HomeMy WebLinkAboutLivonian1946_0904vance to the Livonian, Plymouth, Michigan. SEND YOUR NEWS TO THE LIVONIAN EVERY WEEK Arthur Jenkins, Editor Wednesday, September 4, 1946 Vol. T, No. 28 School To Open ntriesPassing Be lore The Judges Friends of Grode Monday Sept. .9th M , a � Family Are Unless the polio epidemic con-� ' ,nue, Livonia Township' Schools round r.il1 open September 9, 1946 with an estimated increase of aboutAnd Artificial Foot 4?0 to 450 pupils. Raise Funds for Crutches Last spring plans were made t have eighth and ninth graders Harvey Grode was contacted by at Newburg and -Livonia Center. the Red Cross and obtained a Schools with seventh grades 'atfurlough from Camp Beals, Cali - the elementary schools. This fornia in order to be with his mould :have made it necessary to younger brother Wayne, who lost -.ave the first grades and second s' ,a• foot in an accident two weeks grades on half day sessions.ago, Wayn:e's first words 'after' Recently the Board of Educa- the operation were that he want - tion acquired an Army mess hall ed Harvey. that is being converted into tem- Friends of Wayne undi of the porary classrooms at -Livonia s' Grode family. Weyher Road, are ,'enter. These additional ,class- rallying around and demonstrat- rcorns have made ,it possible to ing the real meaning of frien:d- N hange ;plans made last :.oring ship. 1eliminate all half day sessiors �=�? v' In addition to countless mess - ,except kindergarten) giving the ages and gifts to interest and hildren the benefit of a fuii day amuse him during his recovery, 1 :ro,gram. (Continued on page 4) ( Continued on page 5) —* ® 4' gu al Rd his l�rs ' earl's + ` i Mrs. Mae Herrmann and Mr's. layllis ' Lingemann will :be co- E;ostesses to the "Equal Rights" ;Study Committee of the Livonia Township Woman's Club next ,Thursday, September 5th> at 1:00 [;.in. at 31225 West Six Mile Road. Mrs. Eunice Ralph Hartung of Detroit will be guest speaker and [der topic rwill be "Women Leaders _f Tcday." The meeting is open. to all those interested in this subject sand a cordial invitation is extended. Many Attend Taxpayers Association Annual Picnic Over fifty-five_ folksattended t"ae Livonia- Taxpayers Assoacia- 11ion Annual ;picnic .which was held in Cass Benton Park Sunday, August 25Th. Races and stunts were held I•urinig the afternoon and cash prizes dwarded the winners. Mr. Cook, the oldest man .present, ..vas given a years membership in the organization and Mrs.' Rourke, Jr. was honored with a years membership for having the 4argest family at the pienac. The next scheduled meeting ,of the Taxpayers Association- was announced for Wednesday, Sept. filth; L.R.C. Bowlers Begin Winter Schedule Livonia Recreational Club bowlers begin their !winter sched- ule Thursday, Sept. 5th at the A.B.C. Bowling Alleys. in Red, -,, ed. , e6rd. As in past years this club ;sponsors mnixed bowling; sat pre- sent -eight teams are ready to go; two more teams may be organiz- Ed if regi:steration .warrants such - expansion. The league is again fortunate in procuring a fine group of officers: Mr, B. Hall is activity supervisor, Mr * O. Mund- inger is secretary and Mrs. Vand- enberg is treasurer. The captains are Mr. J. Bernier, Mr. G. Timer - son, Mr. P. Herrman, Mr. L. Thompson, Mr. H. Thompson, Mr. P. Miller, Mr. G. Page, and Mr. Damon. If you like to bowl and if you live Livonia call OR. 9324. We may have a place for you. Little William Bailey, son of Mr. and, Mrs. William Bailey of Freemont Street fell Saturday and received a deep cut on his knee, requiring twenty ,three stitches to close the wound. Wil- liam will be on the sick list for three or four weeks. Six Livonia Women Service Red Cross Civilian Blood Bank Six Livonia women serviced thb R•ad Cross civilian bank, Wednes- day, Aug. 21, at Red Cross build- ing, 153 E. Elizabeth. They were Mrs. Fred Weinert, 'Mrs. Jas. Rickard, Mrs. J. B. Kinahan, Mrs, Paul Harsha, Miss Charlotte Petroky, and Mrs. L. D. Thomp- son. This is the first ocmmunity blood bank in the country. It has been established so that at all time's all types of ,blood will be available free of charge for any- one in Wayne County. It is spon- sored by the Detroit Chapter of Red Cross, The Detroit Depart-_ anent of health and the Wayne County Medical •Society. Today 21 Wayne County Hos- (Continued on page 12) L.R. C. Plans Meld Day Sat, Have you •a date for Saturday-. Sept. 7? The Livonia Recreational Club is staging a `Field Day' at Riverside Park, and invites all Livonians to pack picnic baskets and join in the fun. From 1>00 p.m. to 5: iH p.m. there will be baseball—five softball teams and four hardball teams: will grapple with each other for the last game,-, of the seasons. After lunch a general program for young ar d old is planned. Next, Saturday, remember the date. Livonia 4-H Girls Win At Northville, On August 23rd at the North- ville Fair Grounds the Wayne County 4-H Gardening and Can- ning Groups held a day of judg- ing, picnicmg, and games spon- sored by the Kiwanis Club. Th.e Livonia Gardening Group raceiv- •ed some awards. Mary Martin placed first, Marilyn Schumacher 2nd and Inez and Barbara Dan- iels, Lois Meir, and Beth Weitzel placed third. Mary Martin and Marilyn Schumacher will enter a basket at the Lansing 4-H State Exhibit. This is the fourth year that there has been a representative at Lansing from the Livonia Group and each year we have come away with a first prize. In the Canning group the Livo- nia 4-H placed with five seconds, Mary Lou Passmore, Lois Schu- macher, Marilyn Schumacher, Mary Martin, and Jeanne Tuck. A third place was taken by Caro- line Wassell. School hoar Announces Fuc Schedule A tentati; e- bus scre,:_ile for the 1946 -47 -school year witn the us stops and leaving time is published for the benefit of the parents of children attending the Livonia Towlnshisp School- as fol- logws: Children To Report at Bus Stop Before Leaving Time Bus 2 Livonia Center to Wilcox. leaves 7:49, arrives 7:58, Kg. & 1 from Livonia Center and Kg. to 5 ine. E. of Loveland. Wilcox to . Pi-erson, leaves 7:58, arrives 8:07, Kg. to 5 inc. & 7th (7th trans. to Bus 3). Pierson toWilcox, leaves 8:07, arrives 8:16, 6th, 8th & 9th. z Wilcox to Livonia Center, leav- es 8:16, arrives 8:25, 7th, 8th & 9th. (7th wait for Bus No. 6 at Livonia). ' Livonia Center to Elm (Sch.), leaves 8:25, arrives 8:35, 1 to 6 inc. E. of Marriman road. Elm to Cavell (W. Chic. to Elm), leaves 8:35, arrives 8:45, (Continued on Page 7) James Belanca Tells Of Conditions in Italy Chiefly through the efforts of Val Berutti and Charlie Biagini the Rotary meeting Monday at the Pen Mar had an; International flavor. The guest ,speaker was James Balanca, ,Detroit lawyer, who recently made ;a trip to Europe to see what could be crone to revitalize transportation facili- ties between Italy and ithe Unit- ed States. Mr. Belan,ca was graduated from the University -of Detroit and at the present time is chair- man of the Wear Labor Board and a member of the Detroit Civil Service Commission. He was one of the first civilians to go to Italy (Continued on page 5) Rosedale Gardens- P.T.A. To Sponsor Ice Cream Social On Friday, September 13th at. 7:00 ;p.m. the Rosedale Gardens P.T.A. is sponsoring an, Ice Cream Social to be held on ,the lawn of the 'Community House. Every- one is inv;itted, especially the parents of new students and the teachers are expected to be in attendance. 