. 2037 PA"T ACT TN� L VL 1 Farm Supply, Store Specializing in Machineless Beet - Liquor - Wilms and Cold Waves 587 W. Ann Arbor Trail ED. PALISZEWSKI, Prop. Phone 174 custom (formerly Frank's Inn) 31022 Ann Arbor Trail M - M made SUITS Near Merriimsn Road Oil Burner P rRONiZE $30.00 32.50 35.00 YOUR OWN Service Headquarters Plumbing & Heating Lumbetr. far Repair & .--and— Suits and coats made Lumber Installation Building SLppy to your measure � Roofing Headquarters and a!u M. .john Building Campbell Arrow Shirts Coal,'- Lumber Interwoven socks aterials Licensed Master Bufldinq Materials. Plumber Knox & Portis -Hats Coal for all type. heating plants Phone Plymouth 1505 Nights, Sundays and Plymouth- Sportswear HolidaysL®adbetter Phone Livonia 2073 Lumber &'Goal COAL & LUMBER Slacks — dress pants Gr * omnau' COMPANY Undergarments 308 N. Main St., at P. M. Located at12434 Tracks Middlebeh Road '� Mils N. of Plymouth Rd. Work Clothes . Phone 102, Plymouth, >acMah. 38630 Plymouth. Rd. Phone Redford 0338 Page .Slz Xnz U1VV1wLty weanesaay, January z, IV40 ON THE JOB - THOSE LMIS ® • � 0&= T " IS' AM "10 Nankin Only 'M Cents pho" lnrnm& 1! 33594 Ann Arbor Trail FM WAR= Homey Hospitality POULTRY WANTED - We Pleasant Surroundings FOR SALE—W a smoke our own pay ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh the highest prices for poultry. c *� killed poultry. Taylor's Super Taylor Super Market, 29150 Joy ,Beautiful New Bar Market, 29150 Joy Road Rd. Phone Livonia 9207. tf block east of Middle BeltAPARTMENT or house unfur- 0 a& nished by two brothers, engi- Private Rooms availableSpecial attention IAT in Parkview Memorial Cem- neer and business man, call Lewis to parties and large groups etery, 6 developed grave open- L. Chase at 14,6,0 daytime. 44-2tpd ings, $40 an opening. E. C. Bur- den, 218210 W. Madison, Lansing. WASHINGS and ironings. Mrs 30-4tA Wilson, 15949 Middlebelt road. --------=- - ----- ___ �_ 38-2tc CHRISTMAS trees. Order now for selected trees. Phone Livo Better "s nia 3114. 41-3tpd Septic Tanks cleaned Want A Car? 20740 Fenkell Sand, gravel and fill dirt deliver- i FRESHLY cut Christmas trees, all phos® sizes and prices. Farmington Plymouth, m uth, gd; 11695 Inkster road, , Plymouth, phone Evergreen 3745. You'll Find Detroit's Finest Red. 0900 and Seven Mile roads, 19130 West- 23 -12t -c .J_election On Our Lot more. Wm. McLellan. Phone - -- -- - --- Farmington 0706-R. 41-3tpd * BUY WAR BONDS � TURKEYS, live or dressed 19250 Our Service Department Is The Most Efficient Newburg road, 2nd house ori 9W4 US V/b M YOU Seven Mile road. Phone Northville Electric Refrigeration Want a Beller Car 7148-F13. 42-2tService BIL`BROWN or eeda YomCar Needs Yo WALNUT 8 -piece dining room suite, Queen Anne style. Phone 1 20 Years Experience In The Northwest Section. Livonia 2408. ltp P - Work Guaranteed — - 30 GAL. oil burning water heat- er, still in the crate. Phone Li= hIOSPITA LIT l �ill�l�SS! at the vonia 2013. itp Licensed and Bonded ROSEDALE GARDENS property Livonia 2605 Cash buyers waiting. G. A Bakewell, 38105 Plymouth road;Joy AR Phone 616-W. . 45-2tc -= CHILD'S 'youth bed, blond ma- ple, with springs and mattress. Let Us Build Your Corner Middlebelt Joy Roads 9418 Cardwell, Redford 7039-114 - ltp Garage Right Now CHILD'S crib with inner spring Mountain Red; your favorite radio star, mattress and baby scale with * * * on hand every Thursday night to make basket top, in good condition. Li- you laugh — Guest -night, be sure you vonia 2878. 11025 Cranston, Rose- bring a guest dale Gardens. GGarage Buildup our sPeclaltT Orchestra Saturday & Sunday onj With Old Time Dancing Sunday -We An to P1e60e"' Lfto:neour Order to Wixson and Sons ma dINT1ue 82718 Five Mile Road ets; Piwne 88 LY &SONS Livonia 2928 Rosedale Beauty Shop 32103 Plymouth Road Rosedale Gardens Permanents Hair Styling Tinting Thelma—formerly of Rudolph's Telephone Livonia 2037 Wednesday, January 2 194$ THE LLVONIAN Pose Seven *sed citCommission Y mission agreed to on Dec. 17. Pre- vious to this action the commis- The 'temperate are the most truly luxurious. By abstaining 744 Wing St. Plymouth SQUARE DEAL BODY SHOP Discusses Alleys sion heard objections to the pro- posed alley from Mrs. Mosher and Mr. Deace. from most things, it is surprising how many things we enjoy.