HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1946_0109M.S.C. Caravan To Visit Livonia T H LI'VON,IAN "Of unusual interest to the Li- Entered at the Plymouth, Michigan Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. Phone Plymouth 16 vonia Farmers, states E. 1. Bese- mer, County Agricultural Agent, Arthus Jenkins, Editor Wednesday, January 9, 1946 Vol. 6, No. 47' "will be the Michigan State Col- legePrograms touring display wlhich is P gi ms scheduled to visit Wayne County Joy Bar Has Movie Taken -At R January 23rd at the County Crippled Youth i Road Garage, Norton Yard attInk- Grand Opening Ranch of Former, seer Road, one half mile North of Plymouth Road." Are Scheduler] Jack Richards, owner of the Joy How the warmer can save time �{ Bar, celebrated the recent addi- Local Resident ` and back breaking effort by use Movies depicting the activities tion to his place of entertainment of the new chemical weed killers of patients at the state hospitals with a grand opening December "Arabians in the Rockies," a ° J that have been recently placed on for crippled children and speak- 29th. The dance floor space was technicolor short, has been booked the market will be explained in ers furnished by the Michigan increased in width by twenty feet for local theatre goers on January exhibits at the Rural Progress Crippled Childrens' Fund will be which makes for a more roomy 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th accord- Caravan Show. Such chemicals as combined for three different pro- area to dance and for more en- ing to Harry Lush owner of the 2,4-D and ways of using them on grams in Livonia next Monday, joyable entertainment. Penn theatre. as art of s, in pastures, on lawns the popular radio star ev- inter of the fact local field crops, Jan 14. The Jo Bar features "Mountain The picture is of unusual and rgardens te will be illustrated The movies will show the trip- Red," est in view that p the exhibit. pled children oMichigan in vari- ery Thursday evening also dant- its setting and the horses in the f Other labor-saving exhibits by ous phases of their hospital life. ing Saturday and Sunday with Picture are owned by a - former the department include: They will be shown at play and Old Time dancing Sunday nights. Plymouthite. Scene of the movie A simple peach thinner, made also undergoing some of the mod —7k— is the Lazy VV ranch near Boul- from a bamboo pole and a rubber ern theraputic treatments which a „ ■i!■ der, Colorado, which is owned by hose, that saves time and ex- restore them to normal citizens Gardens C� r �y Lynn Van Vleet. pense in the annual peach orchard and give them the use of their Mr. tan Vleet was born in job. An inexpensive home=made crippled arms and legs. The Plymouth and spent his boyhood spray tank refiner which speeds speakers will supplement the Group to Meet days in this city. His father was the operation of filling the spray movies. a partner with the father of J. J. tank from streams, ponds or open The regular monthly meeting McLaren in the operation of the These programs will be offered P Wells. This device can also be used of the Rosedale Gardens Civic Plymouth Elevator Corporation for cleaning out stock tanks, cis- at Livonia Center Junior High. Association will be held on Fri- school y poration terns or basements flooded with school at 10:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. day evening, January 11 at 8:15 which the latter McLaren now 14, and again at 12:15 p.m. be- owns. He is a cousin of J. J. Mc- water. A method of applying fer- p.m. at the clubhouse. This will ;Laren and a nephew of Mrs. An- tilizer with irrigation, which fore the Livonia Rotary club at be the annual meeting P g g and the in- son Hearn also of this cit makes the feedingofplants poss.i- the Pen Mar, and .at 2;30 p.m. stallation of the new officers for y' ble during critical periodsbefore the student body of New- 1,946, Well known in Plymouth, Mr, burg Junior High school. Van Vleet has had many local vis- It's a waste of labor to apply Those to be installed are: War- hors at his ranch and J. D. Mc- lime where it isn't