1946. marks the 75th Anniver- sary of ,that fateful Tay in 1871 when Mother O'Leary's cow kick- ed over the lantern and started a $168,000,00'0.00 Chicago confla- gration. Since 1900 some 22,000,- 000 fires have devastated these United States ... fatally burning 450,0-00 people (nearly twice the number of Americans killed in all world War Ii's bloody battles) 675,0'00 have been burned or disfigured for life and $15,000,- 000;000.00 that figure is BILLION, worth of 'property has gone up in smoke. Nearly 50 percent of the estimated= $33,000,00'0;000:00 dam- alge meted out to the Axis cities during the past war, has been caused by fire right 'here in our Own back yard since the turn. of (Continued on page 4) League announces Bowling Slate In an exhibition match Thurs- day -evening, Jahn's ,bowling team took all three ,games from the Detroit Creamery team at the newly decorated Livonia Recrea- tion Alleys on Plymouth Road. Ja'hWs lead by Henry Tudball with a 622 series and "Brownie" Sudioil with a 604 three game to- tal, roiled as total of 2850 :pins to the Creameries 2715. Clarence and, ;Harvey Jahn this year are sponsoring the first all Livonia �bowling team to be en- tered: in .the Detroit Saturday Night Travelers League of the Western Division. The Livonia Recreation alleys are to be the home alley's for Livonia entry and the opening date has been (Continued on page 4) Presbyterian Auxiliary's first Meeting Sept. 11th On September 11th, the Wom- en's 'Auxiliary of the Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian Church will hold their first meeting of the fall. The speaker for the evening will be Miss Faith Brandt who is a student at the Central Bible In- stitute at Springfield, Missouri. Mists Brandt's subject will be "Pioneering in the Ozarks." Any of the :teen age girls who are interested in hearing this speaker are welcome. The meet- ing will start promptly at 8:00 p.m. with a short song; service. Tea will be served by the Re- bekah's after the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey of Freemont Street spent the week of August 20th at Altoona Pen- nsylvania. -Page Two __ .:.._ _...._ .. L I V O N I A N_ _ Wednesday, September 4, 1946 THE LIVONIAN Plymouth, Michigan Livonia Township's Official Newspaper ARTHUR JENKINS, Editor STERLING EATON, Publisher Phone Plymouth 16 Entered as Second Class Matter In The United States Post Office at Plymouth, Michigan A 1h0-Ven-Where Mr. and Mrs. Con Keating of Cincinnatti„ Ohio were weekend guests at the Scanlon home on Dresden Blvd. The Keatings have been vacationing at Union Lake. Another of the Young Peoples parties of the Gaylord Baptist Church was held at the Brene- man home on Brentwood Road last week. A weiner rosat with all the trimmings, with the adld- ed attractions of croquet and bad- minton. fi Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lester of . Port Huron, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tsass and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Eby of Elkton were weekend guests at the Breneman home. x The Trouteaud family, Angling Road, spent Thursday at Cass Lake, "just' laofin' and fishin'." * 1: ... Mc'. and Mrs. Clarence Fi-i:p- inger and faimily of Maywood, Ill. spent a few days with the Dan Klaseno of 23064 Clarita, then both families spent a week at Walled Lake. On Sunday, a total of forty- four sat down to a supper in the Scanion garden. It has to be big to hold 'em) Mr. and Mrs. Wire- baugh of Pontiac and Bud. Morel - ,les, Middiebelt. Road, ,were the only ones there who :were not members. of the family. Being an only child Bud ,was flabbergasted. Mrs. Helen Hartenstein, Mar- gareta Road, returned home Mon- day night from Grand Rapids, where she attended the Amer- ican Legion State Convention. Mrs. Harten:stein was the dele- gate representing: Detroit -Red- ford Post 358. She and her thus- band arrived in Grand Rapids on Friday, previous, in order to be at the opening meeting at one o'clock. Mr. Ted Evans and daughter Barbara are vacationing in Georgian Bay, they are expected ..back about Labor Day. Esther Swanson is back in the swing of things at Harry S. Wolfe's Five Mile office after spending a "very delightful" two weeks vacationing at Mullet Lake. Nancy Thornton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Woods, en- tertained -a house guest, T\/Ir. Wil- liam G. Vincent from Baltimore, Maryland. DORD MUHRO LANDSCAPING 600 ARTHUR • PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN Lawn Maintenance Tree Service New Lawns Built PHONE 775-W The lucky nvlon .winners in Saturday, August 31st Mrs. Lino the drawing Monday at Burt's Camilot with her daughter and were: Mrs. John Wallace, Wilma son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker, Mrs. H. Lyles, Mrs. Fred P:ulice, left for Montreal, Canada Humm, M. Flaret and Rose to attend the wedding of Louis Markley. G inpiraq a •hrothPr of ?Vncc, Ca,m lnt- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bentley and George Bentley at the last report were spending a few Clays in Colorado Springs, Colorado while on their way to the West coast. The Girl Scouts had a "round up" meeting on Monday at the home of Mrs. Keller, West Eight Mile Road. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bentley spent last week in Wilmington, Del- aware. Merrion Electric Co. Licensed Electrician i %� s STORE OPEN 1-5 p.m. Phone Liv. 3541 11445 Arden, Rosedale Gardens Kindergarten, and advanced students Studio at Five Dile and Farmington Roads 15400 Loveland Call M. Margaret Woods, Plymouth 548-W BURT' S 27405 Joy Rd. at Inkster PATENT MEDICINES NOTIONS Phone EV 3931 Open :daily 10 to 10030 Sunday 12 to 10 "If you don't see it, ask for it and if we don't have it we'll get it." Wednesday, September 4, 1946 L.R.C. Baseball Dews ars��r �nM�JVrJfts.3 LiVONIAN P; eThree schedule; if they ,win this last on Sam ev m ing the fair circuits. Sunday, trout ;11 :present a game they are the years' upbeat- The majcrity of ,performers are special show t -,>�p talized vet - en champions. Something to ;be boys and ,girls from 10 to 17 erans at Dear. Veterans Hos- proud of Livonia—a fine team years old who have been trained pital. The ,perF :nce here will analfine coaching. in the Thompsons' ranch school. be ;given on , _ ;n front of a Battery for 'Livonia ;Center: The first show will ;get under- 14G -foot stage c , e south sidt of Litwicki, and Case. way at 8 p.m. Sept. 5 and will Michigan aven,: _ just west of Battery for Clarenceville: Wil- continue through Sept. 8, On the Wayne Cour ',y Sheriff's road cox and Garchow. Sept. 6 the matinees Saturday patrol station is ";'Jayne. And the e en ; •r - P ig e son and Wilcox, ancient and worthy rivals, met on the WE - cox diamond. When darkness fell the score was tied, and Pier- 3=av in the Livonia league son aware of ;possible dark plots shoald Have ended Wednesday, refused to operate after sundown, Aug. 28, but weather conditions score 11 to 11. upset this schedule. Only three Notice that the L.R.C. Field games have been played since Day ;will be at Riverside Park, the last Livonian; hardball teams Saturday, Sept. 7. Everybody is are at least one game behind invited. All team members are to schedule, and there are still two report to their managers before games to be played in the soft- that date to receive instructions. ball league. We had hoped to declare the Champions of both leagaes this week, this is now impossible. Next paper, however, should carry the information. F."iday, Aug. 23, the Pierson w o:hen's team played the Amal- gamates, a team recruted from the Clarenceville and Wilcox districts. Play was on the Wilcox diamond, and if you dial not attend you mased something. The game was un'rue—the last inning was play- ed after dark. Person had a six run lead at the end of the second inning, and they- held like bulldogs to this lead until the sun set and -dark- ness began to reach across the land: It was agreed to play an other inning. Why? ask Pierson. The reporter would like to give . a play by play account of this last inning but everythin. but the result is hazy. We remember dim figures moving around rather rapidly; we also remember the Umpire intoning `balls and strikes' At the end of the inning the Am- agarnates were one run ahead. Mr. G. Page, manager of the tea_n has been training for night con'ests, Mrs. Middlewood; act- ing :manager of the: Pierson team, cl ns that it .was a 'dark plot'. =attery for the Amalgamates: Zaoell Billing, Brasgalla cattery for Pierson: Ault, Orr. i :zesday, August 27 two games vi;E-e .played: =von;ia Center girls played Ciarenceville on the Livonia diaanond.. Livonia won this con- tent: the score was 18 to 1. Liv- onla Center has one official game to --)Jay in order to finsh their .PALACE II�N Beer - Liquor - Wine E.D. PALISZEWSKI, Prop. Dancing Saturdays <-) the "Knights of Rhythm" 31022 Ann Arbor Trail Near Merriman Road Electric Refrigeration Service 20 hears Experience Work Guaranteed C. FLAGER Licensed and Bonded Livonia 2645 `° rildca.ts°` , n 4th From Blue Sox Thursday, August 22nd the "Wildcats" celebrated their vic- tory over the Blue Sox, which incidently was their fourth win. This Joy Road neighborhood team ismanaged by "Ike" St- evens and the Captain is John Murawski. The winning pitcher was Ted Higgins and the losing ppitcher was Ted