- William Gilmore Soa Simms. J. W. at1>A Xzperti n Work PHONZ Mr. Poultry Man! 'Take Your Choice We now have both Conkey's & Kellogg's Feeds Both Are Mighty Good! Full Line of POULTRY REMEDIES and Full Line of DOG FOODS TOWER'S FEED STORE 28850 Plymouth Rd. Phone Livonia 3161 Only a few items of business were transacted by the Plymouth city commissioners at their last meeting. The chief item of inter- est is the unanimous vote given the resolution calling for the clos- ing of an alley located in the Au- burn Heights Subdivision at the rear of Lots 6 to 15 inclusive, from Goldsmith street to the Pere Mar- quette tracks. Alleys seemed to be about the only thing the commission dis- cussed. A petition was presented requesting the opening of one be- tween Irvin and Biunk Streets and. between Farmer and Junc- tion _Streets. The matter was re- ferred to the City. Manager. The Mill-Starkweather alley proposal also was briefly discuss- ed and referred ~to the City Mana- ger. City Manager Clarence Elliott and the City Attorney were in- structed by the commission to prepare a resolution of condem- nation for the proposed alley be- tween Forest, Harvey, Ann Ar- bor Trail and. Wing streets in ac- cordance with the plan the com- ., — --- Upholstering -- - -- i a/ P+w Wwa Yale tis Lo* Life NOW FREE ESTIMATES Phone Redford -3100 GUILBEAULT UPHOLSTERING Red. 3104 Comer Westbrook i Make This Tow Jewelry' Headquarter: W W x VON BURGS Affords Oldest Established Jewelws__J�W west on Oran* 1 ltiftr Avo., at Lasher 1 I This odwrttse»unt syonsortd by CoWamtr oJAleoholk Braaapt Indwstrfea, lno. Page Eight THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, January 2, 1946 General Electric Sta#eQ Plans Big��ppU'VE e Withthe Liv RABIOLA TRIED THE ARST, NOW USE THE Gulf Service Road Program Phone Livonia 9202 Store Fee -''...—S --Fertilisers 29444 Joy Road at MUWUsbelt Corner Merriman & Plymouth . Roads cLoviiAz L I V O N I A COMMUNITY THE UNITED BRETHREN. SiA When there is some semblance FARM DAIRY CHURCIL F'arniington Road and HOPE CHAPEL, CHURCH OF of a settled business condition YourLocal Dealer trive Mile road. 'Rev. Albert J. Mile, west of Middlebelt. Morn -and prices are more firm than at phone 8- Luibrand, pastor. Morning Wor. ing worship .and Sunday sehoot present, this state faces its great- 841 WesArbor Trail lhlp 11:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10x30 a.m. Young Peoples Chris- est. road -building programin Plymouth,Miert. . Mass" for all ages, 10:30 a.m- tian Endeavor at 6:30 p.m., with] years. ` Choir practice Thursday even" Youth Fellowship following. Tho and midweek prayer service is held That is the information made a't 8 p.m. Prayer meeting Bible study Thursday evening on Thursday evening at 8.00 P.m. public recently when State High - a+t 7 p.m. Friendship Circle first The Ladies' Aid meets on the first way Commissioner Charles M. and third Wednesdar of each Wednesday evening of each Ziegler discussed the state's road WARREN'S month Evening worship and, • s ♦ song service the last Sunday of BET14EL MISSIONARY CHA- problems with the road commis - sioners of southern Michigan. Oil Burner and Hot Water Heater Service each month at 7:30 ;p.m. Young per, 8800 AWdle Belt Road, Uncertainty, however, over la - People's meeting at the ohurch Sunday school, 1:45 pm.. Sunday bor and materials, caused by pres- All makes' and models list Sunday of each month A Evening service, 7:45 P.M. Ml the first ent labor unrest, will delay start Call Y .m. 7%eghers meeting week Service. Thursday. 