neded, and, it -- —* ren M. Pellot, president; Arthur Laren, his second cousin, spent 5 Mc- can do harm. Also, it's a waste to School Board R. Neal, vice president; William weeks there this last summer. power, labor and good seed to E. Arthurs, secretary; and Rollin prepare the seedbed, and plant a Balsley, treasurer. The members Raising Arabian horses is To Attend Parley strictly a nobby with Mr. Van crop on soil that is in need of of the .Board of Directors taking Vleet and his herd at the present _ lime. office are: Harry C. Burton, J. B, time consists of about 75. The How to know when and where Members of the Livonia Town Folsom, and Mrs. Edward M. horses roam his 25,000 acre ranch to lime will be explained in an ship Board of Education and Sup Zo'pff• at will and the scenes, according exhibit by the soil science depart- erintendent Harry Johnson will All members of the Association to people who have seen the pic- ment of Michigan State College as motor to Wayne on Wednesday are urged to be present and sup- tune or the ranch, are unusually part of the Rural Progress Cara- night (tonight) to attend a spe port the new officers in 1946. beautiful. van. According- to County . Agri- sial meeting of all school board ` * At the present time, Mr. Van cultural Agent, E. I. Besemer, personnel and school heads in n ■ NiVleet is trying to train the horses tests in the soil science T depart- Wayne county. Janitor Nits to become accustomed to water ment laboratories at the college The meeting, called by Dr. Eu- and this is difficult in view of the and at clinics throughout the state gene 1B. Elliott, state superintend- After more than seven years fact that for 4 thousand years they prove that liming materials should ent ofublic instruction, will be as custodian of the Stark .School, P have been bred away from it. be applied according to soil test held at 8 p.m. in the ..auditorium Anthony Kreger has resigned, ac- Warner Brothers who produced and the need of the crop. Some of the Federal Recreation Build- cording to the Livonia Board of the picture claim that it is one of crops 'prefer soils that are neutral ing in Wayne. Just what the pur- Education. His duties have been their best and Jack Warner presi- or only slightly acid, ,while other pose of the assembly is has not taken over by Harold Case, the dent of the company says that if crops thrive on more acid soils. been disclosed. board announced. It is understood it doesn't win them an "Oscar" An example is the potato which * that Mr. Kreger's resignation be- he will be greatly surprised. 'doesn't seem to care if the soil is Recipe from the National Safe- came effective the first of the , The picture will be shown at strongly acid. ty Council for avoiding falls on year. the Penn theatre. There's a right and a wrong icy walks or steps: Take a liberal --%�— way to do everything. ThisRosedale Women's will be more apparent than quantity of sand; gravel or fine PP cinders, add coarse or rock salt 'Club Meets Tursday Council Meets ever to folks who visit the Rural and mix. Garnish all icy spots ;Progress Caravan when it stops generously with the preparation. The Rosedale-Gardens Women's The new Wayne County Coun in this area. Right ways of doing Club meets at 8:30 p.m. Thursday cil of Parent Teacher Associations all kinds of jobs will be illustrated ed out. Included are .a half-dozen at the club house in its first met Tuesday nightat the Edge- an panels and in pictures included "DDT Dont's" that will prevent business session of 1946. The book wood School. Supper was served in the more than 350 feet of dis- misuse of the chemical. But the review previously scheduled for to about 75 persons after which plays. For example, the emerg- caravan exhibits won't be entire- that evening will not be given but the business meeting was held, ency farm labor exhibit shows the lv devoted to the hard facts of the usual social hour following the An interesting program in charge right and wrong ways of doing farm and home work life. There's business meeting will be held. of Miss Georgina Reid, Wayne several hand jobs of harvesting. something