Tesnow. Mr. Aldridge manages the Blue Sox ABHR Darrel Steven, if 4 3 3 Bill Green, rf 4 1 2 Max Stevens, 3rd 4 2 1 Jimmy Williamson, ss 4 1 0 Harold Wicox, ;,-f 4 2 -0 John Murawski, c 4 1 1 "Babe" Zylka, 2nd 3 1 1 Robt. Tannahill, 1st 3 2 1 Ted Higgins, ,p 2- 1 1 Sherman Boss, p 0 0 0 Ronny Boulein, 1st 1 1 1 33 14 10 Rotariman2s, Plan Big White Horse Show Something new and different in the way of entertainment will be presented in Wayne Sept: 6-8, when the famous White Horse Show rides into this city's neigh- bor to the south under the aus- pices of the Wayne Rotary Club. At fairs and horse shows through- out the Middle West it has been pronounced one of the finest en- tertainment and education pro- grams playing the fairs. The show at Wayne features 25 beautiful Albino horses from the famous Cal and Ruth Thomp- son White Horse Ranch at Naper, Nebraska. These marvelously trained animals and their expert riders present a series of highly entertaining routines that include all sorts of difficult tricks, many of them originated at the ranch. The horses have been pictured in the movies and .were featured in Life Magazine. In addition to the horses and their riders, the show has been augmented with outstanding nov- elty acts, clowns, music, singing and other features and is present- ed in a special unique setting, with colorful lighting effects. It is educational as well as enter- taining, and has been heralded as the most unusual attraction'. play - E, WE OFFER YOU A BETTER CLEANING SERVICE HERALD TRI -CLEANERS We pick up and Deliver 628 S. Main Harold Yakley, Prop. SHOE REPAIR "Longer Wear through Expert Repair" Fred Brandt By bringing them to Fred your old shoes will have new life. Located at Mahalak's Cleaners 31513 Plymouth Road Livonia 3636 28175 Five Mile Road Dairy Products Kirwin's Ice Cream Wines & Beer to take out SINCLAIR Products OWNED' HOMES are ffAPPY HOMES Wayne County Federal Savings and Loan Association 301 W. Lafayette St. 35150 Michigan Ave., Br. DETROIT WAYNE Office open to 4 p.m. except Saturday, closed at 12:00 noon We Recommend the Rotary White Horse Show at Wayne, Mich., Sept. 5, 6, 7, and 8. Matinee 7 and & Parents buy a home because.it N 2'D Ire I brings economy and security, and thildren approve because it means no more moving about changing schools and Friends. You'll like our home -financing plan... it brings you happy, debt -free home ownership. Wayne County Federal Savings and Loan Association 301 W. Lafayette St. 35150 Michigan Ave., Br. DETROIT WAYNE Office open to 4 p.m. except Saturday, closed at 12:00 noon We Recommend the Rotary White Horse Show at Wayne, Mich., Sept. 5, 6, 7, and 8. Matinee 7 and & Page Four L I V_.O N LA N- - _-. -- Wednesday, September -4'1946 # Friends of Erode Neighborly League -9 P.M. Saturday and Sunday you use for roofing? 10. How many places in which ANGLE IRON are open 6, What is the most common people live had fires last year? Basement Wells Reinforcing Bars, Mesh bowling nglhts and Mr. Hoffman also stated that the Livonia Alleys cause of home fires? 7. What fluid should' NOT be —* Let us serve instead' of rule, ��" Building Paper should have the automatic pin BRICK, Face, Common SEWER PIPE. Brick Mortar setters installed this bowling sea- son, should the Re- used for cleaning ,purposes or brought into the home? knock instead of push at the door of human hearts, and -allow to allyAround �4 ,which make creation Alleys one of the •first 8. Haw many people iwere killed each ;and every one the same (Continued from Page One) to have this new equipment in in dwelling fires last .year? rights - and privileges that we the neighborhood .'children held the Mid -West. Merchants in Liv- ' 9. How many forest fires occured claim for ourselves.—Mary. Baker a pet show and raised sufficient onia are sponsoring'lmost of the h h 1 last year? Eddy. money to buy him a pair of teams wiuh t e Neig bor y League crutches and the igrown ups, well, a mixed league and the P1 they are raising a fund to kelp mouth Garden League made up pay for an artificial foot. of the Wayne Stark_ Road men.' The Robert Simmons Co. Wayne is taking his loss like The Lutheran League is made up - a man and has cried but once, of men from the Eight Mile Mid - when the overalls were cut of dlebelt section. St. Michaels is the crushed foot. His: one thought sponsoring their teams and the was that ;his parents should not Civic Association; the Rosedale J!.'We�erS worry, because, `I'm all right." Gardens League, i7 Results of the bowling each The Doctors at Mount 'Carmel week will be published , the Hospital are amazed at his pro- Livonia providing the secretaries ACROSS FROM FIWjT NATIONAL BANK grecs and courage of this eleven cooperate and leave the results year old attends Clarercevilie School. at the alleys or send them in the Plymouth *— paper each week.. League Announces Bowling Slate (Continued from Page Onei set for September 21st. M e m b e r s. of &ahn's are: "Brownie" Sudol, Captain, Clar- ence Hoffman, Montie Oncza, Henry Tudball and Fred. Shavey and the team average is about 940. This ;past week Clarence Hof- fman, announced that the various leagues will open the week of September 9th and the following schedule has been, set up for the seasons bowling: Monday Livonia Business Mems League - 7 p.m.; St. Michaels Church League -9 .p m. Tuesday L i v o n i a Township Men's League -7 p.m.; Livonia Recrea- tion House League -9 p.m. Wednesday Rosedale Gardens Civic League 7 p.m.; Ladies Junior 0assis-9 Thursday Lutheran Church League -7 p.m. Plymouth Garden League -9 p.m. Friday Ladies House League -7 p.m. MCKRE OIL BURNER SERVICE Prompt efficient service on all, makes of oiI - Furnaces — Stoves Water Heaters REdford 1303 'W. F. WIWI Hardware Livonia 3572 ; 5 Mile at Middlebelt i On Hand Nov Floor Sanders for Rent Maco-Lac and Pittsburgh Paints and Varnishes Shallow and Deepwell Pumps No. 14 Romex-2 wire Ready Fasted Wallpaper Sump Pumps Coffee Pots Pipe fittings Shelf paper Incinerator baskets Mrs: O`Leary's 'Cow Is 75 Years Old (Continued from Page . One) the century there is little :wrought .by "buzz." bombs, atomic bombs or (by careless fire -one is just a little quicker than the others. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK= OCT. 6 TO 12 1946 Glance at the U. S. Eire Loss for March, April, and May, 146. March -46 $53,252,000 increase of $12,376;000 over last March -30% April -46 $53,153;000 increase of $14;203,000 over last April -37% May -4'6 $46,094,000 increase of $11;941,000 over last May -35% No one escapes the fire cost ... Even if you do not have a fire on your own property, you pay your share in the price of everything you buy . . . everything that is burned is gone forever ... every building that burns is removed, from the tax list an dthe amount it would have produced in taxes is spread over other realestate at an. additional rate .. can you af- ford to lose any of YOUR pro- perty??? can you afford to help pay for your neighbor's property???? ABC OF FIRE PREVENTION Put out lighted matches and cigarettes- in -ever throw. them away lighted. Replace worn and frayed electric cords. Eliminate unnecessary accumula- tions of rubbish. Vertical openings in buildings must be cut off to prevent spread of fire. Educate school children in simple rules of fire ,prevention. NEVES SMOKE IN BED. Train 'everyone in, what to do when a fire endangers life or property. Flameproof decorations in all public ;places. Inspect all places where fire may occur frequently. Relace wooden shingle roofs with fire --retardant coverings. Examine and maintain all fire appliances. Safeguard all heating equipment and appliances from surround- ing combustible material. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? (Look for answers next week) 1. What is the average loss per dwelling fire? 2. What is the first rule of fire prevention? 3. What year was the Chicago? 4. Whose advice would you get before ,purchasing a fire ex- tinguisher? 