7:45 pan. of the State's postwar road con- lday of each month at 7:30 month. The Women's _ Mission- This is undenonlina- struction program which the Com - Livonia 2234 .m. an ary Society meets on the sec- tomchurch and everyone in and Wednesday of each month at mix: inner- had expected to start the community is �rdially invit- noon, beginning with a potiuck this month, he told the road or inquire at Olson Drive; q ed to attend, luncheon at 12:30, which is fol- group. Federal funds, authorized 'Federal one block north of Joy road Oxbow e e s lowed by the business and levo- for Michigan under the and tional meeting at 1:3Q pm. We in- Highway Act of 1944, have not yet CIMNTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY vite everyone in our community, been appropriated but it is hoped ]$'annirygton high school auditor -to take -part in our Christian fel- this money will be available soon iusn, S2utday, 11:Q0 a. an., Sunday lawship, and that contractors will be as- rohool, assns iiaur. Wednesday • • • sured of enough men and mater - evening services at 33335 Grand ST. PAUL'S EV. LUTHERAN :ala to permit the Highway De- � River venue at 8:00 V. W. CHURCH. corner Farmington and River C. Gordon, Pastor. 10248 Five Mile roads." Theodore Sauer partment to start advertising forL bids listed It's Weather pastor. Worship service, 10:30 on some of the projects • • • am. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m, on its great postwar program, Mr. GAYLORD ROAD B A P T I S 1 You are cordially invited to at, Ziegler added. L like this C*1APE1. 19188 Gaylord Rd. three tend. It would be unwise to advertise blocks south of Grand River. Rev, a for bids now, because contractors Dalby, Phone EVergreen 0124. 10 ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL would have to bid excessively That bakes You ajm.. Church School with Bible CHURCH, Maple and S. Harvey high to protect themselves against classes for all ages. 11:16 a.m. Sts. Rev. Francis Tetu, rector. the possibility of high cost of Appreciate Morning Worship. 6:30 P. Sunda morning services: Church materials and the uncertainty of a Service Station B.Y.F. Mrs. Edwin Gordon, lead- School 9:45 am. Morning* grayer er. 7:30 pm. Evening service. with sermon, 11:00 a.rr, manpower, It is hoped this con- dike Ours , Wednesday, 7:45 pm. 'Bible study • • • e will soon be remedied s - can ahead with our and Prayer service. We cordial ROSEDALE GARDENS PRESS -gram, ly invite you to coarse and worshilx w go pro gram, a part of which already At the Start Of a new with us. + • + BYTERIAN CHURCH, Hubbard at Chicago Blvd., 3 blocks south has Public Roads Administration fed- year we take time Out y Ji"i'. MICHAEL'S CATHOLIC of Plymouth road. Church School, �Contway, pas. approval, .necessary to obtain eral aid mons for the Michigan Y g _� to think how ha pp' ppy tor: Rosedale Gardens. Masses at 9:30 a.m. Nursery and Beginners, program. road ro ram. we are that we came 6.45 a.m., 8 a.m., 10 a.UL and 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, 11;00 The Federal government will t0 Livonia 12 noon a.m. Christian Youth League, 6:30match state funds 50-50 on con- struction and will pay one-third of right-of-way costs. Michigan We are glad to in - is to receive $16,600,000 a year for clude you among the HICKENSHACK the next three years under the federal highway act of 1944. Ru- many friends we've ral trunklines will get $6,70-0,000 made and we want of the amount, $5,700;000 will be you to know that we Under New Management allotted for federal aid routes in expect to devote our urban areas of 5,000 or more pop- 34115 Plymouth Road ulation and $4,OOQOO,o is to be set entire energy to serv- up for federal aid secondary or ing you better during - /� Wine and Beer —Chicken local roads. As the Dykstra Act requires the year ahead. cities to share iiancially in trunk - Dinners to Take Out line work in urban areas, the COmplefe Highway Department antcipates it will be able to finance a $26,- AufOA30#ive Service a 000,000 building program_ annu- ally for the next three years. Gulf Products Deli iau Sand ' h c s wic es Our reputation for chicken, steak, duck and turkey dinners is unexcelled for price, quality and quantity anywhere. We Cater to Parties and Our FRIED CHICKEN IS FAMOUS Carl Hardy, Prop. Phones Livonia 9290 2554 A Y N E General Electric CHICK tib Products STARTER ... RABIOLA Gulf Service Kaercher Feed' Phone Livonia 9202 Store Fee -''...—S --Fertilisers 29444 Joy Road at MUWUsbelt Corner Merriman & Plymouth . Roads