for the soul in the dis- * County Nurse, was presented.. One panel shows faster methods, play by the landscaping depart- A New Years eve party was one shows easier methods, and ment. Color photos . and models held in the home of Mr, and Mrs. It takes the average car travel one shows ways of saving labor. will, show how a well landscaped Walter Ruterbusch, Jr., of Pacific ing at 20 miles an hour 191 feet The entomology department ex- farm home should look for great-, avenue. The guests were: Mr. and to stop on a road covered with hibit will include four panels est eye appeal. The display sug- Mrs. Marvin Terry. Mr. and Mrs_ glare ice, says the National Safety illustrating the right and •wrong gests that good landscaping leaves Charles Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Don Council Chains on the rear ways of using the new DDT in areas open for play and recreation. jjj Rnk; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walsh, wheels reduce this stopping dis- secticide.• The various DDT mix- and arrangements reduce work of Mr. and Mrs. Packey McAllister, tante to 110 feet, and chains on tures and the particular uses for caring for the lawn and shrub- and Mr. and Mrs, J. Rusling Cut- all four wheels allow the car to, which each is adapted are point- bery, ler. stop in 85 feet. Page Two WAY#E CRICK STARTER IT PAYS TO FEED WAYNE4 KAMMER Feed Store Feeds—Seeds—Fertilizers 29444 Joy Road at Middlebelt MEN for quality CLOTHING S make Davis & Lent "where your money's well spent" your clothing HEADQUARTERS 811 Penniman Ave. Plymouth custom M - M made SUITS $30.00 32.50 35.00 Suits and coats made to your measure Arrow Shirts Interwoven socks Knox & Portis Hats Sportswear Slacks — dress pants Undergarments Work Clothes THE LTVONIAN Announces More With average driver at the wheel and traveling ..over a dry road, it takes a car going 45 miles Ford an hour four times as long e stop Changes at as one going only 20 miles an Additions and personnel Chang- hour, according to the National es in the Ford Motor company's Safety Council. expanded advertising division were announced today by J. R. Davis, director of . sales and ad- vertising. Ben R. Donaldson, who has been with the Ford organization for the last 25 years, has been ap- pointed assistant director of ad- vertising. He will co-ordinate the company's advertising activities. For many ,years Mr. Donaldson has been handling various phases of advertising for the company. Frank J. McGinnis, until re- cently associated with Campbell- EwaldAdvertising Agency, has been selected to .head! up Ford passenger car advertising. For several years with the agency, Mr. McGinnis was vine -president in charge of the Chevrolet account. Since leaving Notre Dame in 1924 he has spent almost all of his time in advertising. Walter E. Blanchard, who has been in the government contracts department at Ford since 1941, will assist Mr. Donaldson. Prior to the war Mr. Blanchard, for many years, was manager of the National Automobile Dealers As- sociation. John S. Lueck has joined the Lincoln-Mercury Advertising di- vision after serving 44 months in the U. S. Army Air` Forces. When he left the service he held the rank of Major. Before the war Mr. Lueck was associated with an automobile company's export ad- vertising division. Previously, he was with Campbell -Ewald Ad- vertising Agency. Rudy Speerschneider now is handling displays and special ex- hibits for the Ford Motor Com- pany. Prior to joining the adver- tising division, Mr, Speerschnei- der handled nation-wide displays and exhibits for a leading automo- tive manufacturer. Another recent addition to the advertising staff is Henry Krigner who during the war served in the Navy as communications officer aboard the USS Samuel Chase in the Sicilian, Salerno, Normandy and Southern France invasions. Before he went into the armed forces Mr. Krigner was in the sales promotion and advertising department .of Lever Brothers Company. Get better results with better feeds LARRO HEADQUARTERS Poultry Remedies SAXTON Farm Supply Store 587 W. Ann Arbor Trail Phone 174 Nearly one-fourth of all