5. What type of material should H & � Hardware Complete Line of Paint Lowe Brothers and Nu Enamel * Keep Your Car Looking New With Nu Enamel Phone RED. 1049 27454 Plymouth Road School Supp -lies Loose leaf covers, fillers and index All sizes pads & note books Pencil boxes, pencils & pens Fountain pens & sets Rulers & protractors Mechanical pencils Erasers Script—Quink—Carter's Ink 4 School Bags i Gowman Pharmacy j Complete Drug Service i 31515 Plymouth Road Livonia 2723 Rosedale Gardens j LET'S GET ACQUAINTED BUYING GUIDE FROM: Eckles Coal and Supply HOLBROOK and PMRR BUILDING SUPPLIES BUILDING SUPPLIES ANGLE IRON Oakum Joint BASEMENT SASH PLASTER, All Kinds Basement Wells Reinforcing Bars, Mesh Bar Drains ROOFING, Asphalt Shingles Bell Traps Roll Building Paper Stanchions BRICK, Face, Common SEWER PIPE. Brick Mortar Best selection in town BRIXMENT Ventilators, Attic, Basement Calcium Chloride Wallboard Caulking Mastic Waterproofing CEMENT, PORTLAND Window Sills . WHITE CEMENT, BLOCK FOR FARM & GARDENS Clothes Line Posts Insecticides Coal Chute Dpors Seeds Door Sills Drain Tile MISCELLANEOUS Expansion Joint Baskets Fire Clay, Bunching Twine Flag Stone Floor Hardener_ Charcoal Floor Resurfacer, Block Salt Flue Liners Hay and Straw Flue Rings Kwik Frye Foundation Coating INSULATION Rubber Bands LIME Rock Salt Metal Lath Softener Salt Mortar Color NU -WALL (Patching) RENT FROM US FIRE PLACE SUPPLIES Lawn Seeders• HEATILATORS Shingle Cutter Dampers Insulation Stapler Ash Dumps 2 -Wheel Trailer 'Where Service Is a Habit' Wednesday, September 4, 1946 L I V O N I A N Page Five SCHOOL TO ©PEN School last year as fitfh graders James. Belanca Tells devastation. and poor transporta- MONDAY, SEPT. 9TH will remain at Elm this year. The DI Conditions in Ital tion conditions in all of Europe, (Continued from Page One) r&maining sixth graders will at- y ,the high cost of food and the EIGHT AND NINTH GRADES tend the same schools they at - School last year as fifth graders (Continued arum Page One) -poor physical and mental condi- All eight and ninth graders First to Fifth Grades Inclusive following the war., tions that exist today. He con - eluded with the fact that Amer- iwill attend Livonia Center School. Children in the first through James Belanca told of the trip icans are very fortunate to live This plan permits setting tip s'ho'p the fifth grades this year will at- by ship from .the States to Le- in the United States despite the and home making facilities in one tend the same schools they at- Havre, France and .then of the fact that conditions here are not :school which will extendthe ser- tended lastear as kindergarten Y g train trip from LeHavre to Paris as satisfactory as they might be. vices of one shop instructor and through fourth grade pupils. and then south to Rome and one home making teacher thatKINDERGARTEN Naples. Mr. Belanca stated that have been employed. The short- Children must be five of the shops in Italy were full of The man who does not work ages of these specialized teachers years food, but on further checking ds- for the love of work but only has made it impossible to employ age on or before November 30, covered that the price was pro- for money is not likely to make two of each as was originally 1946 in order to be enrolled. Birth hibitive for the average working money nor to find much fun in planned. All teachers employed certificates should be taken to 11 man to purchase. The same itmes life.—Charles M. Schwab for Livonia Center. have bachelors tic ool on registration day. It is would ibe in the shop ,windows or masters degrees and have been suggested that parents pin the day after day. ;He continiuedi, ,assigned to teach in their major name and address on kinder- "food costs -pet da y g garten children to assist bus Y While Italy or minor fields, in: accordance cot me in the neighborhood of ,with the requirements for approv- drivers in returning them :home from $25.00 to $30.00, while, the ed schools as set uon schedule: p Eby the State average laborer makes from 90 Department of Public Instruction, The kindergarten children from cents to one dollar ani twenty - the University of Michilgan, and Seven Mile Road, and Pierson five cents. So you can see our the North Central Association of area .will attend Pierson school efforts for that particular coup, Approved Schools. during the forenoon. try are not in vain." 5S`VEfd'i'I r._ ' ` GRADES t Livonia. Center Kindergarten Mr. Belanca also told of the All seventh grade children will attend Newburg School. �1'ktA GRADES The sixth grade from the Pier- son area and the Wilcox area west of Harrison and north of Terrence and Greenland inc. will attend 'Wilcox School. The sixth grade from Livonia Center; along Five Mile Road to Middlebelt and the area bounded by Five Road, Inkster Road. Six Mile Road, Har- rison, Terrence and Middlebelt, ,,rill attend Rosedale School. Those students who attended Elm WE HAVE EXPERT'7/�llV MF1.8![ .:1 en group and those living along Five Mile Road west of Middle - belt will attend Wilcox School in the forenoon. Others living near Wilcox School and in the area bounded by Five Mile, Inkster, Six Mile and Middlebelt and'those from Pickford •will attend Wilcox School in the afternoon. The kindergarten children who live between Five Mile and West Chicago and Middlebelt and Ink- ster Roads and those who live between .Schoolcraft and„ West Chicago and Farmington Road anI Middlebelt, except those who live in Rosedale Gardens will at- tend Rosedale School in the fore- noon. Kindergarten children who live in Rosedale Gardens will at- tend Rosedale School in the after- noon.. The Stark School forenoon. kindergarten session will include o even Mile Roads will take the public- bus ublicbus to Pierson School and trans- fer to the school buses as they did last year. ' Students attending Plymouth • " High School will, again be trans- ported by our school bus. In ad- STEP OUT 14 I S FALL WITH dition, students attending Red - ON MOST ford Union High School will be d fall transported by our school bus this aREPAIR JOBS year. n nr#1 Bring Your "HOME" F®r Service INC. YOU CAN use a simplified pro- cedure in figuring ceiling prices for export goods. Under its revis- ed export price regulation, CPA allows exporters to use :mark-ups based on their individual pricing experience. Specific formulas are provided fpr determining export ceiling prices on iron, steel, lum- ber, coal, textiles and other items. �•s�+rv�.�w.r ,�,,.r . it 3 of ore ... AFTER Sweetest story ever told! When a dilapidated old chair can be reupholstered to rival expensive new pieces in qual- ity, appearance and comfort. Our jobs prove serviceable,: too. bright new freshness i Ec � after it's been Sani-Tex \ cleaned at Pride Cleaners. _N SAN-TEX CLEANED i *Men's Suits *Mien's Coats C `'Ladies' Coats *Ladies' Dresses (plain) Prices plus V OPA approved 9% Increase GUILBEAULT GARDEN CITY Cor. Westbrook & Fenkell Plymouth: 774 Penniman Ypsilanti: 20 N. Washingtor Phone Redford 3100 1 V Warne: 2925 N. Washinston Ypsilanti: 32 Huron Street 1VC•W- ourg area. The kindergarten from the Stark area will attend Stark H l 1 School in the afternoon. The following schedule sum - marines the present plans to E.' QUIPMENT i l� i house the students this school year: Pierson: 8:30-11:30 a.m. 12:30- and 3:30 p.m. Kindergarten to 5th in•c. Wilcox 8:30-11:30 a.m. 12:30- 3:30 p.m. Kindergarten to 6th inc. j� ! GENUINE Elm 9:00-12:00 a.m. 1:00-4:00 1st to 6th inc. � i�� PARTS p.m. Rosedale 9:00 12:00 a.m. 1:00- 4:00 m. Kindergarten to 6th inc. p' era � Stark 8:45-11:45 :a.m. 12:45-3:45 p.m. Kindergarten to 6th inc. TO GIVE YOU Newburg 8:45-11:45 a.m. 12:45- 3:45 p.m. Seventh only Livonia 8:30-11:56 a.m. 12:56- 3:30 p.m. Eight & Ninth. only The pupils who live rear the corner of Newbury and S o even Mile Roads will take the public- bus ublicbus to Pierson School and trans- fer to the school buses as they did last year. ' Students attending Plymouth • " High School will, again be trans- ported by our school bus. In ad- STEP OUT 14 I S FALL WITH dition, students attending Red - ON MOST ford Union High School will be d fall transported by our school bus this aREPAIR JOBS year. n nr#1 Bring Your "HOME" F®r Service INC. YOU CAN use a simplified pro- cedure in figuring ceiling prices for export goods. Under its revis- ed export price regulation, CPA allows exporters to use :mark-ups based on their individual pricing experience. Specific formulas are provided fpr determining export ceiling prices on iron, steel, lum- ber, coal, textiles and other items. �•s�+rv�.