driv- ers in fatal accidents .in 1944 were charged with a speed violation', according to the National Safety Council. Wednesday, January 9, 1946 PLUMBING AND HEATING C. J. LEOOERT Parts and Fixtures Repairs and Service 20547 Fenkell Ave., Cor. Patton REdford 2167 people from Livonia have had many photographs taken by the skilled photographers at the SAN REMQ STUDIO Hours: 9:30 to 6 daily — 9:30 to 9 Saturday Sunday by appointment 17190 Lahser Road Phone Redford 7798 Nankin Mill's Inn 33594 Ann Arbor Trail Homey Hospitality Pleasant Surroundings Beautiful New Bar Private Rooms available Special attention to parties and large groups CHICKEN SHACK Under New Management 34115 Plymouth Road Wine and Beer — Chicken Dinners to Take Out Delicious Sandwiches Our reputation for chicken, steak, duck and turkey dinners is unexcelled for price, quality and quantity anywhere. We Cater to Parties and Our FRIED CHICKEN IS FAMOUS Carl Hardy, Prop. Phones Livonia 9290 - 2554 g. 1—Epidemic of Cholera Monday -1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. accustomed to inadequate wiring. But over - sweeps Europe, 1892 loaded circuits are not your only handicap 12—French Armies begin % j Meuse offensive; world War 1, 1915. to home happiness if you have inadequate wiring. It means, too, improper distribu- ' 13—Saar plebiscite gives ter- ritory to Germans, 1935. tion of outlets—not having the electric >A N Fa, 14—Casablanca Conference ---'�� is held, 1944. roaster where you want it because there's wrnr s,m.. no outlet convenient, or it means that Dad ' Wednesday GOOD EYESIGHT can't use that electric shaver where he Makes History for You wants it. Don't think "there's always Compliments of 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 pan. Thursday room for one more." Don't be like Abdul. � � � Adequate wiring means a home for you John A. Roses "as good as new"—good enough to use 1:0 p.m. to 9:00 p.rn. L L Rohner DETROIT every new appliance you'll want in your Doctors of Optometry EDISON home. And, of course, if your plans for 909 Penniman Ave. Friday -1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. tomorrow include a brand-new home, Plymouth. Michigan adequate wiring is an "A -i" item to check Phone 433 -- in plans and specifications. Monday -1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday -1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 pan. Thursday � � � 1:0 p.m. to 9:00 p.rn. DETROIT EDISON Friday -1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday - 10:0O a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Page Fiats THE -ONIA Wednesday, January 9, 1946' p if ���� days. With thin beef" animals that of Publie Relations, Bulletin ©f - show little finish, it is not desir- fice, Micnigan State college, East able to hold them longer than 5 Lansing. Freezing gi„ . } days. —ak FALA INN �L rerezing Hints Heat. should be prepared in Standing causes about as much meal -sited parcels and all pro- fatigue as walking because a per- Beer - Liquor - Wine Fromm storage exerts no magic q over t tality o�xr�at products trtzding Bones that might puncture son uses: at least 300 muscles though it does provide a the paper should be removed,: The merely to maintain his balanc � ED. PALISZEWSKI, Prop, even convenient means of extending -proof wrap should consist of moisture- Yet Illinois and Mississippi have proof cellophane next to the meat na laws which require employer:< (formerly Frank's Inn) the "fresh meat season" for home- and an outside wrapping of wax- ,to provide seats for workers and butchered and prepared beef, e;d paper.