�w.r ,�,,.r . it 3 of ore ... AFTER Sweetest story ever told! When a dilapidated old chair can be reupholstered to rival expensive new pieces in qual- ity, appearance and comfort. Our jobs prove serviceable,: too. bright new freshness i Ec � after it's been Sani-Tex \ cleaned at Pride Cleaners. _N SAN-TEX CLEANED i *Men's Suits *Mien's Coats C `'Ladies' Coats *Ladies' Dresses (plain) Prices plus V OPA approved 9% Increase GUILBEAULT GARDEN CITY Cor. Westbrook & Fenkell Plymouth: 774 Penniman Ypsilanti: 20 N. Washingtor Phone Redford 3100 1 V Warne: 2925 N. Washinston Ypsilanti: 32 Huron Street Page S**x LIVONIA.N , Livonia Can Boast of Now Famous Singing Dog Spooks Singing "Tummy" for Mrs. Myron J. Anderson Not to be outdone by England's come to one of his prodigy pro- it, but is rather temperamental talking dog that has :been pub- ge.ny. He just checks all the poo- -when folks really want to near licized so much in the ,past few .. es Dat are brought out to the her perform. Spooks •despite dis- weeks, Livonia has gone one bet- Doctors, helps feed the chickens, taste of publicity and an audience ter ONE THAT CAN SING! boarding dogs and watclhes over is now very famous and well The candidate for the new the four Cavells to the best of known dog, for her singing ability honors is Spook, a six year old his. ability. _ No one, not even has been publicized by many toy fox terrier belonging -to Mr. Doctor of Mrs. Cavell Glares lay radio commentators over the air and Mrs. Myron J. Anderson, of a hand on Casey or Jo !-,when he is during the past week. Edington, Coventry Gardens. The a o i d. A; n; d e r s o n s bbcc j',M Siti'ook, Spook, who is so small she can If you have any items of inter - from speciality is "Mamarny" be held very comfortably in the from D. Ted Cavell, Plymouth palm of both hands, held an audi- est abount your family or friends Veterinarian, six years ago. Spo- tion following the Coventry Gar.- please call 16. _ �_� _ ak b As daddy is Pert who. as dens Dog Show last . eek, :whith CHICKENS --FRESH EGGS Save Time — Phone Your Order & Have it Delivered Our Broilers and Fryers all mash fed. Disease controlled with General Electric Germicidal lamps. Your inspection invited. PHONE LIV. 3576 Progressive Poultry Forms 34954 Schoolcraft Plymouth, Mich. Wednesday, September 4, 1916 C and H Paint Store Outside White and Colors Flat and Stipple White and Colors Barn Red Special $2.00 a Gal. 33302 W. 7 Mile at Farmingto: YOU CAN MAKE HER HAPPY WITH AN ... VCT BURG'S Grand River at Lasner PLUMBING and HEATING New Installations Remodeling 9' and Repairs jP WILUAW1 MEIER Phone Livonia 2013 N �I Licensed Master Plumber Time f or the 3's Again— 'his Year Make I —Readin' 2--' 1tin' 3—'E'N.it uretic 4—Regular Cleaning Let us keep those School Clothes Clean and Neat Call 234 For Pick -Up and Delivery Tait's Cleaners & Tailors been in the Cavell family over was under the direction of Lois twelve years and I'ae mother. was. Meier and Betio V,'Veitzel, nine a toy fox terrier hom Northville. year olds whose parents Iive in Coventry. It is quite evident that "Pert" At first, all efforts to get Spook is unaware of the fame that had to sing we -.'e futile mid to the Andersons 'Spook does not like an audience, but finally PARXFE 'S Spoor gave forth and with some tickl=ing under the throat broke forth with all the music that her GRO.D� i samall soul contained. Starting low she :gradually hit the high OPEN DAILY notes and then throwing back 9:00 - 7:00 her head Spook ~hit the climax and :witnesses stated it sounded FRIDAY and SATURDAY as though there was a baby in 9:00 - 8:00 the roam. The audition lasted about four Complete Self Service minutes and then she stapped as suddenly as she begain, showing CHOICE MEATS & her teeth as if to sad-. "I hope your are all satisfied." walked over GROCERIES into the corner. Spook is a pet of all the children in the raighbor- Daily Delivery of Fresh hood and of course tool. several Fruits and Vegetables prizes in the show. 8861 Middlebelt Rd. Mrs. Anderson state.: that Spo- ok sings whenever she feels like Buy from the Producer CHICKENS --FRESH EGGS Save Time — Phone Your Order & Have it Delivered Our Broilers and Fryers all mash fed. Disease controlled with General Electric Germicidal lamps. Your inspection invited. PHONE LIV. 3576 Progressive Poultry Forms 34954 Schoolcraft Plymouth, Mich. Wednesday, September 4, 1916 C and H Paint Store Outside White and Colors Flat and Stipple White and Colors Barn Red Special $2.00 a Gal. 33302 W. 7 Mile at Farmingto: YOU CAN MAKE HER HAPPY WITH AN ... VCT BURG'S Grand River at Lasner PLUMBING and HEATING New Installations Remodeling 9' and Repairs jP WILUAW1 MEIER Phone Livonia 2013 N �I Licensed Master Plumber Time f or the 3's Again— 'his Year Make I —Readin' 2--' 1tin' 3—'E'N.it uretic 4—Regular Cleaning Let us keep those School Clothes Clean and Neat Call 234 For Pick -Up and Delivery Tait's Cleaners & Tailors _;.Wednesday4--September 4 194 - L I V O N I A N Page Seven_ SCHOOL BOAD & 9th from Wayne road on. Greenhouse to Levan, leaves . Ifyou wish success in life, bosom " $) -Newburg to 6 Mile, leaves 8:07, 8:09, arrives 8:12, Kg. to 6th; & 8 make perseverance your 'ANNOUNCES arrives 8:16, 8th and 9th only. and 9. friend, experience your wise BUS.SCHEDULE 6 Mile to Farmington Rd., leav- es 8:16, arrives 8:22, 8th and 9th Levan to Stark school, leaves 8:12, arrives 8:16, Kg. to 6, & 8 &9, counsellor, :caution your elder (Continued from Faae Q ie) only. Stark to Livonia, leaves 8:16, brother, and hope your guardvan ig: to 6th inc. leaves Farmington Rd. to Livonia, 8.22 arrives 8.25 8th and arrives 8:25, 8 & 9 only. T t Old Dutch Mill genius. -Addison. Elm to Rosedale; leaves 8:4a, 9th only. leaves 8125, arrives 8:36, Empty. arrives 8:55, Kg, only. Livonia Center to Schoolcraft, Bus 3 Dutch Mill to Inkster, leaves Pierson to 8 dile, leaves 7:45, leaves 8:25, arrives 8:28, 6 from 8:36, arrives 8:38, Kg. to 6 inc. arrives 7:50, K it 9 lav Livonia Center and Kg. to 6th inc. Inkster to Schoolcraft, leaves - arrives Schoolcraft to Merriman, leav- 8:38, arrives 8:41, Kg. to 6 inc. 3 Anile. May field, NT•orfolk, es 8:28, arrives 8:31, Kg. to 6 inc. Schoolcraft to Middlebelt to leaves 7:50, arrives 7:54, Kg. to 9 Merriman to Rosedale, leaves Elm School, leaves 8:41, arrives ='e 8:31, arrives 8:37, Kg. to 6th inc. 8:47, Kg. to 6 inc. Norfolk to Pierson, leaves 7:54, Rosedale to Elm, leaves 8:37, arrives 7:58, Kg. to 9 ine. arrives 8:46, Those who attended Pierson to Livonia Center, leav- Elm last year, 1 to 6 from M-er- FUEL OIL j L es 7:58, arrives 8:07, 8th, 9th, riman road. only. Elm to Cavell to Elm, leaves "We Aim to Please" Livonia Center to Pierson, leav-• 8:46, arrives 8:55, 1 to 6 inc. Phone Your Order t0 es 8:07, arrives 8:16, 2 to 5 inc. Bus 5 U. of Loi eland. Elm to Cavell, leaves 7:35, ar- 191 Northville Pierson to 6 Mile, leaves 8:16, rives 7:40, 7, 8, and 9 inc. (7th Night Calls Phone 68 __.rives 8:19, 7th only. - - waits at Livonia for Bus 6). Plymouth 1445 a Mile to Briggs, leaves 8:19, Cavell to Inkster to School, _..rives 8:24, Kg. to 7th inc. leaves 7:40, arrives 7:44, 7, 8 & C. R. ELY & SONS Briggs to 5 Mile, "leav-as 8:24, " 9 inc. ( 7th wait at Livonia for arrives 8:27. Kg. to (th me, Bus 6). 5 Mile to Plymouth, leaves 8:27, Cavell to Farmington Road, arrives 8:33, Kg. to 7th inc. ,leaves 7:44, arrives 7:52, 7, 8, & 9 Plymouth to -Newburg. leaves inc. (7th wait at Livonia for Bus 8:33, arrives 3:35.. Kg. to 7th inc. $) Newburg to Stark (via. A.A. Farmington Rd. to Livonia, T.), leaves 8:35, arrives 8:40. Kg. leaves 7:44, arrives 7:52; 7, 8, and to 6th inc. 9 inc. ( 7th wait at Livonia for Bus "4 Bus 6). Rosedale to Newburg (via. Livonia Center to Plymouth, Stark, Joy, & Hix Rd.). leaves haves 7:55, arrives 8:01, 10, 11, & 7:50, arrives 8:07. All of:7th, 8th, 12 only. P1 -+I, Rd to Stark Rd for quality CLOTHING make Davis & Lent ,• where your money Is . well spent" your clothing HEADQUARTERS 811 Penniman Ave. Plymouth custom M - M made SLITS $30.00 32.50 35.00 Suits and coats made to your measure Arrow Shirts Interwoven socks Knox & Portis Hats Sportswear Slacks - dress pants Undergarments Work Toes y u Stark Sch., leaves 8:01, arrives 3:04, 10 11, and 12, only. Stark Sch. to Ann Arbor Tr., leaves 8:04, arrives 8:06, 10, 11 & 12 only. Ann Arbor Tr. to Greenhouse, leaves 8:06, arrives 8:09, 10, 11 & 12 only. Greenhouse to Newburg Rd., leaves 8:09, arrives 8:12, 10, 11 & 12, only. Newburg Rd. to Hix Rd., leav- es 8:12, arrives 8:14, 10, 11 & 12 only. Hix Rd. to Plymouth H.S., leav- SashCord es 8:14, arrives 8:23, 10, 11 & 12 only. i 0 D7 ­.,,.