• The packages should be Florida alone requires` them to 31022 Ann Arbor Trail lamb or pork. The product taken Near Merriman Road from the frozen food locker can wrapped flat and either stapled oar provide seats for men as well as fr n. better than it was ck when past tied. Each package should be 'la- women. ' , belled, showing the contents', date, into storage and may even', }fie poorer unless certain precautions and locker number. soon as have been taken, cautions George fumed,. the meat shotfld be frozen as A. Brown, head of animal, 'hus- bandry at Michigan. State coll6r e=ge. preferably being placed on racks to permit the circulation of -cold Fishers -First These precautions include the air. Storage temperatures should ` proper handling of the meat, pre- be zero or, below, with as little pious to freezing and the mainte- ;variation as possible.: Properly nance of proper, storage tempera- prepared; and kept under correct Family, Footwoffidl demons tures during -storage. The meat conditions,, beef may be held in should,coxne from Animals that she for as long as a year, Jamb GREAT were absolutely healthy when from 6 to 8 months, and; pork from , F+ ®IF SHOES butchered, andit should be dress- 3 to 6, months, without any de- ed under sanitary conditions after tefiioration in quality. �l®rslAir U, Step' ` ►J � I the animal heat has been ehmi- Persons ,desiring detailed r dl t'� =iled infor- nated. The meat should be pro- tected from freezing temperatures motion on the preparation and . Poll Parr®t Buster Brown before it is.put into storage. The freezingof meat wish'to read i Bolding temperature before d 40 Miligan: State college Extension �T�y H E STORE age should be between 34 and 40 Bulletin °E-223, "Preservation of j*4�+'�IREN ' - degrees` F. Meats and Poultry in Frozen-foo..x Pork should be prepared for Lockers." A copy may bt had free 290 S. Mairii gtreet, Plymouth storage within 48 to 72 hours from the county extension office after dressing; lamb within one or by writing to the Department week, and beef within 10 to 12 --- - -- - - FUEL OIL "We Aim to Please" Phone Your Order to 101 Northville Night Calls Phone 88 C R. ELY & SONS PATRONIZE YOUR OWN Lumber and -- Building " Headquarters Coal Lumber Building Materials Leadbefier COAL & LUMBER COMPANY 12434 Middlebelt Road 1/2 Mile N. of Plganouth Rd, Phone Redford 0331: THE OLD JUDGE SAYS.... R �` a' Z usY °fir". v d mbl HARRY: "I don't iMow what they'll weigh tillers' dried grains have a much greater up, Judge, but my cattle and poultry sure feeding value than the original grain has." have been gettin' fatter sinceI started to OLD JUDGE: "Rave any trouble getting use distillers' dried grains in their ration."„ all you need? OLD JUDGE: "You're about the tenth one HARRY: "Yes, at times, even though the who has told me that, harry. How do you distillers. produced 1,200,000,000 pounds of account for _it ?o' it for the year endin' last June. I hoPe they'll HARRY: "The by-product recovered from be in a position to produce a lot more grains used by distillers is very high in vita- next year.” min and protein content. It's the best feed QLD JUDGE: "Then I guess nobody can supplement we can get to balance the rations tell you grain is wasted in distilling." we feed our dairy cows, livestock and poul- try. Mixed with orgitW;grain, these dis- HARRY: Not me, Judge ... I know." This: advertisement sponsored by Conference of Ateahotie Beeeragc Indmslries: list... Wednesday; .7anuary 5, 1946 THE LIV iIAN Pale Fire camilo BEAUTY CLINlc Phone Livonia Q 2234 �► Mary Camilot` Ann Stephan ' 7k 9035 Mic lebelt Bet. Chicago Toy I� Make This Your Jewelry Headquarters VON BONGS Redford's Oldest Established Jewelers — Just west on Grand River Ave., at Lasher State Airports eed EXpanSl® ii�� ant, A f er Car? , 20740 Fe'nkell T Like etletal 'You'll Find Detroit's Finest Phone . Red. 0900 Selection On Our Lot Fg ield Is Gettin - Our Service Department Is The Most • Efficient The result of a survey recently conducted by representatives of the Michigan Department ofWantUs Aeronautics indicates that every See Us When You Better .Car L BROWN' or When Your Car airport airport in the State of Michigan Needs Repairing is overcrowded. In reviewing the conditions re- vealed by this survey, Thomas E. Walsh, of Grand Rapids, chairman of the Michigan Aeronautics Com- mission stated that these circum- stances are definitely not conclus- ive to increased flying activity. Mr. Walsh states that only through the enlargement exist- • BuildingMaterials ing facilities and the construction of man=, ne\v airports, can avia- tion thrive at pMichigan. dq- dared that at is Michigan a handle U S Gypsum build- present, present, gan has less than two and a half'air- ports thousand square miles; •. - ing board, insulation board, fi- per be andou this number will have y rs doubled within the next few years bre-glass insulation blankets - n accommodate the ever increas- n reg ing ing number of aircraft being reg- d Bttroofing materials of anas � g _ istered with the Michigan Depart- kinds. ment of AeronautiPe . all According to Mr. Walsh there is no other reason, geographical or We install your roofing job rlunatical, why Michigan cannot lead the entire nation in deriving complete•' the economic, 'advantages which are coincident to the aviation in- dustry. Phone 107 Good habitat for cottontails is a brush .piles, bramble patches; or place where there are ,plentyof�'���Supply " Co. other hiding places. The source of the term "New Deal," used by the Roosevelt ad- ministration, is still controversial, despite the fact that it was' dis Oil Burner dosed by the late President him- self in a letter which he wrote to Its quality that counts— the International Mark Twain So- ServiCe ciety ora Dec. 8, 1933. In this letter, ANI] F. D. R. stated that he took it Plumbing & Heating from that passage in the book, "A thur's Court," in which the Yan- It's quality we .have Repair thur's Court, in which the Yan y :kee declares that, -in a country Installation where only six people out of a . Ifou are not 'already familiar with thousand have 'any voice in the y y * .* government, what the 994 dupes - need is a new deal. our Choice meats and fine and fancy groceries, we suggest you, try them John M. Cambell Cl g Out the next time you go. shopping.. p SLB Licensed Master GIVING YOU GOOD FOOD PRODUCTS Plumber Monad Paint at Bar- gain Prices IS OUR BUSINESS Phone Plymouth 1505 All Metal Scooters ° Nights. Sundays and and: Sleds Holiday's — Window GlassMILT9 Phone Livonia 3093 Roofing -China Sinks • General Hardware • , * * * L. J. STEVENSQuality. Market Located atHardware 38630 Plymouth Rd, 28302 Joy road, Garden city Phone Livonia 2531 32105 Plymouth Road Tel. Livonia 3120F. Page Six THE LIVONIAN ' Wednesday, January9; 1946 ST. MICHAEL'S C A T H O L I C Strict monogamy 'is believed to CHURCH, Father Contway, pas- be the rule among foxes in the tor: Rosedale Gardens, Masses at With the Livonia Churches 5:45 a.m., 6 a.m., 10 a.m. and 12 wild. noon, • • YOU'VE TRIED THE ROSEDALE GARDENS PRES- REST, NOW USE THE ST. PAUL'S EV. LUTHERAN Teachers meeting the first Mon- BYTERIAN CHURCH, Hubbard BEST . CHURCH, corner Farmington and dray of each month at 7:30 p.m. AtChicagoBlvd., 3 `blocks south CLOVERDALE Five Mile roads. Theodore Sauer, This is an undenominational of Plymouth road'. Church School pastor. Worship service, 10:30 a.m. church and everyone in the com- 9:30 a.m. Nursery and Beginners, FARMS DAIRY Sunday School,-, 9:45 a.m. You are munity is cordially invited to at- 11.00 a.m. Worship Service, 11:00 Your Local Dealer cordially invited to attend. tend. a.m. Christian Youth League, 6:30 Phone 9 L I V O N I A COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY, Justice delayed, is justice de- 841 West Ann Arbor Trail CHURCH,. Farmington road. and Plymouth, Mich. g Farmington high school- auditori- hied.—Gladstone. Five Mile road. Rev. Albert J. um Sunday 11.00 a m Sunda Luibrand, pastor. Morning Wor- ship 11:30 a.m. Sunday School school, same hour. Wednesday 33336 Grand classes for all ages, 10:30 a.m. evening services at River Avenue at 8:00 p.m. Edwin - Choir practice Thursday evening C. Gordon, pastor. at 8:00 'p.m. Prayer meeting and We make it our business to plan on Bible study Thursday evening at BETHEL MISSIONARY CHAPEL 7:00 p.m. Friendship Circle first G A Y L O R D ROAD BAPTIST and third Wednesday of each CHAPEL, 19188 Gaylord Rd. 3 month. Evening worship and song blocks south of Grand River. Rev. service the last Sunday of each Dalby. Phone EVergreen 0124. month at 7:30 p.m. Young People's 10:00 a.m. Church School with Bi - meeting at the church last Sun- ble classes for all ages. 11:15 a.m. day of each month at 7:00 p.m. Morning Worship. 