+H TT C +!, Tn­ n(7 Ni - leav s 8:23, arrives 8:32, Empty, r Joy & Hix to Stark School, leaves 8:32, arrives 8:40, Kg. to Duo Therm -Perfection 6-inc. LIVONIA Bus 6 and Coleman Middlebelt on Plymouth Road, leaves 7:29, arrives 7:32, 10, 11 & 12. Merriman to Berwick, leaves 7:32, arrives 7:34, 10, 11 & 12. Berwick to Hubbard, leaves 7:34, arrives 7:36, 10, 11 and 12. Hubbard to Newburg Rd., leav- es 7:36, arrives 7:46, 10, 11 & 12. Newburg Road to Eckles, leaves 7:46, arrives 7:49, 10, 11 & 12. Eckles to Plymouth H.S., leav- es 7:49, arrives 7:55, 10, 11 & 12. Plymouth H.S. to Rosedale, leaves 7:55, a*rives 8:13, Empty. Rosedale to Livonia Center, leaves 8:13, arriv&s 8:23, 8th & 9th only. Livonia Center to Newburg, leaves 8:23, arrives 8:38, 7th only. Bus 7 Cav,el to Middlebelt, leaves 7:30 arrives 7:32, 10, 11 & 12. Middlebelt to 5 Mile, leaves 7:32. arrives 7:38, 10, 11 & 12. 5 Mile to Merriman, leaves 7:38, arrives 7:41, 10, 11 & 12. Merriman to Hubbard, leaves 7:41, arrives 7:43, 10, 11 & 12. Hubbard to Farmington road leaves 7:43, arrives 7:45, 10, 11 & 12. Farmington Rd. to Levan, leav- es 7:45, arrives 7:48, 10, 11 & 12. Levan to Newburg, leaves 7:48, arrives 7:50, 10, 11, & 12. Newburg Road to Plymouth H. S., leaves 7:50, arrives 8:00, 10; 11 & 12. Plvmouth H.S. to Bartel Green- house, leaves 8:00, arrives 8:09, Kg. to 6, 8 & 9. SCHOOL GIRLS- Camilots offer a $12.50 permanent for $9.50 9035 Middlebelt Road Livonia 9234 Hardware & Lumber 33421 Five Mile Road Phone Livonia 3140 Livonia 3674 Has a complete line of furnace and stove PIPE 7�C See the new G.E. ELECTRIC BLANKET C.HICKEN SonnACK We Have Again DINNERS TO TAKE OUT Phones: Liv. 9290, 2554 34115 PIymouth Rd. CARL HARRY, Proprietor Page Eight LIVONIAN Mi and Mrs.-` Grady McKay' ` Who When -Where and daughter Ruth Ann are vaea- tioniin 1�To #h M' h' The Cecil H. Habermehils spent the past two weeks vacationing at Portage Lake.. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ha'bermehl and two daughters Charlene :and Denise spent the day at Bob -Lo. It was a birthday celebration for enise (who -celebrated her birthday Aug. 26th and! several weeks prior, the ,four went in to a Tiger ball game in honor of Charlene's birthday which was August 1st. Mr. :and. Mrs. Jack Wilson, Osmus Road, announced. the :birth of a son on Friday, August 23rd at Mount Carmel Hospital. Three sisters are waiting to welcome their first ,brother home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moriarty, Van Dyke, Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Kennedy, Northville and Lloyd VanEst and daughter Mazel 'were guests of the Glen Kennedy`s, Antago Rd., Sunday. 'Beth Weitzel was pleasantly surprised on August 31st by a group of ten girls who gathered to celebrate her tenth birthday. The girls went roller skating in the afternoon and then retured to the Weitzel home for dinner. A grand time is reported and Beth received lovely gifts. August 29 Mr. and Mrs. H,.rry Weitzel and, daughter Judy were dinner -guests in Jackson Michigan at the home of friends. Beth Weitzel spent last week in Jack- son and, returned home with her parents on Thursday. Laura and Vera Voelker of Detroit and Lyria Vieker and Percy Rader of Bad Axe were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wagens-chutz of Six ,Mile Road. The L. L. Walkers' of Middle - belt Road are spending two weeks at Mackinaw City. b r ern, is gan. The McKay's are taking a Trail- er Trip and will travel parts of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Herschel - man attended the wedding of Audrey Sauer and Carl La Godna on Saturday, August 24th. The reception -was help at the Clinton Valley Golf Club with three hundred and fifty guests in at- tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Wylie are vacat:onin,g in Yellowstone Park for two -weeks. June Dickens entertained Patty Byrd, Geraldine Thatcher, Jackie Burgess at a ,pajama party on August 27th. The girls enjoyed chili, pop and cake as refresh- ments. Mr. and Mrs. Hurd Valrance have returned from a three weeks vacation at Bruce Beach in On- tario. YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW USE THE BEST ... CLOVERDALE FARMS DAIRY Your Local Dealer Phone 9 841 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Mich. SMSCRI$E TO THE LIVONIAN $1.50 per year. Mail check, your name & address to LIVONIAN, Plymouth, Mich. TODAY! IT'S NO PROBLEM An Since jimmy Mason opened his restaurant For reservations call Liv. 3655 Wednesday, September 4, 1946 1AHALAK' CLEANERS Liv. 3636 — 31513 Plymouth Rd. Rosedale Gardens CASH & CARRY • Fick -up & Delivery Service'. DONT WAIT TUB YOUR CAR FALLS C C DOWN ON THE JOB. 1 . It can put you in an awful fix! That's why we'd like a chance to get its minor disorders corrected RIGHT NOW! BILL BROWN AUTHORIZED SALES and SERVICE OPEN DAILY SATURDAY 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m, IN THE NORTHWEST SECTION 20740 FENKELL PHONE REDFORD 0900 For your convenience out riding — We've a HITCHING ING POST to tether your hoss while you come in for a snack — SANDWICHIsS — Serving only the Finest ROAHOUSE DINNERS STEADS -- CHOPS SEA FOOD ITALIAN SPAGHETTI SHORT ORDERS IN OUR GRILL Make it a date to come here with ROOD, your family and friends for the dinner that will be prepared and served exactly to your order. MASON'S RESTAURANT —TIMMY MASON, owner, formerly of Dann's Tavern— Hours: 8 A.M. - I A.M. Sch.00lcraft Rd., just east of Farmington Rd Closed Mondays Wednesday; September 4, 1946 - L I V O N I A N With the Livonia Churches BETHEL MISSIONARY CHAPEL at 8890 Middlebelt road. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship 31:00 a.m. Sunday evening ser- vice 7:45 , p.m. Midweek service Thursday 7:45 p.m. Plan to at- tend revival service nightly : ex- cept Monday and Saturday nights. Rev. JacobTraubAs the Evangelist. LIVONIA COMMUhiTY CHURCH, Farmington Road just south of Five Mile Road. Sunday School 10:15 a.m., Church Ser- vice 11:30 a.m. Rev. John E. Hendricks, pastor. HOPE CHAPEL CHURCH OF THE UNITED BRETHREN. Six Mile west of Middlebelt. Morning worship and Sunday School, 10:36 a.m. Young Peoples Christian En- deavor at 6:30 p.m., with Youth Fellowship following. The ;nid•- week prayer iservice is held on Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. The Ladies' Aird meets on the first Wednesday evening of each month Hendricks, pastor. GAYLORD ROAD BAPTIST CHAPEL, 19188 Gaylord Rd. 3 blocks south of Grand River. Phone EVergreen 0124. 10:00 p.m. Evening service. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. Bible study and Prayer service. We cordially invite you to come and worship with us. Edwin Gordon, pastor. PLOW • CULTIVATE • HARROW DISK `• SCRAPE AND GRADE 7k � BXAR CAT m wenefedured by inwo d INDUSTRIES lel the "CATS" do your ptoping;her - rowing, cultivating, weeding, furrow - Ing, grading and odd jobs:"A,modsl for every garden from 2•lot'size'to 10 acres. Each Is easy to hand 16, thanks to Design Simplicity. All are Dependable, farm -tested performers as shown by over 10 years of success- ful work experience. Implements changed quickly and easily with Jiffy. Hitch. Come In and see them today or send for free folder. On Steel or Rubber Immediate Delivery Authorized Dealer Sanford's Garage Phone Liv. 9261 27770 Joy Rd., one 'block west of Inkster Rd. ROSEDALE ST. MICHAELS: CHURCH—Father Contway, pas- tor: Rosedale Gardens. Masses at 6:00, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 and 12:00 a.m. , s . x CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Farmington high school auditori- um, Sunday, 11:00 a.m., Sunday School same hour. Wednesday evening services at the first Methodist Church at 8:00 p.m. All are welcome. _ • s • ST. PAUL'S EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH, corner of Five Mile and Farmington Roads, Theodore Sauer, pastor. Sunday Church Service, 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. ROSEDALE GARDENS PRES- BYTERIAN CHURCH, Hubbard at W. Chicago. Church School. 