6:30 p.m. B.Y.F. . Mrs. Edwin Gordon,' leader. 7:30 p.m. Evening service, Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. Bible study and Prayer service. We cordially invite you to come and worship with us. HOPE CHAPEL, ' CHUHCH OF THE UNITED BRETHREN. Six Mile west of Middlebelt. Morning worship and Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Young Peoples Christian En- deavor at 6:30 p.m., with Youth Fellowship following. The mid- week prayer service is held on Th d t 8 00 The We anticipate your food demands— urs ay evening a p.m. Ladies' Aid meets on the first Wednesday evening of each month The H J. STULL SPRAY PAINTING We make it our business to plan on Service BETHEL MISSIONARY CHAPEL That's the reason, almost invariably, at 8,890 Middlebelt road. Sunday you can, get the things you want at "It adds up to beauty, School, 1:45 'p.m. Sunday Evening subtracts from service, 7:45 p.m. Mid -week Ser- Starr at Plymouth Roads vice, Thursday, 7:45 p.m. The Repairs Women's Missionary Society meets Farm and industrial on the second Wednesday of each buildings, g month at noon, beginning with a , potluck luncheon at 12:30, -which Roofs and residences is followed by the business and 'Cement and brick devotional meeting at 1:30 p.1p. 31507 Plymouth Road We invite everyone in our com- munity to take part in our Chris- Telephone Livonia 2232 tian fellowship. We anticipate your food demands— ' Just the matter of selling you 'meats and groceries is not enough for us........ We make it our business to plan on your needs several weeks ahead. That's the reason, almost invariably, you can, get the things you want at LIDGARD BROTHERS Red and White Store Starr at Plymouth Roads 1P Wednesday, January 9, 1946 Building Materials Coal for all types of heating plants Plymouth LumberCoal Company 308 N. Main St., at P. M. Tracks. Phone 102, Plymouth, Mich. THE LI) Butterfat Pro- motes Vitamins The kind of fat consumed in the diet may exert an important influence upon growth, states the National Dairy Council. This is due to the way in which different fats affect the vitamin producing bacteria in the digestive tract. This far-reaching conclusion. is drawn from experimental work in rat feeding published recently by Dr. E. B. Hart of the University of Wisconsin. Different types of carbohydrates were fed. to ten different groups of rats. Each of the groups were divided, one set receiving corn oil as the fat constituent of their diet and the other receiving but- terfat. Some of the rats in each n pp y, s m a g vi amm B supplement and others a high vit- amin B supplement plus liver. In nearly all cases, those ani- mals receiving butterfat and nor- mal vitamin B allowances showed wide advantages. Where extra vitamins were fed the difference in favor of butterfat fed rats were not so marked. The conclusion drawn by Dr. Hart is that butter- fat in combination with most carbohydrate foods encourages the growth in the digestive tracts of those bacteria which promote the development of the B vitamins, group received a normal vitami B -su 1 o e hi h 't A new device for juke boxes automatically plays "commer- cials" at certain intervals. Under certain conditions, an approaching sound can create a visible effect. A short time ago in England, for example, a man standing on a hill suddenly notic- ed a long, narrow shadow rushing toward him across the valley; and a.s it passed, he felt a violent shock and heard a loud report. A powder magazine several miles away had exploded and the con- cussion had produced a compres- sion wave of such density that its, shadow was cast by the sunlight. There's a reason for shopping ,.t Simmon's You can find the finest selection of choice jewelry and gift items — from charms to crystal and wooden ware and precious stones and jewels daily on display Robert Simmons Com an ay EWELEE. 1 � Across from the First National Bank Plymouth 'ONIAN May Benefit from Feeding Birds Persons who feed birds in win- ter probably benefit equally with the birds themselves according to conservation department ornitho- logists. For Michigan's winter -braving birds are fully capable of looking out for themselves except when ice -storms cover even the weed seeds that form a substantial part of their diet. Bird -lovers, however, get inti mately acquainted with the spe- cies that winter in Michigan when they place food -outdoors, prefer ably grains, suet, bread crumbs, and meat scraps. Best feeding places are covered to keep snow away from the food. Impartiality is the life of jus- tice, as justice is of all good gov- ernment.—Justinian. Electric Refrigeration Service 20 Years Experience Work Guaranteed Licensed and Bonded Livonia 2505 Page Seven In Jersey City, Carl Thomas unwisely reported the theft of his car to police, who discovered that it had been stolen once before.— by Thomas— WARREN'S Oil Burner and Hot Water Heater Service All makes and models Call Livonia 2234 or inquire at Olson Drive, one block north of Joy road and Oxbow IWO $; Corner Middlebelt and Joy Roads Mountain Red, your fav- orite radio star, on hand every Thursday night to make you laugh. —Guest, night, be sure you bring a guest! Orchestra Saturday and Sunday With . Old Time Dancing Sunday Page Eight THE LIVONIAN Wednesday, January 9, 1946 up. If the piece can rest on -the Famous last words: "Who does ON THE JOB — —THOSE LITTLE bone ends, a rack is not needed. that guy think he is passing with No water should be added. Very thatold rattle -tin. I'll show lean meat should have a strip of fat meat, suet or some other fatWASAMT, ADS him." placed over the top. Roasts brown better if unsalted,, and since salt Only 25 Cents Phone Plymouth 16 does not penetrate fax- into the y y roust, there is little advantage in Rosedale Beauty FOR SALE CHILD'S crib wsalting the meat is sliced. Shop with inner spring .Steakss should be placed in a sizzling hot frying pan, seared mattress and baby scale with 32103 Plymouth Road FOR SALE—We smoke our own basket top,. in good condition.. Li- quickly an both sides, and then ham, bacon and sausage. Fresh vonia 2878.11025 Cranston, Rose cooked more .slowly. Pork and Rosedale Gardens killed 'poultry. Taylor's Super dale Gardens. veal chops should be browned Market, 29150 Joy Road, one block --- – -- — and then covered and cooked Phone Liv. 2037 east of Middlebelt Road. 9-lfc slowly. Bacon should be placed in WANTED a' cold pan and turned frequently. Specializing in Machineless ROSEDALE GARDENS property. POULTRY WANTED — We pay —* — and Cold Waves Cash buyers waiting. G. A. the highest prices for poultry. In Winnipeg, Steffy Nosil's ade- Bakewell, 38105 Plymouth Road.' Taylor Super Market, 29150 Joy noids were removed. Phone 616-W. 45-2te Road. Phone Livonia 9207. tfc ELECTRIC cabinet incubator 1200 ELDERLY LADY to room and I'T'S WEATHER egg size, excellent condition, board. Call Farmington 1054-J. THIS will hatch chicken, duck, goose or lte . turkey eggs. A bargain. Inquire at 35100 Ann Arbor Trail, nearMISCELLANEOUS That makes you appreciate Wayne Rd. Phone Livonia 2336. itp septic TanksCleanea, A SERVICE STATION Sand, gravel and fill dirt deliver SQUARE DEAL ed. L. Mollard, 11695 Inkster road, LIKE OURS Plymouth. Phone Evergreen 3745. BODY SHOP 23-12tc: Complete J. W. Selie and SonCard of Appreciation Automotive Service Expert Collision Work I wish to thank all my friends PHONE 177 who were so kind to nae and showed me so much thoughtful- GULF ,PRODUCTS ness during the 'Christmas holi- days. Your mail man, -Martin Jones. 's — General Electric Gives Suggestions Products On Cooking Meats; Now that meat is more plenti- RABI=Gulf LA Service ful, the housewife may wish to de- vote more attention to careful' Phone Livonia 9202 Corner Merrimam& Plymouth Rds preparation that will bring out the best flavor in the meat being served. Roberta Hershey, extension nu- trition specialist at Michigan. State college, offers these suggestions for preparing various kinds of meat: Experiments prove that meat roasted in an uncovered roaster at a low temperature, about 260 degrees F., is jucier, more tender, and shows much less shrinkage than when higher temperatures are used. Roasts should be clean- ed with adamp cloth and placed on a rack in the roaster• fat side