9:30 a.m., Church Service, 11:00 a.m. Rev Woodrow Wooley. ELM BAPTIST CHURCH one- half mile north of Plymouth Rd., just off Inkster Road. Sunday school classes for all ages, 10:00 a.m. Worship services 11:15 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Young peoples meeting at 6:45 p.m. Prayer and Bible study, Wednesday 8:00 p.m. A growing church with Evangel- ism as the center. You will find a welcome. R. E. Pring, pastor. Phon^ Livonia 2687. M-81lbs r NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF LIVONIA, WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI- FIED of a Public Hearing to be held before the Township Zon- ing Board of the Township of Livonia, County of Wayr.•e, State of Michigan at the following place: The Livonia Township Hall, 33110 West Five Mile Road, Livonia Township Thursday, September 26, 1946 8:00 o'clock P. M. This Public Hearing is required to be held by the provisions of Section 9 and Section 14 of Act 184 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan for the year of 1943 and being Section 5.2963 (9) and .5.2963 (14) of MSA, and is being held to give public consideration to the proposals for Amendments to be made to the Zoning Ordi- nance now in -effect in said Li- vonia Township in the following described places: 1. The area bounded on the South by Joy Road, on the North by West Chicago Boulevard, on the East by Stonehouse Avenue and on th,e West by Hix Road to be changed from R -U -F -C and A -G-1-13 to an R -U -F -B re- quirement. 2. The area bounded on the South by Joy Road, on the North by the alley line which is approximately 100 feet in depth North of Joy Road, on the East by Hugh Street and on the West by a distance of approximately one-half block West of Henry Ruff Road which is the Easterly Boundary of the C-1 District, to be chang- ed from an R -U -F -C re- quirement. quiremnent to a C-1 re - and that the proposal for the ten- tative amendments together with the Zoning Map of. said Township will be open to the public inspec- Call I# A hiiessy Job? Then why bother wash- ing your car yourself, ® when we can do it for you at short notice, and at small Cost . . . . Mike Byrnes Service Seven Mile Road at Middiebelt Telephone FAR. 9046 tion and examination at the of- fice of the Township in the Li- vonia Township Hall on and after September 4, 1946. Signed: GEORGE ISBELL, Secretary of Livonia Township Zoning Board. There never was a person who did anything worth doing that did not recieve more than he gave.—Henry Ward Beecher Let us see to it that our lives, like jewels of great -price, be note- worthy not because of their width, but because of their weight.—Seneca Page Nine If you have anything to sell or rent try a Livonian want ad. They bring results.—Plymouth 16. ALDRICH Poultry House LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY 34115 Plymouth Road FRESH EGGS. POULTRY BOUGHT & SOLD Liv. 3681 "Whatever your school needs may be, we are sure to have it." In drugs if it is REXALL it's RIGHT Cecil H. Habermehl Pharmacist 32101 Plymouth Road Livonia 3156 Rosedale Gardens 1 LOTUS COLOGNE Is Back $1.50 plus tax At Ross's Melena Rubenstein's Cream Tint Foundation ------------- $1.50 Heaven Sent Toilet Water ------ $1.00 "Pasteurized" Face Cream ------ $1.00 Estrogenic Hormone Cream ____ $150 Milktone Cake Make-up ------------ $1.00 ]Ross Drugs 27478 Plymouth Road, Corner of Inkster Road Dependable Prescription Service Phone Livonia 3611 4 Page Ten L I V O N I A N Wednesday, September 4, 19-v- r. Mr: and Mrs. John Cline went Mrs. H. - Shierk -with three the train to Grand Rapids whe•- �Vho- When-Where' to Weston, Ohio on August 24th friends, Mrs. Charles Cook, Mrs. they spent the day and returns to bring back* their son Lynn :who Edward Pyrer, Mrs. George Mur- on the evening train from Grana r has been spending some !time ray from Detroit, left Plymouth Rapids to Plymouth. A grand Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Balsley and with his grandparents Mr, and Thursday, August 29th and took time is reported by all. children have returned recently Mrs. Ernest Em-rick. frcm a two weeks trip to North- ern Michigan. Mrs. Hugh Jameson is return- Painting your Car Mrs. H. Valrance attended a in. home after spending the sum- luncheon on August 29th at Pine mer in Chautauqua, New York. /-� 5 Our Lake Club. The guests included fUSlil@SS sixtten first cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daniels and daughters are spending a week at Nothing can give your The Arthur Weeber family Bass Lake. old bus" that shiny, new have returned frGmi a vacation look like one of our super in Northern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corcoran, ,r Cardwell Street, entertained Mr. % paint jobs. Finest quality ' Mr. Oscar Evans of RRayburn and Mrs. Jerry Lewis of Detroit s _ paints used, work done avenue has not been so ,well Thursday e-vening August 29th by experts. Reasonable decently and it is necessary for celebrating Mrs. Corcoran's birth- him to spend some time in bed. day. - - prices. All .his friends and neighbors k• anamEwish him a speedy recovery. George Valrance, ycunest son R NQS PAINT SHOP of Mr. and Hurd Valrance came ziffiffl = Patty Hoare of North Ham.p- home on Sunday September 1st PAINTING & BUMPING shire Avenue, Coventry Gardens, for a ten day furlough before go- has the measles. ing to California and then over-. 27780 Joy Road One block west of Inkster Road seas duty. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicholas of Freemont Street left on a motor trip Friday through Ohio, Pen- nsylvania and West Virginia. The first stop will be in Warren, Ohio to attend a family reunion. Jean Engelman and Sally Wal-�, ers 1celebrated their ibirti:ndays Saturday at Nankin Mills Park' with a weiner roast and picnic supper. Fourteen of their friena3 �� ✓I�" voted a grand time and Jean and Sally receivedmany lovely gifts. ®/ ����i✓ Mrs. L. Shierk, VMrs. Charles,�� Cook and her niece Mary Cox, spent a day in !Leamir,!�ton On- tario last week where they ,pica- ed up Mrs. Cook's aunt Mrs.j /f George Betty. They also spent ! some time in Chatham, Ontario, and visited a cousin of Mrs. Cook's �� ,,. �� �� • �� who is a nun at "The Pines." Barbara Higgins of Louise St. celebrated her eleventh 'birthday ��/�0 with :a party of friends on Thurs- day. Traditional birthday ,cake with ice-cream was served. Games og Bingo and baseball iwere play- ed. Barbara received :many lovely gifts. HOWIL YOU Y EGGS? Ross and Rohner A1.MAlOAC— `` This weather-beaten trouble-shooter isn't worrying . >> II I �I, I.I about your eggs—or whether you want 'ern sdfff boiled, fried, scrambled—or if you like eggs at all: "The applauso of a single fuimun being 1 it of great consequence" I SEPTEMER but he is worrying about keeping your electric 3-Peace treaty signed end- service flowing along as usual. If that means eggs �ac in1783. Revolutionary War, for your breakfast, okay then, that's why he's up 4-France proclaimed a Re. Public, 1890. • 7 on -a storm4m flied power pole. '-� X,� -Russ-Taps sign peace i `� treaty, 1905. $-Pilgrims leave England, And, he'll stay there till he gets your line repaired 1620. 7-British lift blockout requ. —in spite of rain ... lightning ... thunder. . . and lotions, 1944. via 8-Galveston, Tex., tidal a high wind howling. �xrrs� 19 Q s, claims 6.000 tlw s—Maier Boston police strike, 1919. You don't have to send him a check for his trouble. - .+ro,.�,� GOOD EYESIGHT You won't pay any more on your electric bill-to Makes History for You cover his hard, wet work and the materials he uses. Compliments of Chances are you'll never even know a line went out, John A. Rosi L. IF. Rohner Fortunately we don't have storms every day, bur Doctors of Optometry when we do, Detroit Edison line crews are ready 809 Penniman Ave. Plymouth, Michigan —day or night. Phone 433 Monday-1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday-1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday — THE ERO1 E 1S Q Y 14:00 a.m. to 5:00 Pan, Thursday— 1:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Friday-1:00 p.m. to 9:00 pm Saturday- 10:00 asn. to 5:00 D.m. Wednesday, September 4, 1946 L I V O N I A N Mra' Barnum, West Seven Mile Who- When -Where Road, returned from an eight day visit to New York State, a few days ago. Various points in - Mr. and Mrs. Davis and daugh- eluding Syracuse and Albany ter Joan, of Royal Oak, were were stag overs. Sunday guests of their parents * * * Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens, St. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bar - Francis Road. num started on a leisurely fishing x and camping trip up across the Anne Marie Stevens, St. Francis Straits and, through Northern Road, Elly McDowell, Windsor, Michigan, arriving home around Canada and about eight other Labor Day. girls had a swell time at Island * * y Lake this past week end. Alfred Holmes, St. Francis Rd., It , * who has been in the Pacific area Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hawley, with a Marine unit arrived, home Angling Road, and their house last week for .good, after more guests Rev. and Mrs. W. Sey- than, two years overseas. boldt and Mr. Seyboldit, were in Lansing as the week and guestsOlaf Berg, Bretton Road, is of 11r. and Mrs. W. Hawley. home from Mount Carmel Hos- * - , pital since last Wednesday, how - Mi and Mrs. Leslie Wicox of ever, as his entire 'body is in a Detroit were weekend. guests of cast due to a fractured spine, he brother Maurice and family of will have to remain in bed for the Ar. -ling Road. next eight week3. ... as part of Is Page Elever, WEBSTER'S DRESS SHOP 31511 Plymouth Road, Rosedale Gardens Latest wilts, To Pers, and. Dresses. Try Webster's LINGERIE - INFANTS — HOUSEDRESSES a Sizes 9-52 9:30 - 6:00— Open Friday evening Phone Liv. 3470 Office, LIV. 3321 - PHONES — Res. VE -7-1929 Dr. ''some . Marston OPTOMETRIST 32013 Plymouth Rd. Hours: Mon. thru Fri.; I-8 p.m. Rosedale Gardens Mornings and Sat. by Appt. i o To serve the many families who have been waiting for telephones and to provide for future growth and improvement of service, Michigan Bell has under way a $150,000,000 five-year program. Expenditures of $204,000 are to be made in the Livonia area. TO DATE— The number of families in this area wait- ing for telephones has been reduced to about one-half of the 590 total on the list May 1, 1946. And early this month we completed installation of additional dial switching equipment in the Livonia central office. 1N THE FUTURE — Two other major additions to central office equipment are planned, the first of which is scheduled for completion within a year. A new out- side wire and cable construction project, to be started shortly, is expected to be completed early next year. All told, we plan to add enough equipment for an antici- pated increase of 1,100 telephones here in the next five years. THERE'S simple logic in the fact that good telephone service depends on adequate earnings. Here is why. Thousands of thrifty people have their savings invested in Bell System securities. Their money makes good telephone service possible. In fact, Michigan Bell's 5 -year $150,000,000 expansion and improvement program will be financed largely by these and other investors. And that program will provide more and better telephone service for you. So you see, our earnings are important all around. And telephone rates—such a small part of your monthly budget—must be maintained at a level which will keep our earnings adequate. Otherwise, investors would not put their money into the telephone business, and the future quality and extent of your telephone service would suffer. Since earnings depend so largely on telephone rates -it's important to remember this: Our "cost of living", like -;-ours, has been rising rapidly. If it continues to go up, rate increases may become necessary to insure adequate earnings. In any event, Michigan Bell wants rates no higher— and no lower — than necessary to operate the busi- ness efficiently ... pay good wages ... give a fair return to investors and, thereby, protect the future quality of the service we give you. OUR $150,000,000 POST-WAR PROGRAM MEANS JOBS FOR THOUSANDS MICHIGAN BELL TELEPH E COMPANY Page Twelve LIVO-NIAN ON THE JOB — — THOSE LITTLE lmwm&nmaL� ADS 't i Only 25 Cents Phone Plymouth 16 FOR SAFE HOUSE at 10477 Laurel rd. Phone Livonia 2815 Ite BUTTSTADT Accordian, 80 Bass, $100. Call Livonia 2598. HOME six rooms and bath, base- ment, oil furnace, two lots. Phone Livonia 3185. 2tp GRAVEL, top soil, sand, cinders, fill dirt, peat, etc. J. A. Hoag. Livonia 2109. 6-tfc CHAIN-LINk fence, steel posts installed. Free estimates. Cali Livonia 3427. 20-12tc CEMENT and cinder blocks avail-- able vail-able for immediate delivery. Sorenson & Doty. 36215 Joy Rd. Phone Ply 882 -WI. 24-tfe SAVE -U -TIME Automatic Gas Hot Water Heater, brand new. Easily installed yours-alf. Hot wa- ter at your fingertips. Under the ceiling price, $24.00. FOR SALE—We smoke our own ham, -bacon and sausage. Fresh killed poultry. Taylor's Super Market, 29150 Joy Road, one block east of Middiebelt' Road. 9-lfc 11, 12 and 14 GAUGE steel avail- able for truck and trailer floors; also welding and cutting. Coon and Bakewell. 14665 Eckles Road. Phone Plymouth 846-Wll. 14-tfc STEEL SEPTIC tanks available now. 300, 400 and 500 gal, ca- pacity. Coon and Bakewell. Phone Plymouth 846 -Wil. 14665 Eckles Rd. 14-tfc A. B. GAS RANGE. Porcelain finish, 4 surface burners, pilot light and fold up burner cover. Large baking oven with accurate control. Separate broiling oven. A real bargain at $20.00. BREAKFAST room table and 4 chairs. Solid oak 'pre-war qual- ity. Table has two built-in exten- sion leaves. Finished white. Price $35.00. 220,N. Wing Street, North- ville. Phone 842-W. TWO PIECE living room with covers $50.00, one . burner kerosene $5.00, two wheel trailer $35.00, occasional chair and table. 30060 Five Mile Road. Phone Liv- onia 2029. lte Miscellaneous RESIDENTIAL plans drawn to suit your lot. R. Anderson, 29805 Greenland. Phone Livonia 2518: 51-tfc NOW available in your com- munity, hourly nursing by a registered nurse. Private nursing by registered practical nurse. Phone Livonia 2461 or Livonia 9268. 24-4tp for Lumber Roofing and all Building Materials, Coal for all types of heating plants Plymouth Lumber & Coal Company 308 N. Main St., at P. M. Tracks Phone 102, Plymouth, Mich. FOR floor sanding, finishing and linoleum, call Eger and Jack- son Co Plymouth 1552 28-tfe CURTAINS made to order, all ,handwork, any style, color, or size. Material available, reason - ,able. Phone Livonia 3383. 26-tfe CONCRETE mixers for rent by day or week. We deliver and pick up. Just call Livonia 2496. 24-8tp POULTRY WANTED -- We pay the highest prices for poultry. Taylor Super Market, 29150 Joy Road. Phone Livonia 9207. tfe SEPTIC tanks cleaned, sold and installed. Immediate service. Reasonable prices. L. Mallard, corner of Plymouth and Inkster Roads. Phone Livonia 3233._ tfc PAINTING and decorating. Free estimates. T. H. Pauline. 15486 Surrey Rd. Phone Livonia 2473. 14-tfc WANTE PAINTING and decorating, inter- ior and exterior, Livonia 2428 for estimates, Mr. White. ltp NOW IS the time to rid your lawn of weeds, spray them away with SCOTT'S 4-X, easy, economical and effective. Let us explain a fall treatment for lawns. Plymouth Nursery, Ann Arbor Road opposite the Triangle Air - ,,,)ort. Phone Plymouth 33. 3te RADIOS to service -all work guaranteed. 34424 Ann Arbor Trail east of Wayne Road. 4tp Six Livonia Women Service Red Cross Civilian Blood Bank (Continued from Page One) :pitals .call upon Red Cross for Emergency blood, aitho the com- munity blood bank is young, lives have been saved because Red Cross has had available blood. When blood is needed there isn't time to ;call up friends, test for type, blood must •be available typed and ready for treating F_ hemorrahages shocks, burns, ac- cidents in hemophilia, in acute and chronic ;anemia, and after childbirth. J. W. Selle and Son BODY SHOP EXPERT COLLISION WORK Phone 177 744 Wing St. Plymouth Wednesday, September 4. 19+6 Insure your own future and of your family and join the iSa-ve A Neighbors Life Program, call for an appointment Cadillac 3900, or just drop in when you are down town at Red Cross building 153 E. Elizabeth and leave a pint of blood at the blood bank. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday- 2 p.m. to 7 ;p.m. Thursday and Friday 10 aim. to 3 p.m. L. BLAKE JEWELER Opposite Post Office Northville. Mich, The Best Place to Buy AIT—it is now time to order your Christmas cards for if you want personalized cards one should: order EARLY. !in !7 c oil r i lee;, s %x f imm, S h o la 31517 Plymouth Road Livonia 3251 Rosedale Gardens "The gift to z;iecs•z conies fro^.n 'Marie's': For Smou-n-th Saililift14 Mufflers & Tail Pipes Complete Ignition & Brake Service " Southwindl ' Gasoline Heaters Available Now For Next Winter Rabiolusumb^ulf Servicte Phone Livonia 9202 Corner Merriman and Plymouth Roads (If a toll call phone collect)